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1. An autopsy of a 54-year-old man revealed a fibrinous inflammation at colon. What is your diagnosis?

А *Dysentery

B. Amebiasis

C. Typhoid fever

D. Cholera

E. Balantidiasis

2 A patient, the inhabitant of a seaside city in the south of the country, presented to the hospital with severe diarrheas and vomiting, resulted in his death from dehydration. An autopsy revealed an acute gastroenteritis with serous- desquamative inflammation in a small bowel. Choose the most likely diagnosis.

А *Cholera

B. Bacterial dysentery

C. Typhoid

D. Amebiasis

E. Salmonellosis

3. A 52-year-old woman died in surgery department of a diffuse purulent peritonitis. A post-mortem revealed in a distal part of a small intestine enlarged Peyer's patches, which projected into the intestine’s lumen. There surface was covered by brownish-greenish scab. In the centre of some patches were found deep defects, extended to a serous layer. For what disease described intestinal changes are characteristic?

А *Typhoid

B. Dysentery

C. An intestine tuberculosis

D. Crohn’s disease

E. Staphylococcal enteritis

4. A 38-year-old man died of diffuse fibrinopurulent peritonitis. A post-mortem revealed an ulcer in a small bowel, which replicated a form of a Peyer’s patch and perforated the intestine’s wall. Microscopical investigation showed an alteration of lymphoid tissue pattern with replacement of lymphocytes by proliferating monocytes, followed by granulomas formation. The complication of what disease resulted in patient’s death?

А *Typhoid.

B. Dysenteries.

C. Cholera.

D. Brucellosis

E. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

5. An autopsy of a 48-year-old man, with a history of typhoid fever, revealed groups of enlarged lymphoid follicles in small bowel. The follicles protruded above the mucosal surface; they had a grey-red coloring, juicy appearance and a surface, which reminded gyri and sulci. Microscopical investigation showed granulomas formation. Specify, what of the listed stages of typhoid is the most likely?

А *Medullar swelling.

B. Necrotic.

C. Formation of ulcers.

D. Pure ulcers.

E. Healing.

6. An autopsy of a child, with a history of diarrhea, revealed an exicosis and a widespread fibrinous colitis. A mucosal smear imprint study showed gram-negative rod bacteria. What is your diagnosis?

А *Dysentery

B. Cholera

C. Staphylococcal intestinal infection

D. Typhoid

E. Salmonellosis

7. A patient presented with a sustained fever, enlarged and painful spleen. On the 10th day of a disease a rash of flat, rose-colored spots appeared. On the 21st hospital day he died after developing peritonitis. An autopsy revealed in the ileum deep ulcers within the area of necrotized group of lymphoid follicles (Peyer’s patches). One of ulcers was perforated; there was a fibrinopurulent diffuse peritonitis. What is the most likely disease?

А *Typhoid

B. Dysentery

C. Intestine amebiasis

D. Cholera

E. Salmonellosis

8A post-mortem of a 57-year-old male, with a history of typhoid, revealed a dense, fragile whitish-yellowish color of the rectus abdominis and a hip muscles. They reminded a stearin candle. The described changes are the result of:

А *Zenker’s necrosis

B. Fibrinoid necrosis

C. Caseous necrosis

D. Colliqative necrosis

E. Apoptosis

9. Histological investigation of a rectum revealed large areas of necrosis in mucosa. Necrotic masses were impregnated by fibrin, resulting in membrane formation. Mucous and submucous on periphery of necrotic zones were hyperemic, edematous, with hemorrhages and leukocytic infiltration. What is the most likely diagnosis?

А *Dysentery

B. Cholera

C. Amebiasis

D. Typhoid

E. Salmonellosis

10. A patient died of a diffuse peritonitis. An autopsy revealed in the distal part of a small bowel multiple oval ulcers with rounded edges, which were parallel to the longitudinal axis of the intestine. A bottom of ulcers was clean, smooth and glitter. Base of the ulcers presented either by muscular layer of ileum or its serosa. Two ulcers had perforation apertures 0,5cm in diameter each. What disease resulted on a death of a patient?

А * Typhoid

B. Dysentery

C. Cholera

D. Tuberculosis

E. Epidemic typhus

11. A 44-year-old man presented to a surgery department with diffuse fibrinopurulent peritonitis. An operation revealed an ulcer of ileum with a perforation. An ulcer closure, followed by abdomen cavity drainage was performed. Four days later patient died. At post-mortem iliac ulcers of Peyer’s patches, parallel to the longitudinal axis of the intestine, were found. A base of the ulcers was presented by serosa. For what disease such changes are characteristic?

А *Typhoid

B. An intestine tuberculosis

C. Dysentery

D. Intestinal tumours

E. An intestine amebiasis

12 A man, with 4 weeks history of the typhoid, presented with symptoms of ‘acute abdomen’. He died soon of intoxication. At post-mortem a pathologist found a perforation of iliac wall and diffuse purulent peritonitis. For what stage of disease the described complication is characteristic?

А * Stage of pure ulcers

B. Stage of a medullar swelling

C. Necrotic stage

D. Stage of healing of ulcers

E. Bacteriemia

13. A 42-year-old patient, with a history of dysentery, presented with symptoms of paraproctitis. What is the most probable stage of local changes presented in that case?

А *Formation of ulcers

B. Fibrinous colitis

C. Follicular colitis

D. Catarrhal colitis

E. Stage of healing

14. A child presented with diphtheria and died on the 2nd week of the disease from an acute heart failure. A post- mortem revealed numerous fine centres of a myolysis, accompanied with some perifocal lymphoid infiltration. What became a cause of death?

А * Myocarditis, caused by bacterial ectotoxin

B. Bacterial myocarditis

C. Septic myocarditis

D. Myocardial infarction

E. Metabolic myocardial necrosis

15 A 39-year-old patient died on the 4th day after operation concerning perforation of a colon wall, resulted in diffuse purulent peritonitis. An autopsy revealed the mucosa of a colon wall thickened, covered by fibrinous membrane. Some single ulcers got on different depth. Histological study of a colon wall showed a necrosis of mucous, a fibrinous inflammation, infiltration by leucocytes with focuses of hemorrhages. What complication of disease became a cause of patient’s death?

А *Dysentery.

B. Typhoid.

C. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

D. Crohn’s disease

E. Amebiasis.

16 A 45-year-old man presented in the infectious diseases hospital with a profuse diarrhea, exicosis, acute decline of his body temperature. He died soon of an uremia. An autopsy revealed in his small bowel lumen a colorless liquid in the form of rice broth and edematous mucosa. Microscopical investigation of a small bowel showed a hyperemia of vessels, a focal hemorrhage, a desquamation of enterocytes, a hypersecretion of a beaker (goblet) cells and lympho- leucocytes infiltration of a mucosal stroma. What is the most likely diagnosis?

