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Морфологічні та синтаксичні домінанти, що розрізняють структурний тип сучасної англійської та української мов

The morphological systems of the English and Ukrainian languages are characterised by a considerable number of isomorphic as well as of several allomorphic features. The isomorphic features are due to the common Indo-European origin of the two languages, while allomorphisms have been acquired by English and Ukrainian in the course of their historical development and functioning as independent national languages.

The main typological constantsthat make the object of contrasting at the morphological level of English and Ukrainian, and not only of these but also of many other languages, are three. These are 1) the morpheme; 2) the parts of speech; 3) their morphological categories.

The principal typological constant of the morphological level is, of course, the morpheme which is endowed in both contrasted languages with some minimal meaning. As to its structure, the morpheme may be a) simple (one-phoneme): a-, -s, -t(alike, says, burnt) in English and - a, -u, -у, з-, c-, etc. in Ukrainian (весна, хати, беру, з'їсти, сховати) or b) compound (-ment, -hood, -ward, -ство, -ський, -цький)as in man agement, brotherhood, seaward,суспільство, сільський, ткацький.The complexity of its nature, structure and meaning makes the morpheme one of the main objects of contrastive study at the morphological level. Moreover, the morpheme in English and Ukrainian has some peculiar fea tures, which are characteristic of each of these contrasted languages.

A successful typological contrasting of syntactic systems of the English and Ukrainian languages becomes possible due to the existence in them of several isomorphic and allomorphic features and phenomena. The principal of these are predetermined, as will be shown in this section, by several factors, the main of which are the following: 1) by common in both languages classes of syntactic units which are word-groups, sentences and various types of supersyntactic units; 2) by generally common paradigmatic classes and types of these syntactic units; 3) by isomorphic and allomorphic types and means of syntactic connection in them; 4) by mostly isomorphic syntactic processes taking place in their word-groups and sentences; 5) by identical syntactic relations in word-groups and sentences of both contrasted languages; 6) by common functions performed by different parts of speech in word-groups and sentences.

The allomorphic features and phenomena at the syntactic level find their expression in the following: 1) in the existence of various qualitative and quantitative differences in some paradigmatic classes of wordgroups and sentences; 2) in some types of word-groups; 3) in the unequal representation of different means of syntactic connection; 4) in the existence of different ways of expressing predication; 5) in the difference in the structural forms of some English parts of the sentence; 6) in the means of joining some subordinate clauses to the main/principal clause, etc. All these features characterise respectively the syntactic constants of the syntactic level, i. e. the syntactic processes, the syntactic relations, the syntactic connections in word-groups and sentences being sem-selves constants of this language level.


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