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V. Complete the paragraph using the passive causative or active past perfect forms of the verbs in parentheses.

Yesterday was a typically unpredictable day in the life of detective Harry Sadler.

Since Harry hadn't been able to eat at home, he__got some breakfast brought___. (get / some breakfast / bring) up to his office from the cafeteria as soon as he arrived at work. After breakfast he e-mailed some digital photos of a crime scene to the lab to 2. (have / them / enlarge) . He spent a couple of hours going over files and then left the office for the garage where he was 3. (get/ his ear / tune up) Harry's mechanic said that he should also 4. (have / the windshield / replace) . Harry agreed and arranged to pick the car up at the end of the day. At lunchtime he met with the members of his investigative team. Time was short, so they 5. (get / lunch / deliver)_from a nearby restaurant. They studied the evidence they had 6. (get / analyze) by the police crime lab. They 7. (have / complete / the work) by 2:00. After the meeting Harry spent a couple of hours writing a report by hand. He 8. (have / finish / the report) by 4:00, so he then 9. (have /it /type) by his secretary. At 5:30 he left the office, picked up his car, and then met his wife for dinner and a movie. They were 10. (have / their kitchen / remodel) and couldn't do any cooking. At 11:00 P.M. they arrived home. It's a good thing Harry loves his work because it was another long, tiring, but interesting day.

VI. Learn the proverbs.

1. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

2. What is done cannot be undone.

3. Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.

4. Marriages are made in heaven.

5. A man is known by the company he keeps.

6. If you would not be cheated, ask the price at three shops.

7. What is bought is cheaper than a gift.

8. Pay beforehand was never well served.

9. Money is a good servant, but a bad master.

10. Never loan money to a friend unless you wish to lose him.

VII. Translate from Ukrainian into English.

A.Магазин самообслуговування, кондитерська, прилавок, молочний відділ, відділ напоїв, платити готівкою, вчинити крадіжку в магазині, візок у супермаркеті, товари високого ґатунку, браковані товари, господарчі товари, споживчі товари, касир, охоронець в магазині, кредитна картка магазину, етикетка, список того, що потрібно придбати, робити покупки, ходити по магазинах, заощаджувати гроші, за всяку ціну.

В.1.Її заарештували за крадіжку в супермаркеті. 2. Вам чимось допомогти? – Ні, дякую, мене вже обслуговують. 3. Вони взяли з мене 50 доларів за цю коробку цукерок. – Тебе обдурили, це дуже дорого. 4. Кольоровий одяг прати окремо від білого. 5. Усі вельветові штани були розпродані за півгодини. 6. Твоя свекруха попросила, щоб її покупки доставили до дому. 7. Кавоварка була бракована, тому мені повернули гроші. 8. Мене переконали не купувати цю помаранчеву парасольку. 9.Я дуже зайнята людина, їжу мені купує сестра, а хатню роботу виконує служниця. 10. Чому чек перевіряється охоронцем? 11. Це плаття не вашого розміру. – Але воно гарне і виготовлено в Італії. 12. Хто купив тобі ці вовняні шкарпетки?




I. Four of these six sentences contain mistakes in grammar or punctuation. Tick (V) the correct sentences, then find and correct the mistakes.

0. 'These traffic-calming measures have been put into place for a very

good reason,' said he. ..........he said................

1. The doctor said me that I should really do more exercise………........

2. Alison decided that she'd have the whole kitchen floor replaced.

3. Delia commented that fresh coriander could be found in any good supermarket now. ……...........................

4. The child shouted he wanted to go home to his mother. .............................

5. And then the interviewer actually said that's a lie, Minister........................

6. The new Honda Civic, the salesman added, is one of the most popular small family saloons now.......................................

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