А *Cholera

B. Salmonellosis

C. Dysentery

D. Typhoid

E. Crohn’s disease

17. An autopsy of 47- year-old man revealed in sigmoid and rectum plural red ulcers with irregular form. A mucous between ulcers was covered by dirty grey membrane. What is the most likely etiology of the disease?

А *Shigella

B. Ameba

C. Mycobacterium tuberculosis

D. Salmonella

E. Staphilococcus

18. The worker of a cattle-breeding farm died in 4, 5 months of the disease beginning. A post-mortem revealed in his internal organs the granulomas consisted of epithelioid, giant Pirogov- Langhans cells, plasmocytes and eosinophyles. There were many vessels within a granuloma. A histological investigation showed a productive-destructive vasculitis in the vessels of internal organs. What is the most likely disease?

А * Brucellosis

B. Anthrax

C. Tuberculosis

D. Epidemic typhus

E. Lepra

19. The worker of a stockbreeding farm presented to the hospital with acute disease and died soon of intoxication. An autopsy revealed the enlarged, flaccid spleen, which had a dark-cherry colouring of its cut surface. The scrape of the spleen’s pulp was plentiful. Arachnoids of the brain’s fornix and base were edematous, impregnated by blood, had a dark red colouring (“cardinal's hat”). Microscopical investigation found the serous- hemorrhagic inflammation of brain’s membranes and tissues with destruction of fine vessels walls. Diagnose a disease.

А *Anthrax

B. Tularemia

C. Brucellosis

D. Plague

E. Cholera

20. An autopsy of a 53-year-old man revealed few 4-5cm ulcers. The margins were elevated above the mucosa. The walls of ulcers were covered by the yellowish-grayish crumble masses. The Widal test was positive. Diagnose a disease?

А *Typhoid

B. Paratyphoid

C. Recurrent typhus

D. Dysentery

E. Crohn’s disease

21. A histological investigation of a myocardium revealed fatty dystrophy and plural necroses of cardiomyocytes, few focal cellular interstitial infiltrates. A medical record showed that a child had diphtheria, resulted in the heart failure.

What kind of myocarditis is the most likely?

А *Alterative myocarditis

B. Diffusive exudative myocarditis

C. Focal exudative myocarditis

D. Intersticial myocarditis

E. Granulomatous myocarditis

22. An autopsy of a 45-year-old man, who died on the 5th day of typhoid fever, revealed groups of enlarged, hyperemic lymphoid follicles in small bowel. The follicles protruded above the mucosal surface; their surface reminded brain’s gyri and sulci. Microscopical investigation showed hyperemia, edema and granulomas formation. Specify, what period of local changes of typhoid is the most likely?

А * Stage of medullar swelling

B. Necrotic stage

C. Stage of healing

D. Stage of pure ulcers

E. Stage of ulcers’ formation

23. An autopsy 54-year-old man revealed markedly dilated lumen of a small bowel filled with a liquid, which reminded “rice broth”. The intestine wall was edematous with multiple petechial hemorrhages. For what infectious disease the described enteritis is characteristic?

А *Cholera

B. Dysentery

C. Salmonellosis

D. Amebiasis

E. Typhoid

24. A histological investigation of a skin biopsy showed serous-hemorrhagic inflammation and a focus of necrosis. His medical records revealed the beginning of the disease from a small red maculae formation with the bubble in the centre, filled by serous-hemorrhagic liquid. Subsequently the central part became black. What disease is the most probable?

А *Carbuncle at a malignant anthrax

B. Actinomycosis of skin

C. Allergic dermatitis

D. Streptococcal carbuncle

E. Chemical dermatitis

25. A 48-year-old patient with severe typhoid developed an acute renal failure, resulted in a lethal outcome of a disease. An autopsy revealed enlarged and swollen kidneys. On a cut section, the cortex was pale grey, while pyramids were dark red. A histological investigation showed that in the majority of tubules the lumen was narrowed, epithelial cells were enlarged and lost their nuclei; glomeruli were collapsed. A renal stroma was edematous with a small leukocytic infiltration and fine hemorrhage. What pathology of kidneys presented in that case?

А *Necronephrosis

B. Acute pyelonephritis

C. Acute glomerulonephritis

D. Pyonephrosis

E. Hydronephrosis

26. An autopsy revealed groups of enlarged, hyperemic lymphoid follicles in small bowel. The follicles protruded above the mucosal surface; their surface reminded brain’s gyri and sulci. The cut surface of follicles was succulent; with gray-red coloring. Microscopical investigation showed monocytes and histiocytes proliferation. Macrophages formed aggregates (typhoid granulomas). Name a morphological stage of typhoid.

А *Medullar swelling

B. Necrotic

C. Formation of ulcers

D. Pure ulcers

E. Healing

27. A 48-year-old butcher died of a sepsis. A gross investigation of his right cheek revealed a dense, dark red, 6 cm in diameter, corn-shape infiltrate with a black crust in its centre. The right half of his face and neck were edematous and solid. A microscopical investigation of a lesion showed the peracute serous- hemorrhagic inflammation with epidermal and adjacent tissue necrosis within the central zone of an infiltrate. What is the most likely diagnosis?

А *Anthrax

B. Plague

C. Tularemia

D. Phlegmon of a neck

E. Furuncle

28. An autopsy of a 45-year-old man revealed in his small bowel the enlarged, hyperemic groups of lymphoid follicles. The follicles protruded above the mucosal surface; their surface reminded child’s brain gyri and sulci. Microscopical investigation showed monocytes, histiocytes and reticular cells proliferation. Macrophages formed aggregates (typhoid granulomas), which replaced lymphocytes. For what disease the described changes are characteristic?

А * Typhoid

B. Cholera

C. Dysentery

D. Salmonellosis

E. Amebiasis

29. A 38-year-old patient was on mountain pastures and then presented to the hospital in severe condition, with high body temperature. A physical investigation revealed the lymph nodes were markedly enlarged, soldered to surrounding tissue, motionless, a skin over them was red and very painful. A microscopical study of a lymph node showed the peracute serous-hemorrhagic inflammation. For what disease it is characteristic?

