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Exercise 10. Write an essay on the system of Kazakhstani higher education in comparison with the system abroad.

$ Give the right variant:

1. We regret that you do not have the necessary qualifications, and … we are unable to offer you the job.

a) therefore

b) as a result

c) so

d) because

2. The flight has been delayed …. adverse weather conditions.

a) so

b) due to

c) as a result of

d) therefor

3. I did a language course with a native speaker … improve my English.

a) in order to

b) because

c) as a result

d) consequently

4. We enjoyed the concert, …we didn’t have very good seats.

a) in case

b) because of

c) nevertheless

d) but


undergraduates [ˌʌndəˈɡrædjuɪt] студенты студенттер
graduate выпускник түлек
postgraduate аспирант аспирант
honour degree[ˈɔnə] [dɪˈɡri:] специалист c дипломом маман
bachelor of art or science [ˈbætʃələ] [ɔv] [ɑ:t] [ɔ:] [ˈsaɪəns] бакалавр искусств или науки ғылым немесе өнер бакалавры
master's degree [ˈmɑ:stə’s [dɪˈɡri:] степень магистра магистр дәрежесі
doctor of Philosophy degree степень доктора философии доктор философиясының дәрежесі
distance higher education дистанционное образование дистанциялық білім
lifelong higher education непрерывное образование үзіліссіз білім
higher education training in industry практико-ориентированное высшее образование тәжірибеге бейімделген білім
Office hours

Read the poem with proper intonation and stress “London – William Blake” [Part III,p.177] learn it by heart.

Be ready for discussion of texts: “What a computer?”, “What Rich Nations must do to Compete with China and India?” [Part III, pp.206-207]


Main Literature:

1. New English File. Advanced Student’s Book. Clive Oxenden. Christina Latham-Koening. Oxford University Press, 2011. – Pp.131-136.

2. Орловская И.В., Самсонова Л.С. Учебник английского языка для технических университетов и вузов. – М., 2009

Additional literature:

3. Cафроненко О.И., Макарова Ж.И., Малащенко М.В. Английский язык для магистрантов и аспирантов. М., 2005. - Pp. 16-17


HAND – OUT № 123 Discipline: English as a foreign language Credits:2 Advanced levelPractical lesson Lexical theme: “Communication and Information technology” Grammatical theme: Relative clauses Assistant professor Tassyrova A.K.

Warm-up: Can you give Kazakh or Russian equivalent of the given quatation?

“The most technologically efficient machine that man has ever invented is the book.”Northrop Frye

GRAMMAR COMMENT: Relative clause. Defining relative clauses [1, p 158]


Give important information about a person, place, or thing use a relative clause (= a relative pronoun +subject + verb). Use the relative pronouns who for people, which for things, and where for places. Use whose to mean ‘of who /of which’. You can use that instead of who or which. Who, which, and that can be omitted when the verbs in the main clause and the relative clause have a different subject. Julia’s the woman who/that works with me. It’s a book which/that tells you how to relax. That’s the housewhere I was born. That’s the boy whose father plays for Real Madrid. He is the man who/thatI met on the plane.

Exercise 1. Join the sentences using who, that or whose.

1.Here is the email. I got it this morning.

2.The team leader is an interesting man. He comes from Spain.

3.The team leader is an interesting man. I met him yesterday.

4.Here is the letter. It arrived this morning.

5.The team leader is an interesting man. His background is in IT.

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