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II. What questions did Fill ask Peter?

1 ... if you know my half- sister. Do you know my half- sister?

2 ...what needs to be done next.

3 ... who really gave you that engagement ring.

4 ...who invited you to the restaurant.

5 ... if you have finished your project.

6 ...if you went to the concert last night.

7 ... what the result of your exam was.

8 ...which you like best – roasted chicken or turkey.

9 ... who you invited to the wedding ceremony.

10 ... if you have any siblings.

11 ...what you need from the corner shop.

12 ... where you went last weekend.

13 ... if you were pleased with the present.

14 ...which comes first - your birthday or your nephew's.

15 ... if you are playing cricket this weekend.

16 ... what really happened to your eye.

17 ... whether you speak Italian.

18 .. where your friend John lives.

III. Report these questions using a wh-, if- or whether-clause, as appropriate. Make any necessary changes to verb tense, pronouns, etc.

1.'How much will they pay you?' She asked me how much they would pay we...

2. 'Will you be coming back later?' She asked me....

3. 'When do you expect to finish the book?' She asked me....

4. 'When are you leaving?' She asked me...

5. 'Where did you get the computer from?' She asked me...

6. 'Why didn't you tell me earlier?' She asked me...

7. 'How do you get to Northfield?' She asked me...

8. 'Are meals included in the price, or not?' She asked me....

9. 'What do you want?' She asked me....

10. 'Are you happy in your new job?' She asked me...

11. 'What did you think of the performance yesterday?' She asked me....

12. 'Have you ever eaten snails?' She asked me...

IV. Each of these reported questions and commands contains a mistake. Find the mistakes and correct them.

1. Andy was really excited about the new job and asked if could he start straight away.

2.Miriam was running as fast as she was able to, wondering how possibly could she get away from this maniac.

3.The Prime Minister asked for the new crime bill to draft as soon as possible. …………..

4.The builder told us let the piaster dry completely before we paint it. 5.The neighbours asked if or not we had heard anything during the night. 6.They informed us where buy the books of tickets for the buses and trains. 7. Dad asked me where I d been all night"?

8.The salesperson wanted to know what is the problem with the new fax machine.……….

9.Sandra begged to her landlord not to evict her before she had found somewhere……..else to live.

10. Standing in the dark, dark cell, Leyton wondered if he can make contact with the prisoners on either side of him.

V. What did these people say? Rewrite the reported versions of some quotations by famous people in direct speech.

1. Al Capone once complained that he had been accused of every death except the casualty list of the World War.


2. President Woodrow Wilson once remarked that he would never read a book if it were possible for him to talk for half an hour with the person who wrote it.


3. Pablo Picasso once claimed that age only mattered when one was ageing. He said that as he had arrived at a great age, he might just as well be twenty.


4. Jean-Paul Sartre once commented that the world could get along very well without literature and it could get along even better without man.


5. A spokesperson from UNESCO stated that since wars had begun in the minds of men, it was in the minds of men that the defence of peace had to be constructed.


6. Groucho Marx once asked a club to accept his resignation because he didn't want to belong to any club that would accept him as a member.


7. President John F Kennedy once told the American people to ask not what their country could do for them, but to ask what they could do for their country.


8. Albert Einstein once said that he knew why there were so many people who loved chopping wood. He explained that in that activity one immediately saw the results.


9. A psychologist said that a view on teenagers' bedrooms was quite straightforward because personal space was very important in adolescence and privacy should be respected.


10. Algerian middle-distance runner Hassiba Boulmerka said that she could not run with naked legs in front of thousands of men.


VI. Translate from Ukrainian into English.

A.Соромлива дівчина-підліток, дотепний і самовпевнений, жорстокий і підступний, червоний шкіряний диван з декількома подушками, мармуровий камін, опікун близнюків, прийомні батьки, втекти з коханцем, весільний торт, важка їжа, сковорода для випікання, порцелянова кавова чашка, ложки, виделки та ножі, перекусити на ходу, пікантна страва, в’язані рукавиці, шкіряний ремінь зі срібною пряжкою, примірочна, розглядати вітрини, розраховуватись чеком або готівкою, вимагати повернення грошей.

B.1. Наречена сказала, що її дуже подобається весільний торт з вершками. 2. Касир говорить, що в неї немає решти зі 100 гривень. 3. Він сказав, що як щоб його квартира була трохи більше, то він запросив би усіх друзів. 4. Він планує відправитися у відпустку зі своєю подружкою наступного тижня. 5. Мені цікаво, хто приготував цю дуже смачну страву. 6. Тітка попередила мене, що молоко може прокиснути. 7. Шеф кухар відмовився розповісти рецепт цього супу. 8. Лікар запитав мене чи вдоволена я результатами пластичної операції. 9. Продавець запитав мене, якій в мене розмір. 10. Мати сказала мені не читати допізна.




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