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Морфема як типологічна константа у порівнюваних мовах. Якісне та кількісне співвідношення афіксальних морфем в англійській та українській мовах.

The morpheme is a minimal meaningful unit and it can be in the contrasted languages either free or bound. Free or root morphemes are lexically and functionally not dependent on other morphemes. They may be regular words (cf. boy, day, he, four, день, кінь, річ, він, три) or they may constitute the lexical core of a word. Eg.: boyhood, daily, fourth, денна, нічний, тричі, etc. In other words, root morphemes in English, Ukrainian and other languages are not dependent on other morphemes in a word. Bound morphemes,on the other hand, can not function independently: they are bound to the root or to the stem consisting of the root morpheme and of one or more affixal morphemes. Cf.: days, spoken, fourteen, overcome, government, дивно, розумом, дні, нашим), etc. Bound morphemes like -s, -en, - teen, over-, -ment, -о, -ом, -і, ~им in either of the two languages can not exist independently, i.e. they are not free but always dependent on roots or stems of their words.

Root morphemes.Due to its historical development, English has also a much larger number of morphologically unmarked words, i.e. regular root morphemes, than Ukrainian. Consequently, the number of inflexions expressing the morphological categories is much smaller in English than in Ukrainian. Moreover, a lot of notionals in English lack even the affixes which can identify their lexico-morphological nature. Free root-morphemed words, though fewer in Ukrainian, are still represented in all lexico-morphological classes as nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. of both contrasted languages. Cf. arm, pen, boy, work, do, red, he, she, it, five, this, ten, here, far, etc. Similarly in Ukrainian: ніс, лоб, чуб, ти, варт, хто, три, тут, де, він, etc. Free root morphemes in English and Ukrainian can also be functionals: but, till, on, not, through, just (a moment), мов, геть так, певне, може, ох, дзень, гав, не, ні, від, на, під, etc. Root morphemes in English can often form part of the stem, which is especially characteristic of present-day Ukrainian, for example: workers, friendliness, concerning, beautiful; робітництво, безмежність, переодягнутися, переробивши, тепленько,теплесенько, etc.

Affixal morphemesin the contrasted languages split into a) Derivational morphemes which are in English and Ukrainian mainly suffixesand sometimes also prefixes. The number of suffixes in the contrastedlanguages considerably exceeds the number of prefixes. So is,naturally, the significance of the former as word-forming means, thelatter (prefixes) performing only in a few cases a word-building functionin Ukrainian. The number of suffixes in English does not exceed100, there being 60 noun-forming, 26 adjective-forming, 5 verbformingand 3 adverb-forming suffixes [13, 159 160]. Among thenoun-indicating/form-ing suffixes in English are -асу, -ance, -ion, -dom, -er, -ess, -hood, -ics, -ism, -ity, -ment, -ness, -ship, -tyand others. Cf. democracy, alliance, delegation, freedom,writer, falsehood,politics, feudalism, government, management, fitness, likeness, penmanship, friendship, loyalty, etc. The adjective-indicating suffixes are: -able, -al, -ial, -fold, -ful, -ic, -ile, -ish, -less, -ous, -some, -ward, -yand some others. Cf. capable, formal, presidential, manifold,grateful, laconic, futile, selfish, meaningless, dangerous, tiresome, eastward,happy, silly, etc.The verb-indicating suffixes are -ate, -en, -esce, -ify, -ise.Cf. negotiate, facilitate, blacken, shorten, acquiesce, beautify, purify, demobilise, organise. The adverb-indicating suffixes are -ly, -wards, -ward, -ways:quickly, slowly, southward/southwards, sideways, etc.Ukrainian word-forming suffixes are more numerous and alsomore diverse by their nature, there being special suffixes to identifydifferent genders of nouns that are practically missing in English.Thus, masculine gender suffixes of nouns in Ukrainian are: -ник, -івник, -їльник, -ч, -ік/-їк, -ець/-єць, -ар/-яр, -ир, -ист, -іст, -тель, -альand others. Eg.: медик, господарник рахівник, керма- нич, кравець, хімік, прозаїк, боєць, шахтар, муляр, бригадир, зби- рач, діяч, окуліст, вихователь, скрипаль, etc.Suffixes of feminine gender in Ukrainian usually follow the masculine gender suffix in the noun stem, the most frequent of the formerbeing -к/а/, -иц/я/, -ес/а/, -ух/а/, -ш/а/, -івн/а/,etc. Cf. виховат-ель-к-а, рад-ист-к-а, спів-ан-к-а, уч-ен-иц-я, ткач-их-а, поет-ес-а,

коваль-івн-а, морг-ух-а, директ-ор-ш-а, Семенів-на. The corresponding English suffixes (-or, -ess, -me, -rix, -ine,and -ette)identify the masculine and feminine sex and not the grammatical gender. Cf. actor, emperor, actress, poetess, directrix, emperatrix, heroine, suffragette.

