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Determination of the angle of convergence


Knowledge of the projections is necessary for the proper determination of the angle of convergence of the meridians (s) for laying the position on the map. In defining s to calculate the great circle travel angles for Conformal Conic projection, the expression

s = (l1 — l2)sin javer,


where: javer - the average width between the intersecting parallels, which are taken as the basis for constructing the maps for a given area;

s = 0,

s = l1 — l2



1. Units of measurement scales:

2. length of arc on the equator in the 1 ° = 111,196 km » 111,2 km

1 = 185326m » 1,853 km

1 "= 30.9 m

3. Given track angle (GTA) is the angle made between the northern direction of the meridian taken as the reference point and the line of the given path. It is measured from the prime meridian northerly direction to the direction of the intended track in a clockwise direction from 0 to 360°.

4. Loxodromic Line on the surface of the globe, crossing the meridian at a constant angle.

5. Loxodromic track angle (ZIPU) for each leg is measured directly on the map protractor regarding the central meridian of the site

6. Orthodrome is called the arc of a great circle is the line of intersection of the surface of the sphere (approximating the Earth's surface) plane passing through its center. which is the shortest distance between two points on the surface of the globe. Orthodromy crosses the meridian at different angles.

Лекция 1.3

Тема 1. Картографическое обеспечение полетов.


Всего - 18 часов , Лекции - 6 часов, П/З - 6 часов, СР - 6 часов.

Аэронавигационные карты ICAO.


В результате изучения учебного материала данной темы курсанты должны:


- классификацию карт ІСАО, виды карт;

- назначение, содержание, масштаб и точность разных типов карт ICAO;



- определять необходимый тип карты ICAO в зависимости от поставленной конкретной задачи

- использовать карты ICAO

- определять масштаб карты.

План лекции


1. Типы аэронавигационных карт ІСАО.Общие требования к публикуемой информации на картах ИКАО.

Изучить самостоятельно и законспектировать ответы на вопросы 1- 19:

2. Назначение, содержание, формат, масштаб и точность информации на картах ICAO|?




При подготовке и выполнении любого полета экипаж должен четко знать:

1. Какая информация необходима для подготовки к выполнению данного полетного задания?

2. Где и в каком виде опубликована необходимая аэронавигационная информация?

3. Какова точность и надежность этой информации?


Lecture 1.3

Topic 1. Cartographic flight support.

Total - 18 hours. Lectures - 6 h, Practical work - 6 h, Independent work - 6 h


Aeronautical Charts ICAO.


A study of the educational material of the subject, students will:


- Classification of the ICAO charts, types of cards;

- The appointment, content, scope and accuracy of the different types of cards ICAO;


be able to:

- Determine the type of card ICAO depending on a particular task

- Use the chart ICAO

- Determine the scale of the map.


Plan of the lecture


1. Type the ICAO aeronautical charts. General requirements for the information published by ICAO chart.

Explore on their own and take notes on the answers to questions 1 - 19:

2. Purpose, content, format, scale and accuracy of information on maps ICAO?





In preparing and implementing any flight crew must clearly know:

1. What information is needed to prepare for the implementation of this flight mission?

2. Where and in what form was published the necessary aeronautical information?

3. What is the accuracy and reliability of this information?

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