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Sources of English Law

English law stems from seven main sources, though these vary a great deal in importance. The basis of English law today is ___ (a mass of judgemade decisions). Another form of law is a statute, or an ___. Before the Norman ___, different areas of England were governed by different systems of law, often ___ from those of the various invaders who ___ there; roughly speaking, Dane law applied in the north, Mercian law around the midlands, and Wessex law ___ and west. Each was based largely on local custom. The king had little control over the country as a whole, and there was no ___ central government. When William the Conqueror gained the English throne in 1066, he established a strong central government and began, among other things, check ___ and were given the job of adjudicating the local disputes, according to local law. When these « itinerant justices» returned to Westminster, they were able to discuss the various customs of ___ of the country.

Exercise 4. Work in pairs and discuss the following questions:

1. What Kings of rights were protected by main English constitutional document?

2. When did Britain joint the European Community? How did it reflect on British law?

Exercise 5. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Право в Великобритании относится к англо-саксонской системе.

2. В настоящее время основа английского права – прецедентное право.

3. Отличительной характеристикой Британской Конституции является отсутствие какого-либо единого документа, который можно было бы назвать основным законом страны.

4. Выделяют несколько составляющих Конституции: статусное право, общее право, конституционные соглашения.

5. В праве Великобритании отсутствует различия между «конституционным» и «текущим» законом.

6. Общий порядок принятия и изменений законов определяет «гибкий» характер основного закона.

7. Гибкость Британской Конституции объясняет, почему она так полно развилась.

8. Модификация Британской Конституции осуществляется без прохождения сложной процедуры изменения или дополнения.

9. С тех пор как Британия присоединилась к Европейскому сообществу в 1973 году, ее конституционные и правовые документы приближаются к европейским.

10. Конституция Великобритании является единой для Соединенного Королевства Англии, Уэльса, Шотландии и Северной Ирландии.



Exercise 1: Before reading the text explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations:

to keep law and order, to govern, a separate police force, a politician, to patrol airports, trained police officers, to be armed, a magistrate, intensive training


The British Police

The British police officer – sometimes called the «bobby» after Sir Robert Peel, the founder of the police force – is a well-known figure to anyone who has visited Britain or who has seen British films. Policemen are to be seen in towns and cities keeping law and order, either walking in the streets («pounding the beat») or driving in cars (know as «panda car» because of their distinctive markings). Few people realize, however, that the police in Britain are organized very differently from many other countries.

Most countries, for example, have a national police force which is controlled by central government. Britain has no national police force, although police policy is governed by the central government's Home Office. Instead, there is a separate police force for each of 52 areas into which the county councilors and magistrates.

The force co-operates with each other, but it is unusual for members of one force to operate in another's area unless they are asked to give assistance. This sometimes happens when there has been a very serious crime. A Chief Constable (the most senior police officer of a force) may sometimes ask for the assistance of London's police force, based at New Scotland Yard – known simply as «the Yard».

In most countries the police carry guns. The British police generally do not carry firearms, except in Northern Ireland. Only a few police are regularly armed – for instance, those who guard politicians and diplomats or who patrol airports. In certain circumstances specially trained police officers can be armed, but only with the signed permission of a magistrate.

All members of the police must have gained a certain level of academic qualifications at school and undergone a period of intensive training. Like the army, there are a number of ranks: after the Chief Constable comes the Assistant Chief Constable, Chief Superintendent, Chief Inspector, Inspector, Sergeant and Constable. Women make up about 10 per cent of the police force.

Each police force has its own Criminal Investigation Department (CID). Members of CIDs are detectives, and they do not wear uniforms.

The duties of the police are varied, ranging from assisting at accidents to safeguarding public order and dealing with lost property. One of their main functions is, of course, apprehending criminals and would-be criminals.


New words:

- police authority – полицейская власть;

- county councilors – члены совета графства;

- to operate – действовать;

- to guard – защищать, охранять;

- permission – разрешение.

- Criminal Investigation Department (CID) отдел по уголовным расследованиям;

- traffic wardens – дорожные полицейские патрули;

- to obey – подчиняться;

- offence – правонарушение;

- Home Office – Министерство внутренних дел.


Questions to the text:

1. Who was the founder of the British police?

2. How is the British police organized? Is it different from many other countries?

3. When do the police forces co-operate with each other?

4. In what situations can the policeman carry arms?

5. What qualifications must the police have gained?

6. What are the ranks of the British policeman?

7. What do you know about British detectives?

8. What are the duties of traffic wardens?

9. What is a main function of British policemen?

10. What is Scotland Yard and what does it do?



Exercise 2: Translate into Russian:

1. In Britain different areas have different separate police forces.

2. The top man in each police force is the Chief Constable, who is appointed by the local Watch Committee.

3. The Watch Committee can dismiss him if the central government agrees.

4. In special cases, when the work of policemen becomes dangerous, they can be given firearms.

5. New Scotland Yard, known simply as «the Yard» is the headquarters of the London police force.

6. The London police also helps all over England and Wales with difficult crimes.

7. The basic mission for which the police exists is to prevent crime and disorder.

8. The ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon public approval of police action.

9. Police use physical force to the extent necessary to secure observance of the law or to restore order.

10. Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public.

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with words given below, translate the text into Russian: local government, greater, responsibility, gain, provides, registration, headquarters, employees.


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