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Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of these verbs.

Boil close cost cost go have like meet open smoke speak teach wash



1 She’s very clever. She speaks four languages.


2 Steve _______________________________ten cigarettes a day.

3 We usually ___________________________ dinner at 7 o’clock.

4 I _____________________ films. I often ________ to the cinema.

5 Water ____________________________ at 100 degrees Celsius.

6 In Britain the banks __________________ at 9.30 in the morning.

7 The City Museum ________________ at 5 o’clock every morning.

8 Food is expensive. It _______________________ a lot of money.

9 Shoes are expensive. They __________________ a lot of money.

10 Tina is a teacher. She _________ mathematics to young children.

11 Your job is very interesting. You ______________ a lot of people.

12 Peter ______________________________ his hair twice a week.

24 Complete the sentences. All of them are negative. Use don’t/doesn’t one of these verbs:

cost drive go know play see smoke wash wear



1 ‘Have a cigarette.’ ‘No, thank you. I don’t smoke.’

2 They ______________________newspapers in that shop.

3 She has a car but she _____________________very often.

4 I like films but I _______________to the cinema very often.

5 He smells because he ____________________very often.

6 It’s a cheap hotel. It ________________much to stay there.

7 He likes football but he ____________________ very often.

8 I ______________________________ much about politics.

9 She is married but she ________________________a ring.

10 He lives near our house but we __________him very often.


25 Imagine you are asking somebody questions. Write the questions starting with Do/Does.



1 I work hard. And you? Do you work hard?

2 I play tennis. And you? ___________ you ______________?

3 I play tennis. And Ann? __________ Ann _______________?

4 I know the answer. And you? ____________________ the answer?

5 I like hot weather. And you? ______________________________

6 I smoke. And your father? ______________________________

7 I do exercises every morning. And you? ______________________________

8 I speak English? And your friends? ______________________________

9 I want to be famous. And you? ______________________________


26 Imagine you are asking somebody questions. Write the questions starting with the question words Where/What/How.


1 I wash my hair twice a week. (how often/ you?)

How often do you wash your hair?


2 I live in London. (where/ you?) Where _______________________

3 I watch TV every day. (how often/ you?) How _________________________

4 I have lunch at home/ (where/ you?) _____________________________

5 I get up at 7.30 (what time/ you?) _____________________________

6 I go to the cinema a lot. (how often/ you?) ____________________________

7 I go to work by bus. (how/ you?) ____________________________


Give positive or negative short answers about yourself. (Yes, he does/ No, I don’t etc.)

1 Do you smoke? No, I don’t.

2 Do you live in a big city? _________________________

3 Do you drink a lot of coffee? ______________________

4 Does your mother speak English?__________________

5 Do you play a musical instrument?__________________

6 Does it rain a lot where you live?____________________



· a = ‘one’ - Do you want a cup of tea. (not ‘Do you want cup of tea?’) - Alice works in a bank. (not ‘in bank’)   · an (not a) before a/ e/ i/ o/ u: - They live in an old house. - A mouse is an animal.   Also an hour (‘h’ is not pronounced: an (h)our) But: a university a European country   · We use a/an for jobs etc.: - What’s your job? - I’m a dentist. - What does she do? She’s an engineer.

28 Write a or an.

1 a book

2 an old book

3 ___ window

4 ___ horse

5 ___ airport

6 ___ university

7 ___ organisation

8 ___ restaurant

9 ___ Chinese restaurant

10 ___ Indian restaurant

11 ___ accident

12 ___ bad accident

13 ___question

14 ___important question

15 ___ hamburger

16 ___ hour

17 ___economic problem

18 ___ nice evening

Give a short definition of the words below. Choose your answer from the list and write a sentence.

animal bird flower fruit musical instrument planet river tool game vegetable


1 a duck? It’s a bird.

2 the Nile? _______________

3 a rabbit? _______________

4 tennis? ________________

5 a rose? ________________

6 a hammer?______________

7 a carrot?________________

8 Mars? __________________

9 a trumpet? ______________

10 a pear? ________________

Finish the sentences defining people’s job. The jobs are: nurse/ photographer/ private detective/ dentist/ taxi-driver/ road-sweeper/ shop assistant. Use the correct article in each sentence.


1 She’sa dentist.

2 He’s ______________

3 He _______________

4 She ______________

5 She ________________

6 He _________________

7 She ________________

8 And you? I’m _________

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