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32. Answer the questions using must and the phrases given in the box.

Model: T – Why was Mike so depressed?

St – He must have quarreled with his girlfriend.


to book sth in advance rock singer to be ill-tempered to be delayed to deliver by plane to separate thirty-two to be exhausted


33. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the Infinitive.

1. These shoes are very good quality. They must __________ very expensive. 2. I was woken up by loud music last night. My next-door neighbours must _________________ a party. 3. Don’t worry that Betsy is late, she might ________________ the train. 4. Look, Kate is putting on her new dress and high heels. She must _______________ to a party. 5. The burglar might ____________ back, so change all the locks. 6. He couldn’t _________________ the painting without anyone knowing. 7. Let’s find my glasses. I must _______________ them somewhere on the terrace. 8. The weather has changed dramatically. It must __________ _________ for at least three hours. The city has come to a standstill. 9. Can Anna really ________________ for a job? Her husband earns enough to keep the family. 10. You may _______________ your wallet in the shopping mall. Or you may ________________ it in the car. 11. It rained every day during the weekend they spent in the country, so they can’t _______________ a good time. 12. Why is he red in the face? – He might ___________________.


34. Develop the situations using the hints given in brackets.
Model: – Jill didn’t come to the party last night. (might / not want)

– Jill didn’t come to the party last night. She might not have wanted to see us. Perhaps she found some of our jokes


1. How on earth did the burglar get in? (must / break) 2. Harry didn’t look surprised when I told him the news. (may / know) 3. We haven’t seen Marian for over a week. (may / go) 4. Look, there is no one at the bus stop. (must / miss) 5. I wonder how they got to know about our plans. (might / guess) 6. I can’t understand why Pete didn’t look me up when he was in the office. (may / have) 7. It’s odd that they didn’t speak about their plans to move to New Zealand. (might / change) 8. I wonder why Alice hasn’t written to me for so long. (must / forget)


35. Paraphrase using the modal verbs may / might, can / could, must.

1. I’m sure that you haven’t met this woman before. 2. Nick can’t open the door. It seems to have got stuck. 3. I’m sure Val took your mobile phone by mistake. 4. It is possible that the two parties will not reach agreement tomorrow. 5. I doubt that she is trying to avoid Greg for fear of being asked personal questions. 6. Pay no attention to what the manager said. I’m sure he wasn’t serious. 7. It’s a pity you didn’t tell me the truth at once. I even felt a little hurt. 8. Let’s not wait any longer. It’s possible that Bill and Wendy won’t turn up at all.





36. a) Read the text filling in the gaps with the proper words.


JFK – John Fitzgerald Kennedy airport in New York

VP – Vice President

The NY-Lon Life

Ron Kastner is a classic New Yorker: first off the plane, first out of the airport. Carrying a single small bag, he walks straight through ________________ (1 – emigration / immigration) and customs. He doesn’t look like he’s spent six hours in the air (business class will do that to you). He owns a(n) ______________ (2 – apartment / flat) in the East Village in Manhattan, but tonight London is home: a flat in Belgravia, London’s wealthiest __________________ (3 – neighbourhood / suburb). Kastner is a _____________ (4 – citizen / resident) of a place called NY-LON, a(n) ____________ (5 – only / single) city _________________ (6 – inconveniently / uncomfortably) separated by an ocean. He flies ____________ (7 – among / between) the two cities up to five times a month. David Eastman lives there too. A Londoner who is a VP at Agency.com in New York, he travels the JFK-Heathrow __________ (8 – flight / route) so often he’s on a first-name basis with the Virgin Atlantic business class cabin __________ (9 – crew / team).

As different as New York and London are, a _____________ (10 – shrinking / growing) number of people are living, working and playing in the two cities as if they were one. The cities are ____________ (11 – connected / drawn) together by a _____________ (12 – shared / diverse) language and culture, but mostly by money – more of which flows through Wall Street and the City each day than all the rest of the __________ (13 – global / world’s) financial centres combined. The boom in financial services attracted advertising agencies, accounting firms and management consultancies to __________ (14 – both / either) cities. Then came hotel and restaurant businesses, architecture and design, real estate and construction, air travel, tourism and other service industries.

Trevor Beattie, the London-based creative director of an ad agency says ‘New York and London are both so trendy and so modern now _______________ (15 – regardless of / in terms of) fashion, art, photography, music.’ ‘We dream about each other’s cities,’ says a New Zealander who after twenty-five years in London bought a penthouse on New York’s Fifth Avenue. ‘If you’re in New York your dream is London, and if you’re in London your dream is New York.’

b) Answer the teacher’s questions.



37. Translate into English.

Глобальное потепление, вызванное накоплением в атмосфере парниковых газов, проявляется в различных частях земного шара: ураганы, землетрясения, наводнения, засухи, пожары наносят непоправимый ущерб человеку и природе на всех континентах. Таяние снегов на горных вершинах уже привело к нехватке пресной воды в Африке. Подъем уровня моря приведет к затоплению огромной части суши.

Проблема имеет глобальный характер. Во многих странах некомпетентность политиков и ученых привела к тому, что там, где когда-то стояли полные жизни города, сейчас пустыня. Но пустыни не появляются из ниоткуда. Они тоже – результат деятельности человека. Шестьдесят лет назад был популярен лозунг: “Покорим природу!” Человек бросил вызов природе в надежде улучшить мир. Все это время мы были ужасно расточительны, а наша планета стойко сносила все эксперименты. Наконец пришло время подумать о ближайшем будущем.



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