English nouns with the so-called gender suffixes do not differ functionally from other nouns which have no such suffixes. Eg: The actor/actress sangand The bird sang.Ukrainian gender nouns, however, always require corresponding gender forms in attributes and predicates. Eg.: молодий артист співав. Гарна артистка співала. Ранкове небо сіріло. Малі пташки співали, чорний ворон сидів, сива ворона сиділа, сіре котеня нявкало. Ukrainian suffixes can form nouns of the feminine gender denoting non-human beings as animals, birds, insects, as well as some class nouns, abstract and collective nouns, for example: сніг-ур-к-а, переп- іл-к-а, цвірк-ун-к-а, паруб-от-а, рід-н-я, бор-н-я, біган-ин-а, бо-роть-6-а, сприт-ність, свіж-ин-а, балака-ни-на. Suffixes of the neuter gender are mostly used in Ukrainian to identify abstract and collective nouns and names of materials, babies, cubs, nurslings, as in the following nouns: жіно-цтв-о, учитель-ств-о, нероб-ств-о, бади-лл-я, заси-лл-я, збі-жж-я, кло-чч-я, смі-тт-я, горі-нн-я, велі-нн-я, терп-інн-я.

Apart from the afore-mentioned, there exist in Ukrainian large groups of evaluative diminutive and augmentative noun suffixes as in зір-оньк-а, сон-ечк-о, руч-ищ-е, голов-ешк-а, биц-юр-а, кабан-юр-а, etc. and patronimic suffixes like -енк-о, -ук, -чук, -ун, -щук, -ець, etc. (cf. Бондаренко, Головащук, Петрук, Поліщук, Чергинець, Литвинець, Лівшун, Мовчун).

The number of suffixes forming only diminutive nouns in Ukrainian is as many as 53, compared with 16 suffixes in English, only 4 of which are practically productive (cf. gooseling, girlie, booklet, daddy, granny). Neither is there identity in the formation of English and Ukrainian statives, the latter mostly having in Ukrainian the same form as adverbs or modal words (cf. прикро, душно, треба, краще, etc.). These groups of suffixes (as can be seen below) pertain to English as well, but they are much less represented. Nevertheless, despite the difference in the quantity and quality of suffixes, they perform in English and Ukrainian an isomorphic (either the word-forming or form-building) function.

Form-building suffixes in English and Ukrainian, when added to the root (or to the stem of a word), change the form of these words, adding some new shade to their lexical meaning. The suffixes may also change the lexical meaning of the stem, for example: Ann Anny, duck duckling, hill hillock, friend friendship. Kyiv Kyivans. London Londoner, four — fourteen — forty, etc. In Ukrainian: дитина дитинча, лошак лошачок. Харків - харкі- в'янин, плітка -пліточка, хід - ходанина - походеньки, швидко - швиденько, хутко хутенько.

Prefixes in the contrasted languages modify the lexical meaning of the word. They may sometimes change even the lexico-grammatical nature of the derivative word. Word-forming prefixes pertain mostly to the English language where they can form different parts of speech. For example, verbs: bedew, bemadam, embed, encamp, enable, denude, disable, endear. Adjectives: anti-war, non-party, pre-war, post-war. Statives: aboard, alike, asleep. Adverbs: today, tomorrow, together. Prepositions: below, behind. Conjunctions:because, unless, until.In Ukrainian only some conjunctions, prepositions and adverbs can be formed by means of prefixes, for example: вдень, вночі, по-нашому, no-новому, набік, вдруге, втретє, оскільки, внаслідок, вгору, знизу, щонайменше.Isomorphic is also the use of two (in English) and more (in Ukrainian) prefixes before the root/stem: misrepresentation, re-embankment. In Ukrainian three prefixes may be used to modify the lexical meaning of nouns, adjectives, past participles, and verbs, for example: недови- молот, недовиторг, перерозподіляти, недовимолочений, не/перерозподілений,недовиторгувати, перерозподілити, etc.

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