А *Plague

B. Tularemia

C. Syphilis

D. Brucellosis

E. Anthrax

30. A 39-year-old milkmaid died of cardiovascular insufficiency. A post-mortem reveled in the aortal valve a polypous -ulcerative endocarditis. A microscopical study of the valve showed the polymorph cellular inflammatory infiltration, zones of destruction and thrombuses with the organization. In addition, a sclerosis with granulomas, consisted of randomly located epithelioid, giant, plasmatic, eosinophyle cells were diagnosed within a stroma of a myocardium. A vasculitis was also determined in the heart vessels. For what disease the described changes in heart are characteristic?

А * Brucellosis

B. Chronic sepsis

C. Rheumatic disease

D. Systemic lupus erythematosus

E. Systemic scleroderma

31. A 42-year-old woman, who worked at a fur atelier, suddenly died. An autopsy revealed dark red, impregnated by blood arachnoids of the brain’s fornix and base, which reminded a red cap. Microscopical investigation found the serous- hemorrhagic inflammation of brain’s membranes and tissues with necrosis of fine vessels walls and numerous hemorrhages. What is the most likely diagnosis?

А * Anthrax

B. Cerebral hemorrhage in case of hypertension disease

C. Cerebral hemorrhage due to trauma

D. Meningococcal infection

E. Tubercular leptomeningitis

32. An autopsy of an 8-year-old child revealed in his colon multiple irregular form and various depth defects with uneven edges. In addition, there were grey-white membranes intimately connected with tissues underneath. What is the most likely diagnosis?

А *Dysentery

B. Salmonellosis

C. Cholera

D. Typhoid

E. Amebiasis

33. An autopsy of a 65-year-old man , who died in week from the beginning of a profuse diarrhea, revealed severe exicosis, dry all tissues and thick, concentrated blood. A bacteriological study of contents of a small bowel, which reminded the rice broth, determined vibrioes. What disease resulted in the patient’s death?

А * Cholera

B. Dysentery

C. Typhoid

D. Salmonellosis

E. Alimentary toxic infection

34. A male patient, with 5 days history of diarrhea, had a colonoscopy. The investigation revealed a colon mucosa inflammation with grey-green membranes, intimately connected with tissue underneath. What is the most likely diagnosis?

А * Dysentery

B. Typhoid

C. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

D. Salmonellosis

E. Crohn’s disease

35. An autopsy of the patient who died of a plague revealed a hemorrhagic syndrome, accompanied with the hemorrhagic necrosis of a hip skin, a lymphangitis and an inguinal hemorrhagic lymphadenitis. Name the plague form.

А * Dermo-bubonic

B. Bubonic

C. Primary septic

D. Primary pulmonic

E. Hemorrhagic

36. A 38-year-old man died of intoxication. A post-mortem revealed in a small bowel an edema of lymphoid follicles groups. The follicles protruded above the mucosal surface like a soft plaques with irregular surface pattern, which reminded brain’s gyri and sulci. What diagnosis is most probable?

А * Typhoid

B. Dysentery

C. Salmonellosis

D. Acute enteritis

E. Cholera

37. A young man died of intoxication on 4th day after eating the crude eggs. An autopsy revealed the stomach and small bowel mucosa inflamed, covered by a mucous exudate. In addition, abscesses were found in lungs, brain and liver. What diagnosis is the most likely?

А *Salmonellosis (septic form)

B. Dysentery

C. Salmonellosis (typhoid form)

D. Salmonellosis (intestinal form)

E. Typhoid

38. An autopsy of a 52- year-old man revealed in sigmoid and rectum plural brown-green membranes, hemorrhages, some blood in the lumen of intestine. Histological study showed a fibrinous colitis. Bacteriological investigation found S. Sonne. What is the most likely diagnosis?

А *Dysentery

B. Cholera

C. Salmonellosis

D. Yersiniosis

E. Crohn’s disease

39. A histological research of an autopsy material revealed in a brain tissue a wide zone of proliferating microglia cells round small vessels. In addition, the marked proliferation of an endothelium, an adventitia and pericytes were determined in the skin vessels. Perivascular moderate lymphocytes infiltration with single neutrophiles added was also found. The vessels walls underwent various signs of destruction. Name the causative organism of described infection disease?

A. * Rickettsia

B. Spirochete

C. Meningococcus

D. Streptococcus

E. Human immunodeficiency virus

40. A 7-year-old child, on the 3rd week of disease, presented with hectic fever, skin and sclera icterus. He died soon of the hepatorenal failure. An autopsy reveled in a rectum many irregular form defects with uneven edges. These defects were covered by grey-white membranes, intimately soldered to a tissue underneath. In addition, there was a purulent thrombophlebitis of the intestinal vessels. Plural pylephlebitic abscesses and fatty dystrophy of hepatocytes were diagnosed in a liver. An acute necrotic nephrosis was found in kidneys. What disease caused a lethal outcome?

A. *Dysentery

B. Salmonellosis

C. Cholera

D. Typhoid

E. Amebiasis

41. A worker of the agricultural enterprise presented with an acute disease and died soon of intoxication. An autopsy revealed the enlarged and flaccid spleen with a dark-cherry coloring of a cut surface. There were a superfluous pulp’s scrape from the lien cut surface. Arachnoids of the brain’s fornix and base were edematous, impregnated by blood (‘red cap’ or ‘cardinal's hat’). Microscopical investigation found the serous- hemorrhagic inflammation of brain’s membranes and cerebral tissues. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. *Anthrax

B. Tularemia

C. Plague

D. Cholera

E. Brucellosis

42. An autopsy at the Forensic Pathology Department of an unknown man, with a history of alcohol intoxication, revealed in his small bowel the enlarged Peyer’s patches, which protruded above the mucosal surface. They were soft, with irregular surface, which reminded brain’s gyri and sulci. The cut surface had a gray-red coloring. For what disease the described changes are characteristic?

A. * Typhoid

B. Dysentery

C. Lambliasis

D. Amebiasis

E. Enteritis due to Campylobacter

43. A post-mortem of a patient, who died of diffuse fibropurulent peritonitis, revealed in the wall of a small bowel multiple oval ulcers with rounded edges, which were parallel to the longitudinal axis of the intestine. A base of the ulcers presented either by muscular layer of ileum or its serosa. Two ulcers had perforation apertures 0,3cm in diameter each. Define a typhoid stage.

A. * Stage of pure ulcers

B. Stage of "dirty ulcers” formation

C. Necrotic stage

D. Stage of a medullar swelling

E. Stage of healing

44. A 65 –year-old patient addressed to a doctor his complains to frequent urge and painful passage of stool, with mucous and some blood in feces. Proctosigmoidoscopy revealed marked narrowing of a colon’s lumen, especially in its distal part. A mucosa was edematous, hyperemic, with areas of necrosis and hemorrhages. A bacteriological study of feces determined the Shigella flexneri. Define the disease?

