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Exercise 9. Make presentation on the theme of crime committed by children in your country. What methods are used to deter young criminals or punish them for their offences?

Exercise 10. Write essay: Why juvenile law is needed to be introduced? What effects could it have? Is it a sensible law, in your opinion? Give reasons for your answer.


$ Give the right variant:

1. The new computer system …………….. next month.

a) is installed by people

b) is be installed

c) is being installed d) is been installed

2. The children ………………… to the zoo.

a) enjoyed taking

b) enjoyed being taken

c) were enjoyed taking

d) were enjoyed taken

3. …………………….. chair the meeting.

a) John was decided to

b) There was decided that John should

c)It was decided that John should

d) John had been decided to

4. Who ……………… was coming to see me this morning?

a) did you say

b) you said

c) did you say that

d) you did say.


burglary ['bəg:ləri] кража со взломом ұрлык
solicitor [sə'lisitə] адвокат адвокат
fag [fæg] сигарета шылым
inmate [əinmeit] заключенный тұтқын
hurl [hə:l] бросать(ся) лактыру, тастау, кету
ammunition [æmjə'niʃən] боеприпасы оқ-дәрілер
assault [ə'sɔlt] нападение шабуыл
battered ['bætəd] избитый соғылған
fine [fain] штраф айып
punishment['pʌniʃmənt] наказание жаза
сrime [kraim] преступление қылмыс


Office hours

Read the poem with proper intonation and stress “Government Carl Sandburg”[Part III, p.198], learn it by heart.

Be ready for discussion of texts: “Tourism”, “Сompany Law” [Part III, p. 221].



1. Tricia Aspinall, Annette Capel. Masterclass.Advanced.Student’s book. Oxford University Press, 2003;

2. Felicity O’Dell, Annie Broadhead. Objective Student’s book. Cambridge University Press, 2008;

3. Martin Hewings. Advanced Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press, 2000;


4. Wikipedia;

5. www.thewildwest.org/native-american.



HAND-OUT № 145 Discipline: English as a foreign language Credits:2 Advanced LevelPractical lesson Lexical theme: National Holidays in America Grammatical theme: Adjectives as Personal nounsAssistant professor Akbalaeva Zh.K.

Warm up

Say how differently in meanings is used the word “holiday” in the down given proverbs:

The mouth of a woman takes no holiday. (Native American Creole Proverb)

Envy never has a holiday. (Latin Proverb)

Every day is not a holiday.(Italian Proverb)

GRAMMAR COMMENT: Adjectives as Personal nouns

We can use the +adjective to refer to a group or class of people: The unemployed are calling for more Government spending. The wounded were taken to the nearest hospital. The rich, the penniless, the dead, the educated, the very healthy and wealthy. Adjectives as personal nouns use a plural verb. (The rich don’t under stand our problem). Seven hungry space aliens slithered into the diner and ordered two dozen vanilla milkshakes The disorganized pile of books, which contained seventeen overdue volumes from the library and five unread class texts, blocked the doorway in Eli's dorm room.

Exercise 1. Underline the adjectives or verbs functioning as nouns in the following sentences:

1. As a zoologist, he has always been interested in the unusual in the animal world.

2. I don’t mind the airport- it’s the flying that I hate.

3. Never speak ill of the dead.

4. As far as my musical tastes are connected, I’ve always been attracted to the exotic.

5. Bernstein conducted both Mozart and Haydn but seemed to show a preference for the latter.

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