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World Famous Artists. Vincent Van (1853-1890).

Nobody has ever painted cornfields or sunflowers like Van Gogh. His paintings are full of colour and sunlight. Today his paintings are worth millions of pounds but in his lifetime he only sold one.

Van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853. He did not start painting until he was twenty-seven, ten years before he died. Before becoming a painter, he was a teacher, an art dealer and a church preacher. In 1886 he left Holland and joined his younger brother, Theo, who was working in Paris at the time.

After living there for two years, he moved to the warmer climate of Arles in the south France. Here he painted some of his most famous pictures. However, Van Gogh was mentally ill. During one of his fits of madnesshe attacked his friend, the artist Paul Gauguin. In another fit of madness, Van Gogh cut off part of his own ear. Eventually he went into a mental hospital but he did not get any better.

Finally, on Sunday 27th July 1890, in the small village of Auvers, north of Paris, Vincent Van Gogh took a gun, went into a cornfield and shot himself. When his brother Theo arrived, he said: “I hope I did it properly.” Thirty-six hours later Van Gogh died in his brother’s arms. His last words were “La tristesse durera”. (The sadness will continue.)



Find English equivalents to the following words:

a) Кукурудзяне поле,

b) соняшник,

c) сонячне світло,

d) бути вартим міліонів,

e) проповідник,

f) бути душевно хворим,

g) напад божевілля,

h) нападати,

i) відрізати,

j) застрелитися.


Answer the questions:


1. How many paintings did he sell in his lifetime?

2. How old was he when he started painting?

3. What jobs did he have before becoming a painter?

4. Where did he paint his most famous pictures?

5. What was wrong with him?

6. How did he die?


Semester IV Lesson 1



Words to master:

influential - впливовий

acceptable - прийнятний

destination - призначення; приреченість, доля

contribution – сприяння, внесок

guild - цех, гільдія

free enterprise - приватне підприємництво

widowed - овдовіла

welfare - добробут, достаток

resound - лунати (with) , звучати

contemporary - сучасний

Commissioner of Customs – збирач податків

Translate the sentences using the words from the list:

a) His fame resounds throughout the world.

b) The museum of contemporary art was opened yesterday.

c) The company need much more money to get started another free enterprise.

d) He applied to get the job of Commissioner of Customs.

e) This work is believed to be a very influential one.

f) Nan made her contribution to this project as well as many others.

g) It was almost 5 o’clock and Tom was reaching his destination place.

h) The aim of any state is welfare of its every citizen.

i) Tomorrow the local guilds are having their annual meeting.

j) I’m sorry, it’s not acceptable for me at all.

k) His widowed mother moved to live with him.


Read and translate the text:

Adam Smith

Adam Smith (1723-1790), was a Scottish political economist and philosopher. He has become famous by his influential book The Wealth of Nations (1776).Poverty was the acceptable norm for the majority of people in a society based on mercantilism, who had little choice in the destination of their life or their contribution towards society in the latter part of the 18th century. With local guilds dictating the production and distribution of such necessities as wool, textiles, and grains, market competition was non-existent. In his groundbreaking work The Wealth of Nations, published the same year as the American Revolution, Smith soundly examines industry, commerce, and the concept of and benefits of free enterprise.

Adam Smith was born in 1723 in Kirkaldy, county Fife, in Scotland, the son of Adam Smith and Margaret Douglas. His father had died before he was born and he was raised by his widowed mother. He attended Glasgow and Oxford universities before accepting the position as professor of moral philosophy at Glasgow in 1752.

A popular lecturer, Smith also wrote many essays and articles on such diverse topics as literature, justice, health, and welfare. In 1764 he left Glasgow to accompany the Duke of Buccleuch on his travels through Europe as his tutor. Upon his return he started working on The Wealth of Nations which would resound for decades to come and affect changes for contemporary economic policy in the Western world. In 1778 he settled in Edinburgh, Scotland as. Five years later he was a founding member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. He died on 17 July 1790 and lies buried in the Canongate Churchyard, Royal Mile, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Find English equivalents to the following word combinations:

a) Політичний економіст;

b) Впливова книга;

c) Прийнятна норма;

d) Оснований на меркантилізмі;

e) Ринкова конкуренція;

f) Досліджувати промисловість;

g) Графство Файф;

h) Різноманітні теми;

i) Супроводжувати герцога;

j) Відлунювати в віках;

k) Один із засновників.

Choose the correct word:

1. Adam Smith was a political economist and philosopher who was born in (England, Scotland, France).

2. Adam Smith has become famous by his influential (job, film, work) The Wealth of Nations.

3. Adam Smith was raised by his (widowed, single, alone) mother.

4. Adam Smith (had, wanted, wished) the position as professor of moral philosophy at Glasgow.

5. Smith wrote essays and (books, articles, reports) on such diverse topics as literature, justice, health, and welfare.

6. Adam Smith was a (partner, friend, teacher) of the Duke of Buccleuch.

Answer the questions:

1. When and where was Adam Smith born?

2. What is the most popular book of Smith?

3. When was the American Revolution?

4. Who raised Adam?

5. What essays and articles did Smith write?

6. Where and when did he die?


Questions for discussion:

1. What do you think was the role of Smith in the development of human society?

2. What else do you know about “The Wealth of Nations”?



Lesson 2


Words to master:

token - знак, символ

marketable - товарний; ринковий

to compel - змушувати

to emerge - виникати

utility – вигода, користь

commodity – предмет споживання

transaction – погодження, договір

perishable – скоро плинний, нестійкий

fiat money – паперові гроші

coercion – насилля, фізична сила

invention - винахід

exchange - обмін

denominate - визначати

debt – борг

Read and translate the text:


Moneyis any marketable good or token used by a society as a store of value, a medium of exchange, and a unit of account. Since the needs arise naturally, societies organically create one or several money objects when none exists. In other cases, a central authority creates a single money object and compels its use; this is more frequently the case in modern societies with paper money.

Commodity money was the first form of money to emerge. Under a commodity money system, the object used as money has inherent value. It is usually adopted to simplify in a barter economy; thus it functions first as a medium of exchange. It quickly begins functioning as a store of value, since holders of perishable goods can easily convert them into durable money.

In modern economies, commodity money has also been used as a unit of

account. Gold-backed currency notes are a common form of commodity money.

Fiat money is a relatively modern invention. A central authority (government) creates a new money object that has minimal inherent value.


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