A. *Dysentery

B. Typhoid

C. Anthrax

D. Crohn’s disease

E. Paratyphoid


1. A histological investigation of the cervical lymph node revealed the aggregation of epithelioid cells, lymphocytes and giant Pirogov - Langhans cells. In the centre of a lesion a caseous necrosis was present. Specify the most likely pathology.

A. * Tuberculosis

B. Rhinoscleroma.

C. Sarcoidosis (Boeck's disease)

D. Glanders

E. Syphilis

2. An autopsy of a 42-year-old man revealed in the second segment of the right lung the focus of consolidation, 5 cm in diameter, surrounded with a thin capsule. The centre was presented by a dense dry crumbling tissue with a dim surface. Morphological changes in a lung are characteristic for:

A. Tuberculoma

B. Carcinoma of lung

C. Chondromas

D. The tumorous formof a silicosis

E. Postinflammation pneumosclerosis

3. An autopsy of a 63-year-old man revealed in the second segment of the right lung a tubercular panbronchitis, with the focus of a caseous bronchopneumonia. The focus was surrounded by a wall of epithelioid cells with some lymphocytes and few giant Pirogov -Langhans cells. What form of a pulmonary tuberculosis presented in this case?

A. *Acute pulmonary tuberculosis

B. Primary tuberculous complex

C. Growth of primary affect

D. Acute miliary tuberculosis

E. Infiltration tuberculosis

4. A 26-year-old patient arrived in a hospital with complaints to a fever and weakness. One of the enlarged cervical lymph nodes was taken for histological study. Microscopical investigation showed in lymphoid tissue the centers of necrosis, surrounded with epithelioid cells, giant multinuclear Pirogov-Langhans cells and lymphocytes. What is the most likely disease?

A. * Tuberculosis

B. Lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's disease)

C. Lymphatic leukemia

D. Sarcoidosis (Boeck's disease)

E. Syphilis

5. An autopsy of a 44-year-old man revealed tuberculosis. A macroscopical investigation showed in the apex of the right lung the foci of caseous pneumonia. There were caseous lymphadenitis of enlarged lymph nodes of mediastinum and plural milium nodules in many organs. Name the described form of tuberculosis?

A. * Primary with mixed form of progressing

B. Primary with gematogenic spreading

C. Primary with lymphogenic spreading

D. Primary with growth of a primary affect

E. Gematogenic

6. A 7-year-old boy with a history of tonsillitis presented with markedly enlarged paratracheal, bifurcate and cervical lymph nodes. A microscopical investigation of the removed cervical lymph node revealed the centers of a necrosis surrounded with lymphocytes, epithelioid cells and Pirogov-Langhans cells. Specify the most likely pathology.

A. *Tuberculosis

B. Sarcoidosis (Boeck's disease)

C. Rhinoscleroma.

D. Glanders

E. Syphilis

7. A 40- year-old man died of a pulmonary bleeding. An autopsy revealed in the upper lobe of the right lung a cavity, 4cm in diameter, with dense walls and a rough internal surface, filled with blood clots. A microscopical study of the wall showed the inner layer, presented with fell to pieces leucocytes; the middle layer formed by epithelioid, lymphoid and giant multinuclear cells with nuclei located like a horseshoe. The changes found out in a lung are characteristic for:

A. Tuberculous cavern (cavity)

B. Bronchiectatic cavern (cavity)

C. Abscess of lungs

D. Congenital cyst

E. Infarct of lung with septic disintegration

8. A post-mortem of a 43-year-old man revealed in the 3 segment of the right lung under the pleura an area of consolidation, 1,5 cm in diameter, with the accurate borders, surrounded with a whitish fibrous tissue. A gross investigation of a cut section showed the white-yellow crumbling foci. Presence of the described focus is characteristic for:

A. Encapsulation of primary affect

B. Peripheral carcinoma

C. Chondroma

D. Fibroma

E. Infarct of lung with organization

9. A 48- year-old man died of a pulmonary –heart failure. An autopsy revealed pneumosclerosis, emphysema of lungs, and hypertrophy of a right ventricle of heart. In both lungs, mainly under pleura, there were plural foci, 1 cm in diameter. Histological investigation of the foci showed a necrosis zone in the centre and a wall of epithelioid cells, lymphocytes with some macrophages and plasmocytes on periphery. Giant Pirogov -Langhans cells were also defined. The small numbers of vascular capillaries were present on a periphery of the foci. What is the most likely disease?

A. Gematogenic tuberculosis.

B. Actinomycosis of lungs.

C. Sarcoidosis (Boeck's disease)

D. Syphilis.

E. Silicosis.

10. A 56-year-old man with a long history of fibrous – cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis died of a chronic pulmonary and heart failure. Within last months the expressed proteinuria was observed. A post-mortem revealed enlarged, firm kidneys, with a waxy surface. What changes developed in kidneys at this form of tuberculosis?

A. Amyloidosis of kidney

B. Tuberculosis of kidney

C. Glomerulonephritis

D. Nephrolithiasis

E. Necrotic nephrosis

11. A child died of a diffuse peritonitis. An autopsy revealed the primary intestinal tubercular complex with primary affect, a lymphangitis and regional caseous lymphadenitis. In addition, an ulcer of an empty intestine with perforation was found within the primary affect focus. What is the most likely way of tuberculosis infection in presented case?

A. Alimentary (nutritional)

B. Transplacental

C. Aerogenic

D. Mixed

E. Contact

12. A 24-year-old man presented with enlarged cervical lymphatic node. A histological investigation revealed the growth of epithelioid, lymphoid cells and macrophages with nuclei in the form of a horseshoe. In some centers the aggregates of unstructured light pink color masses with nuclei fragments were determined. For what disease the described changes are characteristic?

A. Tuberculosis

B. Lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's disease)

C. Actinomycosis

D. Metastasis of tumor

E. Syphilis

13. A patient with a history of fibrous – cavernous tuberculosis died of a renal failure. A post-mortem revealed a urine smell, left ventricle hypertrophy, fibrinous pericarditis, and fibrinous – hemorrhagic enterocolitis. Kidneys were small, reduced in sizes, dense, with plural foci of shrinkage. Histological investigation of the slides with Congo-Red staining showed pink masses within glomuleruli and vessels walls. In addition, destruction and an atrophy of the majority of nephrons, accompanied with a nephrosclerosis were determined. What is the most likely pathology of kidneys?

