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Vth level - Advanced

20 questions for computer based testing, time limit - 20 minutes, commission of three persons

Table № 1- Assessment of test results:

Mark Score equivalent % equivalent Number of right answers
A 4,0 95-100 19-20 test assignments
A- 3,67 18 test assignments
B+ 3,33 17 test assignments
B 3,0 16 test assignments
B- 2,67 15 test assignments
C+ 2,33 14 test assignments
C 2,0 13 test assignments
C- 1,67 12 test assignments
D+ 1,33 11 test assignments
D 1,0 10 test assignments
F 0-45 1-9 test assignments


1. We regret that you do not have the necessary qualifications, and … we are unable to offer you the job.


b)as a result

c) so

d) therefore

2.The device that allows PCs to communicate over telephone lines

a) broadcasting

b) modem

c) teleworking

d) blackberry

3.We have interviewed all three candidates and …. we think that Joe is the most suitable person for the post.

a) in conclusion

b) all in all

c) by the way

d) at least

4.It poured with rain all week and the hotel was awful. … our holiday was a complete disaster.

A ) anyway

b)as I was saying

c)in other words


5.What is the Russian for “ to give the floor to someone”?

a)Предоставить кому-либо слово.

b)Помочь кому либо встать на пол.

c)Дать кому-либо поддержку.


6. I _________ like to buy the same television for my house.

a) could

b) must

c) would

d) have to

7. I wish I __more money.

a) had

b) have

c) has

d) having

8. I know a _______ airline that offers cheap flights.

a)city break



d) long-haul

9. The final result of a process:

a) outcome

b) workload

c) insight

d) broadcasting

10. What is the Russian for “challengedbook”

a) вызывающая книга

b) пользующаяся спросом книга

c) проблемная книга

d) напрашивающаяся книга

11. The talk show is the invention of…?

a) 20th century

b) 17th century

c) 18th century

d) 19th century

12. The word “recede” is closest in meaning to….?





13. Theculture of the United Statesis influenced by…….?

a) Russian culture

b) American culture

c) English culture

d) European culture

14. Theculture of the United States has the image of a……?

a)salad bowl

b) melting ice

c) green salad

d) melting pot

15. How are English buses called?


b) double-decks

c) fire-places

d) big constructions

16.Who is Vincent van Gogh?

a)a famous musician

b)a great painter

c)a great scientist

d)an architect

17.Brain injuries that occur when a person receives a blow to the head, face, or neck it is…

a) cancer

b) flu

c) illness


18. There are dire ………. of 80 million more people being exposed to malaria.

a) predictions

b) emission

c) saying

d) experiencing

19.There is a proposal to create at Baikonur an _______ complex.

a) entertainment

b) shop

c) insurance

d) dull

20. Inauguration Day is the only Federal holiday that occurs only once …?

a) every three years

b) every four years

c) every five years

d) every two years


Assessment and the time limit of the practical part according to the 5th level

Advanced level

Speech activities Assignments on 1st level of English language proficiency Time for preparation Time for answering %
Listening 1. Listen to the text and give true or false answers.   15 %
2. Retell the main idea of the listened text 25%
Total10 minutes 40%
Speaking 1.Discussion on the given situation 12%
2.Speak on the given topic 18%
Total10 minutes 30%
Reading 1.Read the paragraph and translate 12%
2.Read the text and write suitable heading to each paragraph 8%
Total10 minutes 20%
Writing Write an essay to the given situation 10%
Total10 minutes 10%
  Total - 40 min.     100%


Time limit – 40 min. Total: 81 - 100%.

V level- Advanced




For listening you should get 40%. Time limit 10 min.


LISTENING (10 min.)

Task 1. Listen to the text [T. 156, 2]. - 1.5 min. and give T(true) and F (False) answers. (Time for preparation-5 min., time for answering- 1 min)-15%(3%-5).

He’s not sociable, he is not good at living out of a suitcase  
If you are sent somewhere where nothing much has happened  
Because you don’t have to use you mind  
He liked seeing daylight, the low pay, the noise and the smell of plastics  
He couldn’t sing at the top of his voice  

Task 2. Give the main idea of the listened text (Time for preparation-2 min., time for answering - 2 min.)-25%-(2 %-10sentenes.+5% clearance and accuracy).


  Result   Threshold Total % on auditing   Example
positive mах 40-38  
    opt 37-31 The 1st task: During 6 minutes the student listened to the original text, correctly answered all 5 true and false questions and got 15% from the maximum 15%. The 2nd task: During 4 minutes he retold the listened text, made some mistakes in his\her speech during the retelling of the text and got 23% from the maximum 25%. Total: 38%  
negative       and less The 1st task: During 6 minutes he gave true and false answers to the task, correctly answered 3 questions from 5 and got 9% from the maximum 15%; The 2nd task: During 4 minutes he retold the listened text, made a lot of mistakes in his\her speech during the retelling of the text and got 19% from the maximum 25%. Total: 28%



Note:max. opt – the student transferred to the next level; min/оpt – the student remained at the same level.

For getting less than 30 % the student transferred to the IV level.



For speaking you should get 30%. Time limit 10 min.

Task 1. Discuss on the given situation. “Pros and cons of being fashionable”. (Time for preparation- 3 min., time for answering- 1 min.)-12% (1%-12 sentences).

