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Для совершенствования навыков перевода у студентов при их самостоятельной работе рекомендуется использовать аудионосители с записанными материалами. Они могут использоваться для письменной фиксации оригинального текста и перевода его по частям или полностью, с использованием пауз и неоднократным прослушиваем мест, вызывающих наибольшие сложности.



Темы СРС Сроки сдачи Форма контроля Часы СРС
  Theory of the English language. History of the English language. 1-3 нед. oral
Peculiarities of the Old English period 4-6 нед. oral
Peculiarities of the Middle English period 7-8 нед. written
Peculiarities of the Early and Late Modern English periods. 9-10 нед. written
Theoretical phonetics of the English language. 11-13 нед written
Syllabic and accentual structure of English words. Phonostylistics. 14-15 нед. oral
ИТОГО за 3 семестр
Lexicology. General problems of a word 1-2 нед. oral
Morphological structure of English words. Word-formation. 3-4 нед. oral
Semasiology. Semantic structure of English words. 5-6 нед. written
Polysemy. Homonyms. Synonyms. Antonyms. Euphemisms 7-8 нед. written
Different classifications of English vocabulary 9 нед. written
Phraseology. Classifications of phraseological units 10-11 нед. oral
Historical development of lexicography. 12 нед. written
Theoretical Grammar. 13-14 нед. oral
Grammatical categories of parts of speech. Syntax. 15 нед written
ИТОГО за 4 семестр


Методические рекомендации для

Подготовки к рубежному контролю.


Рубежный контроль по дисциплине «Основы теории изучаемого языка» сдаётся 4 раза во время изучения курса в 3 и 4 семестрах. Рубежный контроль представляет собой устный опрос (коллоквиум) по всем изученным темам. Билет состоит из 3-х теоретических вопросов. Для подготовки к рубежному контролю необходимо повторить материалы, пройденные за время изучения дисциплины, а так же изучить дополнительные источники, предложенные в списке литературы.


Вопросы для перового рубежного контроля.

1. The main branches of Linguistics

2. History of the English Language

3. Proto-English

4. A Brief History of the English Language

5. Indo-European and Germanic Influences

6. Old English

7. Middle English

8. Early Modern English

9. Adoption foreign words by English

10. The Great Vowel Shift

11. Resembling the first stage of The Great Vowel Shift

12. The values of the long vowels of English

13. Features for the separation of Middle and Modern English

14. Grammatical changes in Modern English

15. Evolution of English pronouns

16. Late Modern English

Вопросы для второго рубежного контроля.

1. Theoretical phonetics. Aims, tasks, connections with other branches of linguistics and science.

2. Phonostylistics. The main tasks of phonostylistics.

3. Phonetic characteristics of speech.

4. Syllabic structure of English words. Theories of syllables.

5. Accentual structure of English words. Accentual types. Prominence.

6. Territorial varieties of the English language.

7. Phonemes. Allophones.

8. Different approaches to phoneme theory.

9. The main aspects of the language and the main branches of linguistics.

10. Phonemes. Allophones. Classification of phonemes.



Вопросы для первого рубежного контроля.

1. Lexicology as a branch Linguistics

2. Principal approaches in linguistic science

3. Links of Lexicology with other branches of Linguistics

4. Lexical Units

5. Two approaches to the paradigm

6. Varieties of Words

7. Modern English Lexicology. Its Aims and Significance

8. Semasiology

9. Morphology. Morphemes. Morphological structure of English vocabulary.

10. Major types and minor types of word-building.

11. Etymology. Etymological structure of English vocabulary.

12. Synonyms. Criteria of synonymy. Classification of synonyms.

13. Homonyms. Sources of homonyms. Classification of homonyms.

14. Developing a new meaning. Change of meaning. Reasons and types.

15. Functional styles. Classification of English vocabulary according to functional styles.

16. Lexicography. Aims, history. Types of dictionaries.


Вопросы для второго рубежного контроля.

