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Lesson 2. My family and I. An Indefinite Article. (Я та моя сім’я. Родина. Вживання неозначеного артикля.)


a husband, a wife – чоловік, дружина

a mother, a father– мама, тато

parents – батьки

a son, a daughter – син, дочка

a cousin – двоюрідний брат

a niece, a nephew – племінниця, племінник

an aunt, an uncle – тітка, дядько

a grandfather \ grandpa, a grandmother \ granny (grannie)– дідусь, бабуся

grandchildren – внуки

a grandson, a grand-daughter – внук, внучка

a father-in-law, a mother-in-law – тесть, свекор; теща. свекруха

a son-in-law, a daughter-in-law – зять, невістка

an adopted child – усиновлена дитина

an orphan– сирота

a step-father, a step-mother – вітчим, мачуха

a step-brother \ a half-brother– зведений брат

a step-sister \ a half-sister –зведена сестра

a godfather, a godmother – хрещений батько, хрещена мати

a great-grandfather, a great-a grandmother -прадід, прабаба

a relative – родич

to have a friendly family – мати дружню сім’ю

to understand each other – розуміти один одного

to be ready to help each other – бути готовими допомогти один одному

to spend time together – проводити час разом

to have a chat – спілкуватись

to be a well-built man – бути чоловіком гарної статури

to be a busy woman – бути зайнятою жінкою

to be married to –бути одружениiceм з

twins– близнята, twin daughters/sons – дочки/сини близнята

Ø Have you got any brothers and sisters? - No, I haven’t. I am an only child.

Ø Do you come from a big family? - Yes, I do. I have three brothers and sisters.


Exercise 1. Make up 5 sentences with the given new vocabulary (Складіть 5 речень з поданою новою лексикою):

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text and do the tasks after it. (Прочитайте та перекладіть текст та виконайте завдання до нього):

My family

I am happy to have a friendly family where we understand each other. I have a mother, a father and a sister. We live together and are ready to help each other. We like to spend time together: in the evenings we watch TV, read books and newspapers, listen to music or just have a chat.

Let me introduce my family. My father Igor Ivanovich is 45. He is a tall and well-built man. He works as an engineer at a big plant. He likes his work very much. He is very talented.

My mother’s name is Olga Petrovna. She is a teacher. My mother has a lot of work to do and she keeps house. She is a busy woman.

My sister Ann is very pretty. She is 10. She loves and respects our parents. She wants to be a doctor. She has a lot of friends. She likes to play with them. She has a hobby: dancing and singing.

We are happy when we are together.


Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps (Заповніть пропуски):

1. I am happy to … family where we … each other.

2. I have a mother, a … and a sister.

3. We live together and are ready to… .

4. We like to spend time together: in the evenings we… , read books and newspapers, listen to music or just… .

5. My father is a tall and … man. . My mother is … woman.


Exercise 4. Answer the questions (Дайте відповіді на запитання):

1. Is your family friendly? Do you have a father and a mother? (sister, brother)

2. Who is your father? Who is your mother?

3. What do you do with your family in the evenings?

4. Do you respect / love your parents?


Exercise 5. Complete the definitions with a suitable word:

1. My father's brothers are my …

2. My father's sisters are my …

3. My sister's husband is my............

4. My brother's wife is my..............

5. My wife's mother is my..............

6. My aunt and uncle's children are my.........

7. My parents' parents are my............

8. My brother's daughters are my...........

9. My sister's sons are my.............

10. My father has remarried so his first wife (still living) is his …

11. My oldest brother died, so his wife is a......

12. My mother remarried last year: her new husband is my

13. All of these people are members of my family, so they are my …

Exercise 6. Read and retell the text:

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