Граматика Герундій (the gerund) — це форма дієслова із закінченням -ing, що має властивості дієслова й іменника: asking, understanding. В українській мові подібна форма відсутня. З чотирьох існуючих форм герундія ми розглядаємо лише просту: Reading is my favourite occupation. He is fond of skating. За формою герундій збігається з дієприкметником теперішнього часу (the present participle) і віддієслівним іменником (the verbal noun). PART 1 Вправа 1 Дайте відповіді на питання: 1. What does the system of secondary education in Ukraine include? 2. At what age do children go to school? 3. What is the system of higher education presented by? 4. Whom do the institutes train? 5. Do we have private educational establishments in Ukraine? Вправа 2 Прочитайте текст. Знайдіть у тексті герундій.
In Ukraine, all citizens are guaranteed an equal opportunity to get free education. Nearly 22,300 general-educational schools, mainly state-run, operating in Ukraine. Approximately 7,000,000 pupils attending these schools. More than half of that pupils (57%) are educated in the Ukrainian language. Ukraine has 232 institutions of higher learning of 3d-4th level of accreditation and 778 institutions of high learning of the lst-2nd levels of accreditation. Above 888,5 and 645,000 students study at those institutions. New types of educational institutions, including private schools and colleges are being established. The system of higher education is presented by universities, polytechnic Institutes or specialized institutes. Universities offer a five-year course of study and usually have from six to twelve departments. Institutes train specialists for industry, agriculture and economy. Most of them have been conferred the status of Academy or University recently. Students are also offered postgraduate education and scientific research work. Nowadays due to the state of our national economy not many young people are engaged in the research Work. But still in some fields of science there are outstanding discoveries and research papers. Some universities and institutes have refresher courses. Recently a great number of private educational establishments have appeared. Some institutions have fee-paying groups or departments. The students may get education there at the same high level as in the state institutions.
Вправа 3 Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. Складіть 5 типів питальних речень до виділених речень. The national technical university of Ukraine is the "Kiev polytechnic institute" Date of establishment is 31.08.1898 Actively developing, the Kiev polytechnic institute became the base of expansion and strengthening of Kiev higher institutes network. Today the Kiev polytechnic institute is the higher educational establishment of Ukraine. Taking to consideration the large organizational role of the Kiev polytechnic institute in the engineering and scientific personnel training, by Decree of President of Ukraine №289/95 the 8-th of April, in 1995 "About the Kiev polytechnic institute" the status of the National technical university of Ukraine is given to it.
PART 2 Вправа 4 Прочитайте текст. Складіть діалог на основі тексту за поданими ситуаціями: 1. Ви навчаєтесь у ОНПУ. Ваш товариш хоче продовжити освіту і розпитує вас про ваше навчання 2. Викладача з ОНПУ запросили до вас на класну годину. Розпитайте його про цей навчальний заклад якомога детальніше. Odessa national polytechnic university Odessa national polytechnic university is one of the oldest technical educational institutions in I Jkriaine. Today the university is the biggest centre of scientific and engineering training of the Southern Ukraine. Odessa national polytechnic university is adopted to International university association and it is a member of European university association. The university was founded on the 18th of September in 1918. The pedagogical staff included 50 teachers. About 250students studied at the university in those years. Now there are 1 0000 students in the university; among them more than 400 are foreigners. Training of specialists is conducted according to three educational qualification levels: Bachelor - Specialist - Master. University owns a powerful science- experimental base, where modern scientific researches are carried out. It allows doing considerable contribution to home and world scientific technical achievements. The structure of the university includes 7 institutes. They are: - machinebuilding; - industrial technologies, design and management; - energetic; - radio electronics and telecommunications; - computer systems; business, economics and informational technologies; - electro mechanics and energy management; There are 4 faculties - chemical - technological; - humanistic; - German technical; - Training for foreigners. Kherson polytechnic college entered the structure of ONPU in 2004 year. We are proud to be in structure of such university. Вправа 5 Дайте відповіді на питання: 1. When was university established? 2. How is training of specialist conducted? 3. What helps ONPU to do considerable contributions to the world science? 4. What is the structure of the university 5. What are the faculties of ONPU? 6. When did Kherson polytechnic college enter the structure of ONPU?
Вправа 6 Перекладіть подані нижче слова та вирази: Політехнікум, організаційна роль, перспективна робота, співпрацювати, кваліфіковані викладачі, старші курси, дослідження, світовий стандарт.
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