ИЛЛЮСТРИРОВАННЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ- СПРАВОЧНИК МОСКВА • АРХИТЕКТУРА-С • 2004 SUMMARY Of all arts bom by innovative XX century DESIGN is at once the most widespread, most modest and most unexpected. Its principles, its products and its spirit manoged to combine everyone's striving for beauty of spaces and objects around us with enormous possibilities of industry and contemporary requirements. That is the reason of constant interest for any publications on design. Contemporary publications on this subject are numerous and attractive, but rather one-sided: mostly it comes in a form of simple combination of beautiful pictures, biographies and advertisements that can not satisfy any reader with more thorough or professional interests. By contrast such special literature as textbooks and research works is aimed on very specific goals and mostly boring for average reader. Much more, usually it is dedicated to some particular aspects of such complicated phenomenon as design and does not show it in contemporary cultural context. Our book, The Design Dictionary', is an attempt to combine advantages of different approaches to this subject: descriptive one — for average reader, thorough one — for specialists, and generalizing one revealing the human sense of new art and its place in our civilization — for any cultural reader. This approach was a deliberate choice of the authors - teachers of Moscow Architectural institute working on 'Design of Architectural Environment' chair that prepares new generation of specialists combining (for the first time) skills and knowledge of two branches of design art required nowadays, architecture and industrial design. Much more — it is an approach we actually use in our everyday work with students. This approach brought on a very special form of exposition: this dictionary combines fundamental, philosophic reflections on the basic problems of contemporary design activity with a lot of short informational articles on particular aspects and terms of designer's work. That concept determined an unusual structure of this 'Dictionary'. It is divided into four separate parts. First, 'Basic principles', is dedicated to problems and principal categories of the design as a whole. Second, 'Branches of design', reveals the diversity of possible fields of design activity. Third is dedicated to 'Methods and specific character of contemporary design process',and finally the forth/Masters and theorists of design',describes individual masters and thus shows the reader a whole creative palette of our profession. Each part begins with detailed review of contemporary state of events in that field and ends with the number of terms and informational articles. Taken together all this creates a full picture of contemporary design activity. During the work on the 'Dictionary' authors discovered that, perhaps understandably, a lot of relative facts and problems were not included in this research. Much more, the progress of design itself requires further work on the subject That is why the authors hope that our readers will actively react on this 'Dictionary' and help to prepare further, extended editions of this publication. ИЛЛЮСТРИРОВАННЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ- СПРАВОЧНИК Допущеноно Учебно-методическим объединением по специальности «Дизайн архитектурной среды» в качестве учебного пособия для студентов архитектурных и дизайнерских специальностей МОСКОВСКИЙ АРХИТЕКТУРНЫЙ ИНСТИТУТ /ГОСУДАРСТВЕННАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ/ КАФЕДРА «ДИЗАЙН АРХИТЕКТУРНОЙ СРЕДЫ» МОСКВА • АРХИТЕКТУРА-С • 2004 ©2015 arhivinfo.ru Все права принадлежат авторам размещенных материалов.