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1. A morphological research of a femur reveled the chronic purulent inflammation of compact substance and a bone marrow with sequesters formation. What is the most likely disease?

A. *Osteomyelitis

B. Retikulosarcoma

C. Multiple (plasma cell) myeloma (Kahler's disease)

D. Osteoblastoclastoma

E. Periostitis

2. A 6-year-old girl presented to the hospital with suddenly raised temperature and catarrh of respiratory tracts. For 5th day of illness there was a paralysis of her lower extremities muscles, accompanied with respiratory disorders. In the anterior horns of a spinal cord there was a proliferation of a glia round necrotic neurons. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. *Poliomyelitis

B. Measles

C. Diphtheria

D. Meningococcemia

E. Scarlet fever

3. A 48- year-old man presented with advanced staphylococcal purulent periodontitis, resulted in a purulent inflammation of alveolar process’ bone marrow and then a mandible’s body. Microscopical investigation showed thinned osteal beams, the necrosis centers and the osteal sequesters, surrounded with a connective tissue’s capsule. What is the most likely disease?

A. *Chronic osteomyelitis

B. Acute osteomyelitis

C. Parodontome

D. Chronic fibrous periostitis

E. Purulent periostitis

4. A 52-year-old man with a 10 years history of chronic osteomyelitis and 3 years a nephrotic syndrome, died of uremia. An autopsy revealed dense, white kidneys, with some cicatrices in their cortical layer. They had sebaceous glitter on a cut surface. Specify a pathology of kidneys which has developed.

A. *Secondary amyloidosis

B. Primary amyloidosis

C. Idiopathic amyloidosis

D. Chronic glomerulonephritis

E. Chronic pyelonephritis

5. A 53- year-old man died of intoxication. An autopsy revealed the enlargement of his hip with some fistulas on a skin. There was yellow – green thick liquid discharge from the fistulas. The gross investigation showed the thickened femur with sequesters formation. A microscopical study determined sequestral cavities, surrounded by granulation and connective tissue with neutrophil infiltration. The bone-marrow channels were obliterated; the compact layer was thickened. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. *Chronic purulent osteomyelitis

B. Acute gematogenic osteomyelitis

C. Tuberculous osteomyelitis

D. Parathyroid osteodystrophy

E. Osteopetrosis

6. A 20-year-old woman presented with a several years history of muscular weakness, resulted in the motion, talking, chewing and swallowing problems. A physical examination revealed the ptosis of both eyelids. The thorax roentgenography found a tumorous conglomerate in anterior mediastinum. Histological investigation of the tumor biopsy determined a thymoma. There were also some dystrophic alterations in skeletal muscles. Diagnose the disease.

A. *Myasthenia

B. Progressive mussels dystrophy

C. Mussels Erb's dystrophy

D. Dermatomyositis

E. Poliomyelitis

7. A 20-year-old woman with a history of pathological cross- striated muscular weakness and ptosis died of asphyxia. An autopsy revealed the follicular hyperplasia of a thymus, atrophy and a necrosis of skeletal muscles with focal lymphocytic infiltrates among the cells. Specify the form of a muscles lesion.

A. * Myasthenia

B. Atrophy myositis

C. Progressive myopathy

D. Mussels Leyden's dystrophy

E. Mussels Erb's dystrophy

8. An autopsy of a patient, with a lifetime history of numerous pathological fractures, revealed changes of his long tubular bones. The femurs and tibia bones were curved or spiral with uneven surface and the obliterated bone-marrow channels on a cut. There was also a remodeling of a compact cortical layer into the spongy type. Microscopical investigation showed mosaicity of osteal structures. There were numerous cavities of the resorptions combined with osteoblastic lying down ofnew bone. These were accompanied with chaotic fine-fibered or lamellar structures of osteal fragments. The arteries were twisted and dilated. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. * Deforming osteodystrophy

B. Osteopetrosis

C. Parathyroid osteodystrophy

D. Fibrous dysplasia

E. Chronic osteomyelitis

9. A 20-year-old woman presented with weakness of the eye, chewing, speech and swallowing groups of muscles. Thus, the normal muscles contraction were completely ceased after the vigorous activity and restored again after the rest.

Later, the muscles of extremities and intercostals were also involved in pathological process. Inadequate ventilation of the lungs resulted in secondary focal pneumonia, followed by patient’s death. An autopsy showed the atrophy of cross- striated muscles, their dystrophy with focal aggregates of lymphocytes in interstitium. In the enlarged thymic gland the follicular hyperplasia was found out. Specify the most probable diagnosis:

A. * Myasthenia

B. Verdniga-Goffman's spinal amyotrophy

C. Dyushen's mussels dystrophy

D. Lateral amyotrophic sclerosis.

E. Erb's mussels dystrophy

10. Autopsy of a man who died from the sepsis in his femoral bone revealed phlegmonous inflammation that affected the marrow, haversian canals and periosteum. Under the periosteum there are multiple abscesses, adjoining soft tissues of thigh also have signs of phlegmonous inflammation. What pathological process was described?

A. *Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis

B. Osteoporosis

D. Chronic hematogenous osteomielitis

E. Osteopetrosis



1. A 48-year-old patient presented to the hospital with deep cerebral coma. It was known, that during lifetime he experienced periodic attacks of a fever. An autopsy revealed grey-flaky colour of a bone marrow, lymph nodes; enlarged a liver and a spleen. Histological investigation showed the haemomelanosis and a hemosiderosis in mentioned organs. What of diagnoses is most probable?

A. *Malaria

B. Hemolytic anemia

C. Addison disease

D. Septicemia

E. Black pox

2. A 54-year-old man presented to the hospital with reddening and edema of the neck’s skin, and then resulted in a small abscess formation. On a cut, a tissue was dense with yellow-green coloring. In purulent masses there were visible white grains. Histological study showed fungus’ druses, plasmatic, xanthome cells, and macrophages. Specify the most probable kind of a mycosis.

A. *Actinomycosis

B. Aspergillosis

C. Candidosis

D. Sporotrichosis

E. Coccidioidomycosis

3. An autopsy of 48-year-old woman, resident of Middle Asia, with long history of exhausting fever, revealed enlarged liver and a spleen. They were grey-flaky color. The same color had hyperplastic bone marrow. A cerebral cortex also had grey-smoky coloring. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. *Malaria


C. Epidemic typhus

D. Sepsis

E. Hepatitis

4. A 38-year-old man died of cerebral coma. It was known, that after foreign business trip in one of the African countries, the icteruses periodically developed. An autopsy revealed the enlarged, dense spleen, with a black pulp. A liver was also enlarged, hyperemic, and grey-black. A gross investigation of the brain determined brown-grey coloring of a grey matter and plural fine hemorrhages in white matter. What infectious disease should be suspected?

A. * Malaria

B. Meningococcemia

C. Prion infection

D. Generalized herpes infection

E. Generalized cryptococcosis

5. A 69-year-old man presented to the hospital with edema and a painfulness of a skin and soft tissues of his neck. The phlegmon of a neck and a mediastinitis were diagnosed. The patient died. An autopsy revealed enlarged, dense left tonsil. On a cut, the tonsil was yellow-green, with set of fine cavities similar to porous structures. Microscopical investigation determined fine abscesses with basophilic formations in their centers. These formations consisted of short rhabdoid elements. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. *Actinomycosis

B. Brucellosis

C. Amebiasis

D. Lambliasis

E. Leishmaniasis

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