“How often do you go to see a performance of a play, a classical music concert or an opera? Are people interested in art at present time?


Task 2. Speak on the given topic “Healthy life style”. (Time for preparation- 4 min., time for answering- 2 min.) – 18%(1%-15sentences, 3%- clearance and accuracy).

  Result   Threshold total % on speaking Example
positive max The 1st task: During 7 minutes the student took part in discussion on the given situation, and got 12% from the maximum 12%; The 2nd task: During 2 minutes he spoke on the given topic, and got 15% +2% from the maximum 18%. Total:29%
opt 28-23
min 22,5
negative   and less The 1st task: During 7 minutes the student discussed the given situation, made some grammar mistakes and got 10% from the maximum 12%; The 2nd task: During 2 minutes he spoke on the given topic, made some mistakes in his\her speech and got 12% from the maximum 18%. Total: 22%

Note:max. opt – the student transferred to the next level; min/оpt – the student remained at the same level.

For getting less than 22 % the student transferred to the IV level.


For reading you should get 20%. Time limit 10 min.

Task 1. Read the text and translate the 2d paragraph of the text. (Time for preparation-5 min., time for answering- 2 min.)-12%(4%-reading, 8%-translation).

I'm a very old-fashioned and strict parent, like my own father. He wanted me to become a barrister, like him, but I used to say to him that he'd made me secure enough not to worry about having a proper job. He was very disappointed when I said I was going to be a writer, but I think that was out of anxiety: he didn't know how 1 would survive in the world.

As a child I was really proud of my father. I have an image of him, 6ft 5in and broad- shouldered. wearing a smart suit and tie and behaving maturely - an image 1 feel I should live up to. My father had status in other people's eyes. I worry that I didn't give my children that.

I have inherited from my father a strong sense of the importance of doing the right thing. I am strict, even though I lack the sort of authority bubble he had around him. In the right context, my children are allowed to be rude to me - they might call me 'fat face' in a jokey way, when I would never have dared.

Bin I'm also very authoritarian: I believe strongly in proper bedtimes, that chores have to be done and that certain times of the day - when Julie and 1 have an evening drink arc reserved for adults, which the children are not allowed to interrupt.

I know I have quite a demonic image in a few families' eyes. But I want to make my children into die sort of children I want them to be. We live in a terribly liberal age when people feel they should take a back seat in making moral decisions. I don't think that children should make up their own minds - and saying that is about as unfashionable as you can get. But if you don't influence them, they will only be influenced by others.


Task 2. Write a suitable heading to each paragraph. (Time for preparation- 2 min., time for answering- 1 min.)-8%(2% -to each heading).

  Result   Threshold Total % on reading Example
positive max The 1st task: During 7 minutes the student read the text, translated the paragraph and got 12% from the maximum 12%. The 2nd task: During 3 minutes the student read the text, wrote the suitable heading to all paragraphs and got 8% from the maximum 8%. Total: 20%
negative     and less The 1st task: During 7 minutes the student read the text, translated the paragraph and he/she couldn`t translate some words and got 6% from the maximum 8%. The 2nd task: During 3 minutes the student read the text, wrote the suitable headings to all paragraphs and got 8% from the maximum 8%   Total: 14%


Note:max. opt – the student transferred to the next level; min/оpt – the student remained at the same level.

For getting less than 14 % the student transferred to the IV level.




Task 1. Write an essay on the given situation. (80 words) (Time for preparation- 7 min., time for answering- 3 min.)-10%( clearance-2%, vocabulary (lexical resource)-4%, grammatical range and accuracy-4%.)

Travelling in group with a tour guide is the best way to travel. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?Write what you like and dislike about travel.


  Result   Threshold Total % on writing Example
positive max 9,5 The 1st task: During 10 minutes the student wrote an essay and got 10 % from the maximum 10%. Total: 8%
opt 8,5
min 7,5
negative   and less The 1st task: During 10 minutes the student wrote an essay and got 6 % from the maximum 10%-clearance-1%, vocabulary (lexical resource)-3%, grammatical range and accuracy-2% and wrote only 72words). Total: 6%


Note:max. opt – the student transferred to the next level; min/оpt – the student remained at the same level.

For getting less than 6 % the student transferred to the IV level.






HAND-OUT № 121 Discipline- English as a foreign LanguageСredits:2 Advanced Level Practical lesson Lexical theme: Family Grammatical theme: The Infinitive Assistant professor Adilova G.A.

Warm up:

Can you give Russian or Kazakh equivalent of the given proverb?

My sister is the black sheep of the family.


GRAMMAR COMMENT:The Infinitive[1, p 199]

The infinitive in English is the base form of the verb. It is called the full infinitive when to is used before the verb and the bare infinitive when there is no to. I want to watch the film tonight. (full infinitive with to) Let me see the newspaper. (bare infinitive without to) The full infinitive is used: · after the verbs above when we use them in the passive. He was allowed to choose for himself · after be with the meaning of a formal instruction or information about the future. You are to report here at 8 tomorrow morning. to express purpose. She's saving her money to go on holiday. The bare infinitive is used: · after verbs which follow the pattern verb + someone +do something. Common examples include: have let make I'll have the waiter bring us more water. His father lets him play football.

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