A. Amyloid- contracted kidneys

B. Contracted kidney

C. Arteriolosclerotic kidney

D. Atherosclerotic contracted kidneys

E. Pielonephritic contracted kidneys

14. An autopsy of a 7-year-old child revealed in the apex of the right lung, under the pleura, a focus of caseous necrosis, 15 mm in diameter. There were also enlarged bifurcational lymph nodes with small necrotic foci. A microscopical investigation of the pulmonal focus and the lymph node’s lesion showed necrotic masses surrounded by epithelioid cells, lymphocytes and solitary giant multinuclear Pirogov- Langhans’ cells. What is the most likely disease?

A. *Primary tuberculosis

B. Gematogenic tuberculosis with the lesions of lungs

C. Gematogenic generalized tuberculosis

D. Secondary inflammatory tuberculosis

E. Secondary fibro-inflammatory tuberculosis

15. A post-mortem of a 58-year-old patient revealed plural pathological cavities in both lungs. Microscopical study showed the inner layer of one cavity presented with necrotic masses and diffuse neutrophil infiltration; the middle one contained an infiltrate of epithelioid cells, lymphocytes and multinuclear giant cells. The external layer consisted of a mature connective tissue. Diagnose the form of secondary tuberculosis.

A. *Fibrocavernous tuberculosis

B. Acute inflammatory

C. Fibro-inflammatory

D. Acute cavernous

E. Cirrhotic tuberculosis

16. An autopsy of a 74- year-old man revealed the enlargement and deformation of the right knee joint. A histological investigation determined the massive foci of a caseous necrosis, surrounded by peripheral mantle of epithelioid, lymphoid cells and some multinucleated giant cells.

What is the most likely disease?

A. *Tuberculous arthritis

B. Syphilitic arthritis

C. Rheumatic arthritis

D. Gonorrheal arthritis

E. Deforming osteoarthrosis

17. A 52- year-old man with a long history of tuberculosis died of a bleeding from lungs. An autopsy revealed in lungs some oval and round cavities. The walls of cavities were presented with necrotic masses and a pulmonal tissue. What is the most likely form of tuberculosis presented in that case?

A. *Acute cavernous

B. Fibrocavernous

C. Tuberculoma

D. Caseous pneumonia

E. Acute inflammatory

18. A post-mortem of a 58-year-old patient, with a history of tuberculosis, revealed in the upper lobe of the right lung a cavity, 3×2cm in sizes, which connected with a bronchus. A cavity had dense walls and three layers. The internal layer was pyogenic; the middle one was presented with tubercular granulation tissue and the external coating of connective tissue. What of the listed diagnoses the most likely?

A. *Fibrocavernous tuberculosis.

B. Fibrous focal tuberculosis

C. Tuberculoma.

D. Acute focal tuberculosis.

E. Acute cavernous tuberculosis

19. A 42-year-old patient complained of a voice timbre change. The larynx biopsy was taken. A histological investigation revealed the aggregates of large, oblong form cells with light nuclei, rich with a cytoplasm. The nuclei were located on periphery in the form of a horseshoe. The described histological changes are characteristic for:

A. *Tuberculosis

B. Leprosy

C. Syphilis

D. Rhinoscleroma

E. Lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's disease)

20. A histological investigation of the enlarged cervical lymph nodes revealed the nodules consisted mainly of flat, slightly extended cells with pale nucleus. There were also giant cells with spherical-oval form, light pink cytoplasm and with nuclei located on a cell periphery. The centre of some nodules was presented with the unstructured, light pink colored masses. The described changes are characteristic for:

A. *Tuberculosis

B. Lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's disease)

C. Sarcoidosis (Boeck's disease)

D. Brucellosis

E. Nonspecific hyperplasic lymphadenitis

21. A histological investigation of the enlarged supraclavicular lymph nodes, removed from a 40-year-old woman, revealed an alteration of their structure with aggregates of slightly extended cells with a light nucleus. The multinuclear, large, oval-round form cells were also determined. These cells were rich with a cytoplasm and their nuclei were located on periphery in the form of a paling. The lymphoid cells created the next layer. The unstructured pinkish masses were seen within the centers of lesions. What the described changes are characteristic for?

A. *Tuberculous lymphadenitis

B. Metastasis of tumor

C. Lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's disease)

D. Hyperplasic lymphadenitis

E. Sarcoidosis (Boeck's disease)

22. A lung lobe was removed at Surgery Department due to preliminary diagnosed purulent inflammation of a cyst. A gross investigation of the operative material revealed within the 8 segment a dense focus with irregular roundish form, 1,8 cm in diameter. On a cut, it had white-yellow coloring with a dim surface and fine sites of osteal density. The described macroscopical picture characteristic for:

A. * Tuberculous affect with healing

B. Peripheral carcinoma of lung

C. Chondromas

D. Carnification

E. Chronic pneumonia

23. A 52-year-old man with a long history of a tubercular prostatitis died of a meningocephalitis. An autopsy revealed in arachnoids of the basis and lateral surfaces of a brain, in a spleen, kidneys and liver a considerable quantity of dense grey color nodules 0, 5-1mm in diameter. Histological investigation of nodules showed epithelioid, lymphoid and some giant cells with nuclei located on a cell periphery in the form of a horseshoe. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. *Acute milliary tuberculosis

B. Acute tuberculous sepsis

C. Chronic milliary tuberculosis

D. Disseminated tuberculosis

E. Septicopyemia

24. A post-mortem of a 40-year-old patient, with a 10 years history of tuberculosis, revealed a cavity in the 1 and П segments of his right lung. It had dense walls. The inner layer was rough, with beams formed by the obliterated bronchi and the thrombosed vessels. The middle and lower lobes were firm, with the yellow foci on a cut surface. What form of tuberculosis is the most likely in that case?

A. * Fibrocavernous

B. Acute cavernous

C. Fibrous inflammatory

D. Tuberculoma

E. Cirrhotic

25. A 40-year-old prisoner died in penitentiary of tuberculosis. An autopsy revealed a deformation and reduction of the both lungs apexes, plural cavities with dense, 2-3 mm thick walls in the upper lobes of both lungs. In addition, disseminated foci of a caseous necrosis, 5mm-2 cm in diameter, were found in the lower lobes of lungs. Diagnose the tuberculosis form.

A. * Secondary fibrocavernous

B. Secondary fibro-inflammatory

C. Gematogenic inflammatory with lesion of lungs

D. Primary, growth of primary affect

E. Secondary cirrhotic

26. A10-year-old girl arrived in traumatological unit with symptoms of pathological fracture of the right femur. A histological investigation of an operational material revealed in a bone marrow of a femur fragment, a plural foci of a caseous necrosis with peripheral mantle of epithelioid cells, lymphocytes and solitary Pirogov-Langhans’ giant cells. Zones of a caseous necrosis extended on adjoining sites of a bone tissue, resulting in osseous destruction. What is the most likely disease?

