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Commercial breakdown

A good-looking young man walks into a small-town American laundry. He strips off and waits for his jeans to wash. Not much of a storyline, but this _________________ (1 – to remain) one of the most popular TV adverts that ______________________ (2 – ever / to make). Made ___________________ (3 – to promote) Levis, the ad ______________ (4 – to be) a massive success the minute it _______________ (5 – to hit) British TV screens in 1985. It represented youthful rebellion, radical chic and sex appeal, which was perfect for Levis’ intended positioning of their brand in the market.

The old washing machines are the biggest clue to the 1950s America. Every period in history likes __________________ (6 – to look) back nostalgically to a mythical past when life ______________ (7 – to be) simpler and less complicated. And the 1950s, with the birth of rock and roll, _____________________ (8 – always / to have) a special place in the history of what is cool. But for cool music, turn to the 1960s. The sound track I Heard it Through the Grapevine _____________________ (9 – to release) in 1968. It’s the story of a man who learns that his girlfriend ____________________ (10 – to see) someone else. A man, perhaps, who goes to the laundry now that his girlfriend __________________ (11 – to leave) him?

Unlike the majority of adverts, this ad ____________________ (12 – to co-create) by a woman. In the fiercely male-dominated world of advertising, this advert established new ground by ________________ (13 – to make) a man into an object of sexual desire. It was perhaps the first time we __________________ (14 – to see) a man ________________ (15 – to take) his clothes off on screen. However, this ‘revolution’ seems ________________________ (16 – to have) little lasting effect.



  A Step II  





The Participle

Participle I
Время   Залог Non-Perfect Perfect
  Active   examining   having examined
Passive     being examined   having been examined
Participle II  

12. a) Read and find the Participles.$

Although all major life changes are difficult to cope with, perhaps none is more traumatic than unexpectedly losing your job. While working, people constantly complain about stress, lack of freedom and so on. Having found themselves without employment they begin to realize how lucky they were to have a monthly pay packet to depend on. Money is not the main problem either. To a certain extent we all define ourselves by what we do. A job gives us a feeling of self- respect, while providing a dependable structure for our day. Having been dismissed people often find themselves wondering who they are and what the purpose of their life is. This is, of course, an illogical reaction since you are still the same person you were while employed. It’s best not to take your dismissal personally because companies all over the world are making drastic labour-cuts. Therefore, if you happen to be one of those employees dismissed, it is probably not because of your personality or the quality of your work. Also, keep in mind, that when you succeed in finding suitable work, your self-confidence will get an enormous boost. A positive attitude is the key to coping with this very difficult and increasingly common problem.

(After Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley, Mission 2)


b) Answer the teacher’s questions.

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