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Exercise 2. Practice reading the following new words and word combinations.

Learn them by heart:

to get married — одружуватися, оженитися

divorce [dl vo:s] — розлучення; розлучений

divorcee [divo: ́́sei] — розлучена

single — неодружений, незаміжня

descendant [di'sendənt] — нащадок

direct descendant — прямий нащадок

hereditary [hi'reditəri] — родовий, спадковий

heir [eə] — спадкоємець

progeny [ ́ргоd3іnі] — генерація, потомство

relatives — родичі

flesh and blood — родич


to introduce oneself — знайомити з кимось

to leave school — закінчувати школу

to graduate from the University — закінчувати уні­верситет

handsome [ hæŋsǝm) — вродливий (про чо­ловіка)

pretty [ ́priti] — симпатична, вродлива (про жінку)

elegant [ ́eligənt] елегантний

smart [sma:t] — добре вдягнений, модний, ви­шуканий

sociable ['sjutǝbl] — комунікабельний

slim [slim] — стрункий, зграбний

to work overtime — працювати понаднормово

breadwinner — годувальник

to be fond of — подобатися, вподобати

to be in /to have the habit of doing smth. —мати звичку поратися

gaiety [ geiǝti] — веселість

endless — нескінченний

to be on a pension — бути на пенсії

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:

1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. When and where were you born? 4. Is your family large or small? 5. How many people are there in your family? 6. What are they? 7. What is your mother’s name? 8. What is she by profession? 9. What is she fond of? 10. How old is your father? 11. What does he look like? 12. What is he interested in? 13. Have you brothers and sisters?

Exercise 4. Choose the right word:

1. She is (pretty, handsome). 2. I study (hard, good, well, badly) at school. 3. He is two years his (younger, older, senior, junior). 4. She is (younger, elder, older, senior, junior) than me. 5. I have a (an) (younger, elder, older, senior, junior) brother.


Exercise 5. Translate into English:

1. У мене є старша сестра. 2. Їй 19 років. 3. Вона старша від мене на два роки. 4. Анна мріє стати юристом. 5. Історія - улюблений предмет Анни в університеті. 6. Я маю намір стати економістом, як моя мама.


Exercise 6. Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart:


an occupation – заняття, професія

a profession – професія

an architect – архітектор

an artist – художник, митець

an actress – актриса

an actor – актор

a bank manager – директор (керівник) банку

a banker – банкір

a beautician – косметолог

a builder – будівельник

a composer – композитор

a chemist – хімік, аптекар

a computer programmer – комп’ютерний програміст

a circus clown – цирковий клоун

a dentist – зубний лікар, дантист

an engineer – інженер

a freelance translater – позаштатний перекладач

a journalist – журналіст

a lawyer – юрист, адвокат

a librarian – бібліотекар

a musician – музикант

a mechanic – механік

an officer – офіцер, службовець

a pilot – пілот

a police officer – поліцейський

a physicist – фізик

a painter – художник

a plumber – водопровідник

a shop assistant – продавець, продавщиця

a sportsman – спортсмен

a surgeon ['sɜ:ʤn] – хірург

a soldier – солдат

a sailor – моряк, матрос

a scientific worker – науковий працівник

a secretary – секретар

a taxi driver – таксист

a typist – друкарка

a waitress – офіціантка

a waiter – офіціант

a worker – робітник, працівник

a writer – письменник

Exercise 7. Read and retell the text:

My Family

My family is not large, to great regret, because I like big friendly families. There are only three of us: my mother, my father and me.

I'd rather begin with my mother, a very pleasant-looking woman with big blue eyes and beautiful fair hair, aged 42. The most striking feature about her is that she is a wonderful lis­tener. And this trait of hers makes people confide in her. What is more, she is always ready to help or to give some good advice. I know that she is well-respected by her colleagues and highly spoken of for her proficiency at work. And for me, she is the best mother one can think of.

The next one to speak about is my father, he is a middle-aged man, tall, rather handsome with thick fair hair just beginning to go grey. He is a few years older than my mother but he looks young, strong and full of energy. He is not an easy person to deal with. He likes having things in his own way. What is good about him is that whatever he does he does it properly. He de­mands the same on our part. My father is a well-read, educated person, whom we can always turn to in case of necessity. And you are sure to be given either some help or a good piece of ad­vice. Besides he has rather important profession — that of an engineer.

The last one to speak about is myself. I am 17, in October I'll be 18. I am a schoolgirl now, but next year 1 hope to become a student of the Institute of foreign languages. I spend much time on it, reading books in the original, speaking English. I never miss a chance of speaking to native speakers. Besides this I am fond of drawing. It's a beautiful kind of art and I have my les­sons three times a week. So you see I am quite a busy person, but I don't complain of it. This makes my life more interesting. Nevertheless I always find some time for meeting my friends, going out somewhere or just staying at home, enjoying the com­pany of my family. That is really grand when we gather together in the evening and have a hearty talk about everything — books, music, life, different countries.



to my great regret — на мій превеликий жаль

striking feature — вражаюча риса

proficiency – досвідченість, уміння, вправність

to confide in somebody — довіряти комусь

to deal with – мати справу

properly – належним чином

to demand — вимагати

to complain of something – скаржитися на щось

nevertheless — однак

to appreciate – цінувати

Exercise 8. Choose the correct answer for the questions:

1. What word from the text is the synonym of the word "ami­able"?

a) rude;

b) nice;

c) friendly;

d) bad.

2. What doesn't the expression "striking feature" mean?

a) "remarcable feature";

b) "impressive feature";

c) "attracting attention";

d) "involving a great effort".

3. What is the antonym of the word "ugly"?

a) handsome;

b) bad;

c) expensive;

d) cheap.

4. What does the expression "to go grey" mean?

a) to change colour of eyes;

b) to change clothes;

c) to change colour of hair;

d) to become old.

5. What does the expression "to be not an easy person to deal with" mean?

a) to have a bad character;

b) to quarrel with everybody;

c) to have own point of view;

d) to have things own way.

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