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Emails 2: Replying lo emails

1 1 Greeting: Hi]an

2 Polite beginning: Thanks for your email and the attached report.

3 Information/Action point: I'll read it over the weekend and call you on Monday.

4 Close: Enjoy the weekend.


2 1 d 2 a 3 b 4 c

3 Possible answers Dear Sam

Here is another copy of the report I sent last week-Best wishes Frank

Dear Adrian

Klara has told me that you have kindly passed on a possible

new customer for me, John liters. I am very' grateful and will

contact John soon.

Kind regards


18 Slow food Restaurant talk 1 1i 2b 3d

4f 5e 6h 7j 8a 9g 10 c

Listen tothis A great place toeat

1 1 was established in Italy in 1986

2 became international in 1989

3 is against intensive farming

4 prefers Ibod which is local and simple

5 wants to see good service in restaurants

2 1 The movement was started after [In-opening of a

McDonald's reslauranl in Rome, Italy.

2 Wendy thinks that intensive farming is bad for animals. bad for the taste of meat, and maybe bad for our health.

3 From local producers

4 Slow means good - good food and good service.

The words you need ... tor eating and drinking

1 1 dish 2 plate 3 starter 4 dessert 5 cuisine

2 1 meat 2 seafood 3 fish 4 vegetables 5 fruit

6 drinks

19 Living in Hong Kong

Listen tothis Chinese culture

1 IF 2T 3T 4F

2 I An older and more traditional Hong Kong and a younger,

more westernised Hong Kong

2 Because modern houses and flats are so small

3 Ten or 15 per cent, or more if you're very happy with the service

4 Because people sometimes get into the train before other people have the chance to gel out

Check your grammarShould and have lo lb2d 3 c 4a

Do it yourself

1 l You don't have to use surnames with the younger generation in Hong Kong.


2 You shouldn't disagree with your boss in a meeting.

3 Should I dress formally for the meeting? / Do I have to dress formally for the meeting?

4 He shouldn't smoke in here. People are trying to eat.

1 have to 2 don't have lo 3 should 4 has lo

5 shouldn't

lb 2f 3d 4a 5 c 6c

Sounds good

Word stress

3 traditional 7 modern
4 money 8 per cent
2 dynamic 6 important

2 1 fantastic 5 fashionable

20 Online

Read on

Computer heaven or hell?

1 lD 2 B 3 A 4 c:

2 1 Over 50.


2 They hate shopping in real shops and it's easy to use.

3 Schoolwork. chatting to friends and learning Spanish.

4 Over 12 hours,

The words you need ,.. lo talk about computers and the Internet

3 saved 4 print 5 resend

1 1log on 2created IC 2 a 3b

2 1 connect 2 online

3 intninel 4 surf 5 virus 6 chat

Telephoning 3: Arranging meetings

1 Philippe - Friday - 14.00 Frank - Monday - 13.00 Petra - Tuesday - 10.00

2 Is it possible to have a meeting? When are you free?

See you next week.

I'm calling to fix a meeting.

I'm sorry, I can't.

See you on Tuesday at 10.

21 Beirut Intercontinental

Enjoy your stay

6i 7j 8d 9 c 10 a

1 lg 2h 3e 4f 5b

Listen tothis

It's a great place to stay

1 Hotel 3

2 IF 2F 3T 4 I

The words you need ... lor staying in hotels

1 1 key 2 cancel 3 recommend 4 double room 5 towels 6 change 7 corridor 8 connect

2lb 2a 3e 4d 5c

22 Working for Rolls Royce

Listen lo this

Work is like a second home

1 Number of employees: 4 Meetings per week: 2-3 Working hours per week: 35 Holiday weeks per year: 6

Answer key

24 I buy money Money talk 1 li 2d 3e

2 1 She makes herself a big cup of coffee.

2 75-80% of her rime

3 She has six weeks' holiday, but no oilier benefits.

4 She likes working for a British company; she speaks English a lot; she feels part of a team,

Check your grammar

Many, much, a tew, a little

1 a few 2 much 3 many 4 a little

Do it yourself

1 1 I don't give many presentations in my job.

2 Do you want a little milk with your coffee?

3 How much information do you have about our new product?

4 I'm sorry but 1 need a Uttte more time lo write this report,


2 1 many 2 much 3 many 4 much 5 many 6 many 7 much 8 many

3 la lot of/ a few 2 much / a lot of 3 a little 4 a few 5 many

Sounds good

Saying numbers and prices


100 101 i.ooo 2.001 10.550 500.000 1.000.000 Prices 50p £4.99 F.2S0 €150.000 El 50m S0.99 S4.95 S2.5O0 S2.5m


a bundled or one hundred

a hundred and one W one hundred and one

a thousand or one thousand

two thousand and one

ten thousand five hundred and fifty

five hundred thousand

a million or one million

a billion or one billion

fifty p

four pounds ninety-nine p or four pounds


two hundred and fifty pounds

a hundred and fifty thousand euros or one

hundred and fifty thousand euros

a hundred and fifty million pounds or one

hundred and fifty million pounds

ninety-nine cents

four dollars ninety-five cents or (bur dollars


two thousand five hundred dollars

two point five million dollars or two and a

half million dollars

23 Start up

Read on

Managing a small business

1 ID 2E 3 B 4A 5C

2 1 Four years ago


2 A member of their family lent them the money.

3 Fresh fruit and vegetables

4 Profits doubled (they increased by 100%).

5 Because they can make more money this way: the margins are higher

The words you need ... to talk about money andbusiness finance

5 budget Spay

1 1 turnover 2 profit 3 costs 4 margin

2 1 make 2 borrow 3 increase 4 invest

Helping visitors

1 1 b 2 c 3d 4 a

2 Follow me.

Do you want to borrow some money? Would you like to use a computer here? 1 can show you on the map if you want.

4g 5c 6j 7a 8h 9f 10b

Listen lo this

Hey, big spender

lib 2c 3a

2 1 On Saturday mornings

2 For holidays

3 Old coins

4 No. He spends without thinking.

5 Belgian chocolate

6 Almost every month

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