A. *Tuberculous osteomyelitis

B. Tuberculous spondylitis

C. Tuberculous koxitis

D. General(common) macrofocal tuberculosis

E. Secondary acute focal tuberculosis

27. An autopsy of a 48-year-old man revealed in the first segment of the right lung the round formation, 5 cm in diameter, surrounded with a thin connective tissue layer. The centre was presented by write, brittle masses. Diagnose the form of secondary tuberculosis.

A. *Tuberculoma.

B. Caseous pneumonia

C. Acute cavernous tuberculosis

D. Acute inflammatory tuberculosis

E. Fibrocavernous tuberculosis

28. A post-mortem of the 17-year-old girl, who died of a pulmonary insufficiency, revealed confluent zones of a caseous necrosis in the lower lobe of the right lung. The caseous necrosis was also determined in broncho- pulmonal, bronchial and bifurcational lymph nodes. What of the listed diagnoses the most likely?

A. *Growth primary affect at primary tuberculosis

B. Gematogenic form of progress of primary tuberculosis

C. Gematogenic tuberculosis with lesion of lungs

D. Tuberculoma

E. Caseous pneumonia at the secondary tuberculosis

29. A 50-year-old man with a history of tuberculosis died of a chronic pulmonary and heart failure. A post-mortem revealed a lobar lesion of the right lung. The upper lobe of the right lung was enlarged, dense, with fibrinous membranes on pleura. A gross investigation of a cut surface showed the yellow brittle tissue. What is the most likely form of secondary tuberculosis described in that case?

A. *Caseous pneumonia

B. Fibrous-focal tuberculosis

C. Infiltrative tuberculosis.

D. Tuberculoma

E. Acute focal tuberculosis

30. An autopsy of a man with a history of tuberculosis revealed in the second segment of the right lung the white-grey focus, 3 cm in diameter, surrounded with a capsule. Microscopic study showed a focus of necrosis with a capsule and lack of a perifocal inflammation. Name the tuberculosis form.

A. * Tuberculoma

B. Acute cavernous tuberculosis

C. Fibrocavernous tuberculosis.

D. Cirrhotic tuberculosis

E. Caseous pneumonia

31. A died woman had a chronic pulmonal abscess in her medical records. An autopsy revealed in 2nd segment of the right lung a roundish cavity, 5cm in the size. The internal surface of a cavity was created by caseous masses; the external one - by a dense pulmonal tissue. A pyogenic membrane was absent. What is the most likely pathology?

A. * Acute cavernous tuberculosis

B. Fibrocavernous tuberculosis.

C. Acute abscess.

D. Chronic abscess.

E. Primary pulmonary cavity (cavern).

32. A lungs roentgenogram investigation revealed a dark patch. During a diagnostic express biopsy of a lymph node of a bronchus was removed. A histological study showed a caseous tissue necrosis, round which lied epithelioid and lymphoid layers with few multinuclear large cells (Langhans' cells). Specify the cause of the lymphadenitis.

A. * Tuberculosis

B. Pneumonia

C. Syphilis

D. Metastases of cancer

E. Adenoviral infection

33. A 68-year-old woman, with a 20 years history of fibrous – cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, presented to the Department of Nephrology with symptoms of uremia. Intravital test on amyloid in kidneys appeared positive. What is the most likely form of an amyloidosis presented in this case?

A. *Secondary systemic

B. Primary systemic

C. Limited (local)

D. Familial congenital

E. Senile (gerontal)

34. An 8-year-old child, with no disease in his medical history, presented to the hospital with a dyspnea. An x-ray inspection showed the air and a liquid in a pleural cavity. During operation in the right lung the subpleural cavity, 2,4 cm in diameter was found. It had an irregular form with the residual caseous masses inside. The lesion was connected with the pleural cavity. The similar caseous masses were found at a cut of the enlarged radical lymph nodes. A histological research of a cavity’s wall determined lymphocytes, epithelioid cells and multinuclear giant cells. How correctly to name a cavity?

A. * Primary pulmonary cavity (cavern) at tuberculosis

B. Abscess of lungs

C. Empyema of pleura

D. Cavity (cavern) at acute cavernous tuberculosis

E. Cavity at fibrocavernous tuberculosis.

35. The girl within last 3 months ate the crude cow milk. She arrived in the hospital with the "acute abdomen" symptoms. An operation revealed in a caecum a circular ulcer with perforation. A histological study of the ulcer edges determined necrotic masses, lymphocytes, epithelioid cells, and few multinucleated giant cells. What is your diagnosis?

A. * Primary intestinal affect at tuberculosis

B. Nonspecific ulcerous colitis

C. Amebiasis

D. Carcinoma of blind gut (cecum)

E. Dysentery

36. A histological study of the enlarged cervical lymph nodes revealed nodules with giant, spherical-oval form cells. These cells had a light pink cytoplasm and nuclei located on a periphery. The found out changes are characteristic for:

A. *Tuberculosis

B. Lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's disease)

C. Sarcoidosis (Boeck's disease)

D. Brucellosis

E. Nonspecific hyperplastic lymphadenitis

37. A 63-year-old man with a long history of a tubercular prostatitis died of a meningocephalitis. An autopsy revealed in arachnoids of the basis and lateral surfaces of a brain, in a spleen, kidneys and liver a considerable quantity of dense grey color nodules 0, 5-1mm in diameter. Histological investigation of nodules showed epithelioid, lymphoid and some giant cells with nuclei located on a cell periphery in the form of a horseshoe. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. *Acute milliary tuberculosis

B. Chronic milliary tuberculosis

C. Acuter tubercular sepsis

D. Macrofocal disseminated tuberculosis

E. Septicopyemia

38. A man died of liver cirrhosis. An autopsy revealed in the 1-2 segment of the right lung three grey-yellow, dense foci, 1-1,5см in diameter with a dim surface. A histological research showed the tubercular endobronchitis, foci of a caseous bronchopneumonia, surrounded with a wall of epithelioid, lymphoid and giant Pirogov-Langhans cells. For what form of a tuberculosis the described changes are characteristic?

A. * Acute focal tuberculosis

B. Infiltrative tuberculosis

C. Fibrous-focal tuberculosis

D. Caseous pneumonia

E. Primary pulmonary tuberculous complex

39. An autopsy of a 40-year-old man with a history of AIDS revealed both lung lobes enlarged, dense, air free, with fibrinous membranes on pleura. A gross investigation of a cut surface showed the yellow dim pulmonal tissue. A histological investigation determined in alveoli the serofibrinous and fibrinous exudate with large foci of a pulmonal tissue necrosis. For what disease the described changes in lungs are characteristic?

