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IV-What organelles are abundant in the following cells?

1-The liver and muscle cells. ( ……………… )

2-The glandular cells. ( ……………… )

3-White blood cells. ( ……………… )

4-The green leaves. ( ……………… )

V-What is meant by:

1-Chromatin reticulum.


2-The gyncophoric groove.


3-The Magnification power.



VI-Compare between:

1-Vegetative and reproductive activities.



2-Chloroplasts and chromoplasts and leucoplasts.



3-Simple and compound (complex) tissues.



4-Xylem tissue and phloem tissue.




VII-llustrate with labeled diagrams the following:

1-Longitudinal section in the phloem.


2-Bone tissue.


3-Blood tissue.


4-The neuron (nerve cell)


5-Cardiac muscle fibers.



VIII-Give reasons for:

1-Pancreas is considered as mixed gland


2-The proper connective tissue has the ability to return back to its first state when exposed to pressure.


3-Bones are harder than cartilage.


4-Bone fractures heal fast.


5-Blood is considered as connective tissue.


6-The presence of dark bands in the striated muscles.


7-Smooth muscles are involuntary muscles.


8-The heart beats in a rhythmic way.


IX-Mention the function of the following:

The skeletal connective tissue.


X-Mention the type of muscular tissue in the walls of the following organs :

1-Urinary bladder. ( ………………)

2-Biceps (arm muscles) (……………… )

3-Trachea. ( ………………)

4-Heart. ( ………………)

5-Alimentary canal. (……………… )

Sheet 3

I-Fill in the blanks about nerve cells:

1-Each nerve cell has one …………… carrying nerve impulses away from the cell.

2-…………… is a fatty material which surrounds most axons of nerve cells.

3-The myelin sheath is absent at intervals along the axon. The breaks are the ……………

4-The axon is encased in a series of …………… cells which surround the axon and myelin sheath.





II-Choose a complement for the statements in column B:

A. Stages in mitosis B. Action taking place
1. Prophase ( ) a. Duplication of chromatin material.
2. Metaphase ( ) b. The nuclear membrane disappears.
3. Anaphase ( ) c. The chromosomes line in the middle of the cell.
4. Telophase ( ) d. The spindle fibers shrink, pulling chromatids to the poles of the cell.
5. Interphase  
6. Somatic cells are ( ) e. haploid
  ( ) f. diploid
7. Reproductive cells are ( ) g. produced by meiosis
( ) h. Produced by mitosis

III-Compare between the prophase in mitotic division and first meiotic with drawing.

Sheet 4

I-Match the pollutant with its effect:

1. Ozone gas in lower layer of the atmosphere ( ) Decrease vision and cause plant death.
2. Radioactive pollutants ( ) Cause heart disease.
3. CO2 ( ) Reacts with acids forming smog.
4. Pollen grains ( ) A biological pollutant that causes allergy.
5. Cadmium particles ( ) Are responsible for cancer and congenital (new born) deformities.
6. Unburned carbon particles ( ) Absorbs heat radiated from the Earth and prevents its lose therefore Earth's temperature increases.

II-Match the air pollutant with its source:

Air pollutant Source
1. Pollen grains ( ) burning of organic fuel.
2. Carbon particles ( ) biological source.
3. Lead particles ( ) exhaust of transportation
4. Freon ( ) aerosols

III-Give reasons for:

1. Developed countries are banning the use of Freon.


2. Radioactive wastes are buried deeply in the ground.


3. Ozone is an important gas in the atmosphere but also a cause of pollution.


Sheet 5

I-What's meant by:

1-Water pollution:


2-Food poisoning:


II-Give reasons for:

1-Bone cancer spreads largely between Japanese rice farmers.



2-Power stations and nuclear reactors shouldn't dispose hot water in the river.





1. Strontium 90 ( ) are organisms that feed on the host.
2. Salmonella ( ) is highly radioactive substance.
3. Parasites ( ) is a bacteria that causes food poisoning.
4. Arsenic and lead ( ) are inorganic soil pollutants.

Sheet 6

I-Write the scientific term for the following sentences:

1-Enormous increase in the population growth.
2. Mating between males and females of best desirable traits according to external appearance.  
3. Mating pure males of known origin, high productivity, good traits to ordinary female.  
4. An energy which does not cause environmental pollution.  
5. The decline in the biological products of the soil.  

II-Choose the correct answer:

1-A stable stage is characterized by decrease in ……………

(pollution – birth rate – death rate – birth an death rate)

2-…………… is from the crops which grow better in clay soil.

(Orange – Cotton – Orange and cotton – Banana)

3-Peanuts grow better in …………… soil.

(sandy – clay – loamy – non of them)

4-Coasted decay is caused by ……………

(water currents – tides – waves – all of them)

5-The positive effects of the high dam include ……………

(spreading of weeds – absence of clay – coastal decay – increase in the agricultural land)


III-Give reasons for:

1-Emigration is not an effective solution for the population problem in Egypt.


2-The increase in the population is not a real problem in all cases.


3-Economic development has no effect without birth control.


4-The effect of waves differs from a coast to another.


IV-Compare between:

1-The demographic stages of Egypt and France according to:

(Birth rate – death rate – medical care – normal increase in population)







2-Clay soil, Sandy soil, Loamy soil






Sheet 7

I-Choose from column (B) what suits column (A):

(A) (B)
1. John ray ( ) used natural taxonomy in his classification.
2. Carl Linnaeus ( ) depended on the cellular characteristics in his classification.
3. Whittaker ( ) considered living organisms on the basis of their general characters.


II-Give reasons for:

1-Using the Binomial system in naming living organisms.


2-The recent system of classification is preferred on the old system of classification.


3-Blue green algae are autotrophs.


4-Protists are more developed than Monerans.


5-Nostoc belongs to kingdom monera while Amoeba belongs to kingdom protista.


III-What is meant by:

1-Species as defined by John ray.





IV-Write the scientific term for the following sentences:

1. Living organisms whose nucleus is not surrounded by a nuclear membrane and the hereditary material does not appear in the form of chromosomes.  
2. The smallest living organisms that exist every where, even inside our bodies.  
3. Aquatic living organism which are a source of food for fish and form petroleum sediments.  


V-Choose the correct answer:

1-…………… is fro the unicellular organisms which has no nuclear membrane.

(Bacteria – Euglena – Trypanosoma – Amoeba)

2-Bacteria are essential for some industries from which ……………

(yoghurt – leather tanning – vinegar – all of them)

3-Pigments are present in ……………

(bacteria – blue green algae -amoeba – sporozoa)

4-Nostoc belongs to kingdom ……………

(Plantae – Monera – Protista – Fungi)

5-…………… moves by cilia.

(Amoeba – Paramicium – Plasmoduim – Trypanosoma)

6-All of the following are autotrophs except ……………

(Euglena – Blue green algae – Trypanosoma)

Sheet 8

I-Give reasons for:

1-Monerans are called prokaryotes .


2-The protists are called Eukaryotes.

Amoeba belongs to protista.


3-Fungi live as parasites or saprophytes.


4-Onion belongs to sub-class Monocotyledonae..


5-Shrimp is considered from the Arthropodes.


6-Scrpion belongs to Arachnida and not Insecta.


7-The frog lays its eggs in water.


8-The skin of the frog is always smooth and moistened.


9-Aves and Mammals are warm blooded.


10-Duck-billed platypus is considered a link between Aves and mammals.


11-The female kangaroo has a pouch on its abdomen.


12-The whale belongs to mammals although it lives in water.


13-Primates are the most developed mammals.




II-Mention the diseases caused by each of the following:





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