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Questions to the text

1. What is the highest judicial organ of the US?

2. What words are written above the main entrance of the Supreme Court Building?

3. How many members does the Supreme Court consist of?

4. Whom are they appointed and approved by?

5. Does the Supreme Court have the right to declare unconstitutional any law? what is the right of veto used for?

6. How many judicial circuits is the USA divided into?

7. How many district court are there in the USA?

8. What are the lowest courts in the USA Federal System?

9. How is the judiciary divided?

Excises 2. Translate into Russian:

1. A decision of the Supreme Court cannot be appealed to any other court.

2. Neither the President nor Congress can change the Supreme Court’s decisions.

3. In addition to the Supreme Court, Congress has established 11 federal courts of appeal and, below them, 91 federal district courts.

4. The Supreme Court direct jurisdiction in only two kinds of cases: those involving foreign diplomats and those in which state is a party.

5. The district court is the only Federal court where trials are held, juries are used, and witnesses are called.

6. The Customs court deals with all the cases arising at the customs where goods enter the country.

7. The Customs court was established in 1890 and located in New York were most of its business is conducted.

8. The court of Customs and Patent Appeals hears appeals from decisions of the Customs Court and the Patent office.

9. Its judgments of government, in addition to the legislative (Congress) and executive (President) branches, is the federal judiciary.


Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with words given bellow, translate the text into Russian:department, the president’s authority, law enforcement, appointed, the advice, appointees, US attorney, vary, litigation, discretion.

US Attorneys

The Justice _____ is responsible for faithful execution of the laws the ______ ____. The main administrators of federal ___ _____ are the ninety-four US attorneys, ____ by the president with the_____ and consent of the Senate. Unlike federal judge, these ____ serve at the pleasure of the president. There is a ____ in each federal judicial district. Their staffs of assistant attorneys _____ in size with amount of ___ in district.

Exercise 4. Work in pairs and discuss the following questions:

1. Find some similarities and differences between the US judicial system and the court system of the U.K?

2. What can you tell about the judicial system in Russia?


Exercise 5. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Судьи Верховного суда в США назначаются президентом с одобрения сената и служат пожизненно.

2. Присяжные используются в наиболее важных делах.

3. Третьей ветвью власти в США является судебная, в дополнение к законодательной (Конгресс) и исполнительной (Президент).

4. Большинство гражданских дел в штате рассматриваются судами магистрата.

5. Существующие системы судов штатов возглавляются Верховными судами штатов.

6. Суды штатов организованы подобно федеральным судам.

7. Верховный суд имеет права провозгласить законы и действия местных, федеральных органов и органов власти штата неконституционными.

8. Дела, просмотренные в районном суде, могут быть обжалованы в одном из 11 судов по апелляциям или в Верховном суде.

9. Решение Верховного Суда не может быть обжаловано ни в каком суде.

10. Ни Президент, ни Конгресс не имеют права изменить решение Верховного Суда.


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