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Communicating at work

Telephoning 3: Arranging meetings

1 Listen to three people arranging three meetings with Jim. an operations controller. Match the people with the correct day and time. ►M20.1


Person Meeting day
1 Philippe Monday
2 Frank Tuesday
3 Petra Wednesday

2 Listen again and tick the sentences you hear. ►W20.1

Is it possible to have a meeting? When are you free?

Is Friday morning convenient? Sorry. I can't make Friday morning.

See you next week. I'm calling to fix a meeting.

I'm sorry. I can't. See you on Tuesday at 10.

3 Work with a partner. Make two phone calls to arrange meetings using the notes in your
diary. One of you is A and the other is B. Use the diagram to help you. Student A should
look at the diary for Monday 23rd and phone Student B.

Arranging meetings by phone

i?«y. i/u/h/,«/

---------- Pfcison A

- CaX! CTvttt a+u4 -Fix ««ti*» about jApa* projetf

- Fix tvticU with Saki o* Fridav neXf we*K


Say a time and place

Say you want to arrange a meeting and give a reason

Say you will send an email

Say OK and ask wbat time

Say no and suggest another time

Ask lor an email to confirm

Now Student B should look at the diary for Tuesday 24th and phone Student A.


When arranging meetings by phone:

• Slarl politely: Is it possible to have a meeting?

• Be open: When is it convenient?

• Confirm: So, Tuesday at 10.

• Finish positively: See you on Tuesday.

70 Unit twenty

31 Beirut Intercontinental




Room 414. B; Right, Mr Sanchez. (9).............. last night? A; No, nothing. B: OK, (10).............. Sign here. please. Have a good (rip home.

with the shower. (6)............... Can you send someone to look at it?

immediately. {J)........... ? A: 414. B; Fine. Someone will be with you in a moment.

Cover i lie dialogue* above and make your own, starting with ihe words below icking in fl Hello, my nam I A morning Hello, can I haw

A problem Good morning. There's problem ... ing

' ;-'-' :r^:a

Checking in

A; Hello, can I have (4)......... A: Good morning. There's a problem A: Morning, (8)........ please?

A: Hello, my name's Sanchez,

please? At 7 o'clock? B: Certainly, sir.


B: Good evening. Yes, Mr Sanchez,

A: So (5)......... at 6.30. Can you do B: Ot course, I'll send someone

(2)............ tor two nighls. Could

that? B: That's line. So, morning call at 6.30, breakfast at 7 o'clock.

you complete this lotm, please? A: Of course. B: Thank you. So. it's room 414. on

the fourth lloor Do you need any

a here's your bill b I'd like a wake-up call c Anything from the minibar d can I check out e I can manage

help with your bags?
A: No.Ihanks. {3)...........

f breakfast in my room g I have a reservation h a single room I There's no hot water j What's your room number

Now listen and check.

■actise reading the dialogues with :t pari ner


Listen to this

Its a great place to stay

1 We interviewed Bob Hands about his favourite hotel. Listen and decide which picture he describes. ►W21.2

2 Now listen again. Are ihese sentences true or false? >W21.2


1 It is a Eve-star hotel. T F

2 H has an excellent Spanish restaurant. T F

3 Hotel staff meet you at the airport. T F

4 Sidney's is a famous restaurant near the hotel. T F

Do yon have any favourite hotels? What arc they called? Why do you like them?
Wh.ii da

Bob Hands spends more than 200 nights a year in hotels, so he knows which ones helikes.




The words you need ... for staying in hotels ni key cancel corridor change double room
1 Complete the sentences with the correct word from the box.  

1 I'm sorry but I can't find my room......................

Could I have another?

2 I'm afraid 1 have to................... my reservation.

3 Can you.................... a restaurant near here?

4 How much is a.................... for two nights, please?

5 There are no clean..................... in the room. Could

you send some up?

6 Can I.................... my room, please? This one is too


7 Excuse me. is the swimming pool down this ?

8 Can you.................... me to Janet Ward in room 320.


72 Unit twenty-one

2 Match up the problems with Ihe correcl piclure. Problem

1 Ii's empty.

2 It doesn't open.

3 It's too dark to read.

4 The picture is terrible.

5 It's very dirty.

We can use /'// +verb when we promise to do something.
Example: guest: It's the minibar. It's empty.

receptionist: I'll send someone to your room immediately.

Look again at problems 2-5 above. You are the receptionist in a hotel.

Get your partner to read out the problems; you promise to help. Then change roles

It's time to talk

The hotel game

This is a game for two to four players. Toss a coin to move. Heads move two squares. Tails move one square. When you land on a square, say what the instruction on the square tells you to say. If the other players are happy that the Hnglish is correct, you stay on the square. If not. move back. If you disagree with your colleagues, your teacher will rule. The winner is the first guest to check out.

Ring the hotel Ask the price of a single room

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