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According to site of attack




According to the period of parasitism in the host body.


Host – parasite interactions:

When the body is attacked by a parasite, one of 3 probable interactions take place:


The parasite kills its host.  
Parasite is killed by its host defence system.  
The host supports the parasite for a long time & is being harmed.  




Parasites get into the host through :

a- In animals 1- Swallowing food (Ascaris, typhoid) 2- The human skin (Bilharzia, Ankylostoma) 3- The respiratory tract (Viruses, bacteria). 4- The reproductive organs (Syphilis–Gonorrhea) b- In plants 1- Through natural openings (stomata of leaves) 2- Through any cut in the plant.


Viruses parasitize all kinds of living organisms including bacteria.

Bacteriophages are viruses that parasitize bacteria.

- As the organism becomes more developed, its chance to be parasitic decreases and vice versa.

Some organism that parasitize human causing diseases.


Name Classification Disease
1. Entamoeba histolytica Protozoa (Sarcodina) Amoebic dysentery
2. Plasmodium Protozoa (Sporozoa) Malaria
3. Trypanosoma Protozoa (Flagellata) Sleeping disease
4. Leishmania Protozoa Oriental sore
5. Liver flukes (fasciola) Flat worms (trematodes) Liver inflammation
6. Bilharzia worms Flat worms (trematodes) Bilharziasis
7. Tape worm Flat worms (cestodes) Anaemia
8. Ascaris Nemathelminths (round worm)   Anaemia
9. Ancylostoma Anaemia
10. Oxyuris Anaemia
11. Filaria Elephantiasis


G.R. Parasitism is less common in plants

Plants are autotrophic preparing carbohydrates through photosynthesis.


The following are parasitic plants that don't contain chlorophyll.

a.Orbanche à (host: Bean).

b. Cascuta à (host: Clover).

c.Mistle toe à (host: Pines)




Saprophytes secrete digestive enzymes to break complex food in dead bodies & absorb them.


Importance of saprophytes to the environment:




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