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Ackie Black sta delicatessen, t

Ower Street Pari four years ago, in York, England.




Start up

Is it easy to start a business In your country7 Would you like to have your own business' Why? Why not'

kind of business would you start?

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Managing a small business

1 We interviewed Jackie Black about Ihe business she and her husband starred. Match the questions with her answers.

1 And what are your plans for the future? I Do you recommend starting a business?

3 Did you need to borrow from the bank?

4 What kind of business is it?

5 What are your major costs?

I. we started the Tower Street Pantry lour years ago as a sandwich bar We were bored with the (act that so much food is pre-packed. in plastic triangles, or Irom designer cafes, and we wanted to do something fresh, freshly made. That's what people like.

No, nothing. At the beginning, ol course, we went to the bank wth a business plan and they offered to lend us money. Then a member of our family also offered us the money - interest free - so we borrowed it fron them. And we earned enough lo pay it back in the frst year. which was great.


it was staff, but now it's fresh fruit and vegetables. It sounds crazy but when the bad weather comes you have to pay a lot for fresh vegetables, and we only use fresh vegetables. so it's expensive.

Well, business is getting stronger and stronger. Turnover is increasing all the time. And last year profits doubled. But we plan lo do lunches for companies soon, that Kind of thing. It's very interesting because the margin is a lot higher. And we like making money!

Oh, yes. I love having a business because what we do is very people-orientated, it's a service really, more than just a shop. People need us. But you have problems, of course. The biggest is staff' You can't get good staff. This means sometimes we have to do everything. So, believe me. managing a business can be really, really hard work.

2 Read the interview again and answer the questions.

1 When did Jackie and her husband start the Tower Street Pantry?

2 Where did Jackie and her husband get the finance to start the business?

3 What is the biggest cost for Jackie's business now?

4 How much did profits increase last year?

5 Why does Jackie want to expand into company lunches?

What do von ihink?

Would you like to run a smalt business like Jackie's?

Why? Why not?

Jackie wants to expandInto company lunches.

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