A. * Caseous pneumonia

B. Infiltrative tuberculosis

C. Croupous pneumonia

D. Lymphogranulomatosis of lungs (Hodgkin's disease)

E. Carcinoma of lung

40. A 47- year-old man died of an acute anemia, resulted from the pulmonary bleeding. An autopsy revealed in the 2 segment of the right lung the cavity, 5-6 cm in the size, which had connection with the bronchus lumen. The cavity had irregular roundish form and filled with blood. The internal surface of a cavity was rough and covered by a flabby unstructured yellowish tissue. A wall was thin, presented by the condensed, inflammatorily changed pulmonary tissue A histological investigation showed that the cavity inside layer consisted of the fused caseous masses with a considerable quantity of segmented leucocytes. What is the most likely pathology presented in that case?

A. * Acute cavernous tuberculosis

B. Abscess of lung

C. Disintegrating carcinoma of lung

D. Infarction of lung with septic disintegration

E. Bronchiectatic cavity (cavern)

41. A 56-year-old man died of a progressing heart failure. A post-mortem revealed small, dense lungs; the upper lobes were deformed, penetrated by a cicatrical tissue, with the encapsulated foci of a caseous necrosis, 0, 2-0,5сm in diameter. In the upper and middle lobes there were cavities, 3-4 and 4-5cm in the size, with dense walls and fiber internal surface, filled with the opaque yellow-green liquid. The surrounding pulmonary tissue was sclerotic. The heart was enlarged at the expense of the hypertrophied right ventricle. Define the form of secondary pulmonary tuberculosis

A. * Cirrhotic tuberculosis

B. Fibrous-focal tuberculosis.

C. Infiltrative tuberculosis

D. Acute cavernous tuberculosis

E. Fibrocavernous tuberculosis

42. A post-mortem of a 72-year-old vagabond, with marked kypho-scoliosis, revealed the partially destructed thoracal vertebral bodies due to formation of cavities (sequesters), filled with white-yellow brittle masses. A histological investigation determined within altered vertebras big foci of a caseous necrosis, surrounded with solitary giant multinucleated Pirogov-Langhans’ cells, epithelioid cells and lymphocytes. Similar changes were diagnosed at mediastinum lymph nodes and disseminated in lungs and kidneys. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. *Tuberculous osteomyelitis

B. Purulent osteomyelitis

C. Syphilitic osteomyelitis

D. Osteoporosis

E. Osteoarthrosis

43. An ultrasound investigation of the young 17-year-old man’s right kidney revealed pyeloectasis, accompanied with disturbance of outflow of urine by urethra. Microscopical investigation of the renal biopsy showed a diffusive infiltration of the interstitium by lymphocytes and hystiocytes. In the cortical and medullar zones there were the foci of a destruction with formation of the cavities, surrounded by peripheral mantle of epithelioid , lymphoid cells and some multinucleated Pirogov-Langhans’ giant cells. What disease is the most probable?

A. * Tuberculosis of kidney

B. Suppurative (apostematous) nephritis

C. Nonspecific tubular-interstitial nephritis

D. Polycystic kidney

E. Chronic pyelonephritis

44. An autopsy of a child, who died of meningocephalitis revealed under pleura and in pulmonal tissue plural, punctual, yellow-white lesions which reminded millet grains. Histological investigation showed granulomas with a necrosis zone in the centre and a wall of epithelioid cells, lymphocytes, macrophages and some giant Pirogov -Langhans cells. What is the most likely disease?

A. *Primary milliary tuberculosis

B. Secondary tuberculosis

C. Focal pneumonia

D. Croupous pneumonia

45. A medical record of a dead child reveled meningeal symptoms in his medical history. His X-ray showed a dark patch in the ІІІ segment of the right lung and enlarged radical lymph nodes. At autopsy, in cerebral arachnoids, the millet grains-like nodules were found. Microscopical study of a nodule determined a focus of a caseous necrosis with wall of epithelioid, lymphoid cells with giant cells between them. These giant cells had big nuclei, situated on periphery in the form of a half moon. What is the most likely kind of meningitis?

A. *Tuberculous

B. Syphilitic

C. Brucellous

D. Influenzal

E. Meningococcal

46. A patient ill with tuberculosis died from progressing cardiopulmonary decompensation. Autopsy in the area of the right lung apex revealed a cavity 5 cm in diameter communicating with lumen of a segmental bronchus. On the inside cavity walls are covered with caseous masses with epithelioid and Langhans cells beneath them. What morphological form of tuberculosis is it?

A. *Acute cavernous tuberculosis

B. Infiltrative tuberculosis

C. Caseous pneumonia

D. Acute focal tuberculosis

E. Tuberculoma



1. A 10-year-old boy presented with Hutchinson’s triad: parenchymatous keratitis, sensorineural deafness and deformed Hutchinson’s teeth (the barrel form), along with saddle-nose deformity.

For what illness the presented changes are characteristic?

A. * Syphilis.

B. Toxoplasmosis

C. Leprosy.

D. Tuberculosis.

E. Opisthorchiasis.

2. An autopsy of a 36-year-old man revealed in his liver s roundish formation, 0,5 cm in diameter. Microscopical investigation showed in the centre of lesion necrotic masses, surrounded by the granulation tissue with some plasmatic and lymphoid cells. There were also signs of the vasculitis in the blood vessels. What is the most likely diagnosis in that case?

A. *Solitary gumma of liver

B. Solitary adenoma of liver.

C. Solitary leproma of liver.

D. Chronic abscess of liver.

E. Carcinoma of liver.

3. An autopsy of a 54-year-old man reveled above valvular rupture of an aorta with resulted in a cardiac tamponade. Histological investigation of ascending part of an aorta showed in its external and middle layers inflammatory infiltrates. They consisted of lymphoid, plasmatic and epithelioid cells. There were also recognized the necrosis centers and proliferation of a vessels’ wall. Changes in an aorta are characteristic for:

A. *Syphilitic aortitis

B. Septic aortitis

C. Rheumatic aortitis

D. Atherosclerosis

E. Hypertension diseases

4. A 20-year old woman presented with enlarged, not painful, condensed inguinal lymph nodes. In her genital mucosa there was a small ulcer with firm edges and the "varnished" grayish color floor. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. *Syphilis

B. Tuberculosis.

C. Leprosy.

D. Trophic ulcer.

E. Gonorrhea.

5. A biopsy of cervix uteri was taken from the 34-year-old woman. Histological investigation revealed the inflammatory infiltration with involving of fine arteries and veins walls. The infiltrate composed of plasmocytes, lymphocytes, and epithelioid cells. There were also zones of sclerosis and a tissue hyalinosis. What is the most likely disease?