1. Phraseology. Aims, tasks, history. Differentiation between phraseological units and free word groups.

2. Classification of phraseological units.

3. Theoretical grammar. Aims, tasks, connections with branches of linguistics.

4. Grammatical categories of a noun in English.

5. Synthetical and analytical forms in the English language.

6. Grammatical categories of a verb in the English language.

7. Grammatical categories of an adjective and an adverb in English.

8. Functional parts of speech. Modal words.

9. Grammatical categories of a pronoun and a numeral in English.

10. Lexical and grammatical meaning of a word.

11. The main aspects of the language and the main branches of linguistics.


Экзаменационные вопросы:


1. The main branches of Linguistics

2. History of the English Language

3. Proto-English

4. A Brief History of the English Language

5. Indo-European and Germanic Influences

6. Old English

7. Middle English

8. Early Modern English

9. Adoption foreign words by English

10. The Great Vowel Shift

11. Resembling the first stage of The Great Vowel Shift

12. The values of the long vowels of English

13. Features for the separation of Middle and Modern English

14. Grammatical changes in Modern English

15. Evolution of English pronouns

16. Late Modern English.

17. Theoretical phonetics. Aims, tasks, connections with other branches of linguistics and science.

18. Phonostylistics. The main tasks of phonostylistics.

19. Phonetic characteristics of speech.

20. Syllabic structure of English words. Theories of syllables.

21. Accentual structure of English words. Accentual types. Prominence.

22. Territorial varieties of the English language.

23. Phonemes. Allophones.

24. Different approaches to phoneme theory.

25. The main aspects of the language and the main branches of linguistics.

26. Phonemes. Allophones. Classification of phonemes


1. Lexicology as a branch Linguistics

2. Principal approaches in linguistic science

3. Links of Lexicology with other branches of Linguistics

4. Lexical Units

5. Two approaches to the paradigm

6. Varieties of Words

7. Modern English Lexicology. Its Aims and Significance

8. Semasiology

9. Morphology. Morphemes. Morphological structure of English vocabulary.

10. Etymology. Etymological structure of English vocabulary.

11. Major types of word-building. Derivation and contraction.

12. Phraseology. Aims, tasks, history. Differentiation between phraseological units and free word groups.

13. Functional styles. Classification of English vocabulary according to functional styles.

14. Territorial varieties of the English language.

15. Classification of phraseological units. Etymological and semantic principle.

16. Theoretical grammar. Aims, tasks, connections with branches of linguistics.

17. Synonyms. Criteria of synonymy. Classification of synonyms.

18. Grammatical categories of a noun in English.

19. Homonyms. Sources of homonyms. Classification of homonyms.

20. Synthetical and analytical forms in the English language.

21. Lexicography. Aims, history. Types of dictionaries.

22. Grammatical categories of a verb in the English language.

23. Major types of word-building. Composition and conversion.

24. Grammatical categories of an adjective and an adverb in English.

25. Minor types of word-building in the English language.

26. Synonyms, homonyms, antonyms, euphemisms.

27. Functional parts of speech. Modal words.

28. Developing a new meaning. Change of meaning. Reasons and types.

29. Grammatical categories of a pronoun and a numeral in English.

30. Lexical and grammatical meaning of a word.

31. The main aspects of the language and the main branches of linguistics.

32. Classification of phraseological units. Koonin and Smirnitskiy.


Активные раздаточные материалы



  Old English Middle English Early Modern English
1. chronology      
2. historical events      
3. peculiarities of the language a) vocabulary b) grammar c) spelling and pronunciation      
4. records      



History of the English language



From Paradise Lost by John Milton, 1667:

Of man's first disobedience, and the fruit
Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal taste
Brought death into the world, and all our woe,
With loss of Eden, till one greater Man
Restore us, and regain the blissful seat,
Sing, Heavenly Muse, that on the secret top
Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire
That shepherd, who first taught the chosen seed,
In the beginning how the Heavens and Earth
Rose out of chaos: or if Sion hill
Delight thee more, and Siloa's brook that flowed
Fast by the oracle of God, I thence
Invoke thy aid to my adventurous song,
That with no middle Flight intends to soar
Above the Aonian mount, whyle it pursues
Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme.



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