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Exercise 8. Give suitable headlines to each paragraph.

Exercise 9. Write an essay on one of your best vivid holidays. (use 100 words).

Give the right variant:

1. Martin Luther King Day memorializes the …….of Dr. King.

a) legacy

b) concern.

c) food.

d) recipes.

2. Martin Luther King is often regarded as the …..?

a) member of highly experienced group

b) leader of Civil Movement

c) best fighter for traditional rights

d) patriarch of the Civil Rights Movement

3. Inauguration Day is the only Federal holiday that occurs only once …?

a) every three years

b) every four years

c) every five years

d) every two years

4. Dressing up in costumes and an emphasis on the bizarre and frightening is done on …..?.

a) Halloween

b) Columbus Day

c) Thanksgiving Day

d) Memorial Day


Delivering [ dı’lıv(ə)rı ŋ] өтпеді, ауыспалы передающийся
Bizarre [bɪ'zɑ:r] оғаш, ерсі странный , причудливый
Fireworks ['faɪər‚wɜ:rk] фейерверктер фейерверки
trick-or-treating [‘trɪkɔn'triti ŋ] ептілік, ынғайлылық сноровка, ловкость
inspired [ɪn'spaɪərd] шабыт алған, жігер алған воодушевленный
heritage ['herɪtɪdʒ] мұра, мирас наследство
extensively [ ɪks’tensɪvlɪ ] кен турде обширно
spacious ['speɪʃəs] кең просторный
impassion [im'pæʃən] қумар страсть
Flaw [flɔ: ] Жарылған жер трещина
Office hours

1.Preparing a report on American Holidays. See part III READER/www.thewildwest.org/native-american

2.Read the poem“The Spirit Of America” with proper intonation and stress, [Part III, p. 199], learn it by heart.


1.Read and translate the texts for specific purpose“Plastic house looks to the future” [Part III, p.222].


Main:1.Зубанова И.В., Никольская А.И. Такая Разная Америка. Москва,2010.

2. Gillie Cunnigham and Jan Bell with Chris Redston Face to Face. Advanced. Student’s Book. Cambridge,2010.

Additional:3. T. Aspinall, A. Capel. Advanced Master Class. New Edition. Oxford, 2009.

4. R.Side and G. Wellman. Grammar and Vocabulary for CA. Longman, 2009.

5.Face to Face. Advanced. Student’s Book.2011

HAND-OUT№ 146 Discipline: English as a foreign language Credits:2 Advanced LevelPractical lesson Lexical theme: British Holidays Grammatical theme: Compounds. Adverb + AdjectiveAssistant professor Akbalaeva Zh.K.

Warm up. Give your ideas on the following quate: “No holidays, no country.” ― Toba Beta

GRAMMAR COMMENT:Compounds. Adverb + Adjective.

We can combine adverbs and adjectives to form compounds like these: a long-standinginvitation; a short-lived success; a high-flying company; a quietly-spoken young man and etc. A compound adjective is sometimes called a hyphenated adjective. What are they? Let's look at the following sentences: I saw a man-eating alligator. I saw a man eating alligator.The first sentence contains a compound adjective. The second sentence doesn't. However the meaning of the two sentences are very different. Our office is in a twenty-storey building. I have just finished reading a 300-page book. He is a well-known writer.

Exercise1.Match the words from left with ones from right:

Yes, I’m computer first mentality

It’s only make- alike

The party was a free- literate

He’s got a safety- believe

She’s a Madonna look- for-all


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