A. * Syphilis

B. Tuberculosis

C. Leukoplakia

D. Cervical erosion

E. Condyloma

6. The prepuce was removed from a young man. A microscopical investigation revealed the polymorphic infiltrate consisting from randomly located plasmatic, lymphoid and epithelioid cells. There was marked vessels’ vasculitis. For what disease the described changes are characteristic?

A. *Syphilis

B. Tuberculosis

C. Actinomycosis

D. Periarteritis nodosa

E. Leprosy

7. A man’s oral cavity investigation revealed an oval, cartilaginous density, slightly elevated ulcer at his buccal mucosa. A meaty, reddened floor was covered with grayish sebaceous deposits. A microscopical investigation showed lymphocyte infiltration, situated mainly round fine vessels. There was also an endothelium proliferation within the vessel’s walls. What disease has developed in that case?

A. * Syphilis

B. Traumatic ulcer

C. Erosive-ulcerated leukoplakia

D. Ulcer-Carcinoma

E. Ulcero-necrotic Vensan's stomatitis

8. A histological study of a biopsy from an oral cavity ulcer revealed the foci of caseous necrosis surrounded with plasmocytes, epithelioid , lymphoid cells and solitary giant multinucleated Pirogov-Langhans’ cells. There were also signs of endo - and a perivasculitis in fine vessels. Specify the disease.

A. *Syphilis

B. Tuberculosis

C. Leprosy

D. Rhinoscleroma

E. Glanders



1. A 48-year-old patient with a history of croupous pneumonia died of the pulmonary and heart failure. A post-mortem revealed a hyperplasia of a spleen, a thickening and defects of the aortal valve leaflet with large, up to 2 cm in diameter, thrombuses attached to tissues underneath. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. * Polypous-ulcerative endocarditis

B. Acute warty endocarditis

C. Recurrent warty endocarditis

D. Diffuse endocarditis

E. Fibroplastic endocarditis

2. An autopsy of a 48-year-old man revealed the infarct of the left hemisphere of a brain. A macroscopic study also showed a big septic spleen, immunocomplex glomerulonephritis, ulcers in aortal valve leaflets, covered with polypous thrombi. The latter ones had colonies of staphilococcuses, determined by microscopic study. What disease resulted in cerebral thromboembolism?

A. * Septic bacterial endocarditis

B. Septicemia

C. Acute rheumatic valvulitis

D. Septicopyemia

E. Rheumatic thromboendocarditis

3. A 46-year-old man died of an odontogenic sepsis. An autopsy revealed the marked thickening of semilunar aortic valves. They were whitish, opaque and stiff, with thrombotic masses, 1х1.5 cm in the size on the external surface. What is the most likely form of an endocarditis?

A. * Polypous-ulcerative endocarditis

B. Diffuse endocarditis

C. Acute warty endocarditis

D. Fibroplastic endocarditis

E. Recurrent warty endocarditis

4. A 32-year-old man with a long history of a drug abuse, presented with a fever, the intoxication and a pyuria. An echocardioscopy revealed massive superimpositions (vegetations) on the heart valves. Microbiological blood test showed a presence of a staphylococcus. The patient died of a thromboembolism of a pulmonary artery. Specify the changes of heart, revealed at post-mortem?

A. * Polypous-ulcerative endocarditis

B. Libman-Sacks endocarditis

C. Diffuse valvulitis

D. Acute warty endocarditis

E. Recurrent warty endocarditis

5. A young woman with a history of the out-of-hospital abortion presented with advanced purulent endomyometritis resulted in a lethal outcome. A post-mortem revealed numerous abscesses of lungs, pustules under kidneys’ capsule and spleen hyperplasia. What form of a sepsis has developed?

A. * Septicopyemia

B. Septicemia

C. Chroniosepsis

D. Lung sepsis

E. Urosepsis

6. A 30-year-old woman with a history of abortion presented with purulent endometritis resulted in a death from sepsis. A post-mortem revealed a purulent lymphadenitis, abscesses in lungs, kidneys, a myocardium, a spleen hyperplasia, and dystrophy of parenchymatous organs. Define the clinico-anatomic form of a sepsis.

A. * Septicopyemia

B. Septicemia

C. Septic endocarditis

D. Granulomatous sepsis

E. Chroniosepsis

7. A 28-year-old woman died in the postnatal period. A post-mortem revealed a purulent endometritis and thrombophlebitis of a uterus veins, plural abscesses of lungs, kidneys and a spleen. In addition, there were an apostematous myocarditis and purulent meningitis. What is the most likely kind of a sepsis?

A. * Septicopyemia

B. Septicemia

C. Chroniosepsis

D. The prolonged septic endocarditis


8. A man with a history of a lower extremity wound, presented with persistent pyesis of a lesion, resulted in death of intoxication. An autopsy revealed a cachexia, dehydration; a brown atrophy of a liver, a myocardium, a spleen and cross-striated muscles. In addition, there was amyloidosis of kidneys. What of the listed diagnoses is most probable?

A. * Chroniosepsis

B. Septicopyemia

C. Septicemia.

D. Chernogubov's disease.

E. Brucellosis

9. A post-mortem revealed on the external surface of the aortal valve the large, 1-2 сm, brownish-red, easily crumbling superimpositions (vegetations). They covered ulcerative defects in the valves. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. * Polypous-ulcerative endocarditis

B. Recurrent warty endocarditis

C. Acute warty endocarditis

D. Fibroplastic endocarditis

E. Diffuse endocarditis

10. A man with a wound of his limb that had been suppurating for a long time died from intioxication. Autopsy revealed extreme emaciation, dehydration, brown atrophy of liver, myocardium, spleen and cross-striated muscles as well as renal amyloidosis. What diagnosis corresponds with the described picture?

A. *Chroniosepsis

B. Brucellosis

C. Chernogubov's syndrome

D. Septicopyemia

E. Septicemia

11.A 20 year old patient died from intoxication 8 days after artificial illegal abortion performed in her 14-15th week of pregnancy. Autopsy of the corpse revealed yellowish colour of eye sclera and of skin, necrotic suppurative endometritis, multiple pulmonary abscesses, spleen hyperplasia with a big number of neutrophils in its sinuses. What complication after abortion was developed?

A. *Septicopyemia

B. Hemorrhagic shock

C. Chroniosepsis

D. Septicemia

E. Viral hepatitis type A


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