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В целях выработки беглости речи полезно запомнить следующие словосочетания


ГДЕ?НА столе ON

On the table, on the floor, on the sofa, on the chair, on the win­dow-sill, on the ground, on the grass, on the roof, on the bridge, on the plat­form, on the shelf, on the cupboard, on the bench, on the snow, on the ice, on the wall, on the blackboard, on the table, on the floor, on the sofa, on the chair, on the window-sill, on the ground, on the grass, on the roof, on the bridge, on the plat­form, on the shelf, on the cupboard, on the bench, on the snow, on the ice, on the wall, on the blackboard.



On the table, on the floor, on the sofa, on the chair, on the win­dow-sill, on the ground, on the grass, on the roof, on the bridge, on the plat­form, on the shelf, on the cupboard, on the bench, on the snow, on the ice, on the wall, on the blackboard, on the table, on the floor, on the sofa, on the chair, on the window-sill, on the ground, on the grass, on the roof, on the bridge, on the plat­form, on the shelf, on the cupboard, on the bench, on the snow, on the ice, on the wall, on the blackboard.


ГДЕ?В комнате IN

КУДА? В комнату INTO

In the room, in the kitchen, in the house, in the car, in the box, in the cupboard, in the bag, in the pocket, in the hall, in the plate, in the cup, in the glass, in the bottle, in the snow, in the water, in the river, in the lake, in the sea, in the wood, in the park, in the gar­den, in the yard, in the classroom.

Into the room, into the kitchen, into the house, into the car, into the box, into the cupboard, into the bag, into the pocket, into the hall, into the plate, into the cup, into the glass, into the bottle, into the snow, into the water, into the river, into the lake, into the sea, into the wood, into the park, into the garden, into the yard, into the classroom.

Запомните также следующие словосочетания
У стены AT К стене ТО
At the wall, at the door, at the window, at the blackboard, at the map, at the book­case, at the tree, at the river. То the wall, to the door, to the window, to the blackboard, to the map, to the book­case, to the tree, to the river.
И следующие словосочетания
ЗА столом — AT the table ЗА партой — AT the desk ЗА стол — AT the table ЗА парту — AT the desk

Запомните следующие словосочетания:


At the theatre, at the cinema, at the muse­um, at the swimming-pool, at the library, at the shop, at the insti­tute, at the port, at the railway-station, at the concert, at the exhibi­tion, at the stadium, at the stop, at the facto­ry, at work1, at school1, at the lesson.


To the theatre, to the cinema, to the muse­um, to the swimming-pool, to the library, to the shop, to the insti­tute, to the port, to the railway-station, to the concert, to the exhibi­tion, to the stadium, to the stop, to the facto­ry, to work1, to school1, to the lesson.


Обратите внимание на разницу в значении в за­висимости от употребления предлогов toи intoсо словами wood, park, garden, yard, etc.

Пошел, ходил в лес, парк и т. д. went TO(преодолел какое-то расстояние прежде, чем дошел)

вошел в парк, лес и т.д. went INTO(был рядом и вошел внутрь)


Запомните следующие застывшие словосочета­ния
в постели — in bed1 в городе — in town1 за городом — in the country в постель — to bed1 в город — to town1 за город -to the country


Запомните следующие застывшие словосочета­ния


на севере —in the north на юге —in the south

на востоке —in the east на западе -in the west


на север —to the north на юг -to the south

на восток -to the east на запад -to the west


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