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Answer the questions. Then check your answers with the Grammar box on page 37.

1 What time do you usually use when talking about everyday actions and routines?

2 What ending do the most verbs have in Present simple tense in he/she form?

3 Which auxiliary verb is used to form questions and negatives in the Present Simple?

4 What adverbs of frequency you often use with Present simple?


12 a Listen and repeat.

He plays the piano. He lives in London. He wears a tracksuit. He eats very fast. He walks a lot. He makes films. He never watches TV. He relaxes after lunch. He practices his lines.

b How do you say the he / she form of these verbs?

wash, run, read, cook, buy, go, use

Make the sentences negative.



1 Anthony Hopkins has lunch in a restaurant. He doesn’t have lunch in a restaurant.

2 He uses public transport.

3 They go out a lot.

4 His wife cooks at lunchtime.

5 They have a big car.


Complete the questions and answers.

Example: 1 Where does he live? He livesin London.


2 What time up? – He at about 6.30.

3 What before breakfast? – He jogging.

4 What for breakfast? – He a grapefruit

and an orange.

5 How often public transport? – Never. He


6 What mornings? – He film scripts.

7 Why the paper? – Because all bad news.

ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY Adverbs of frequency(sometimes, usually, never, etc.)go before the main verb but after the verb to be and after auxiliary verbs. example:He never gets up late. She is sometimes late for work.

15 a Read the information in the table above, then listen to the interview with actress Daryl Hannah and tick ( √) the correct boxes.


How often does Daryl… always usually sometimes/ occasionally rarely/ hardly ever never
play the piano/ make pottery?        
travel by plane?          
go to parties?          
get up early?          
eat fattening food?          

b Now write sentences as in the Example.

Example: Daryl usually plays the piano or makes pottery in her free time.

Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct position, as in the example.

Example: We go out on Saturday evenings. (always)

We always go out on Saturday evenings. 1


1 The children eat junk food. (hardly ever)

2 I see my sister because she lives so far away. (rarely)

3 Darren plays golf on Sunday afternoons. (usually)

4 Craig is late for work. (never)

5 I watch comedy films. (sometimes)

6 Tim is rude. (sometimes)

Work in pairs. Make questions using prompts from the table.

Student A: a) Ask student B your questions. Ex.: How often do you have a shower? How often…? have a shower, go to the theatre, drink tea, do exercise   What kind of …? food/like, films/watch   What time…? Wake up, start work/school, have lunch, get home at night b) Answer B’s questions. AskWhat about you? Student B: a) Answer student A’s questions. AskWhat about you? b) Ask A your questions. Ex:How often do you go to the cinema? How often…? go to the cinema, drink alcohol, eat chocolate, have a bath   What time…? get up, finish work/school, have dinner, go to bed What kind of…? music/listen to, books/read  

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