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Is it a good idea for a student to have a job? Why or why not?

Brandon Smith

I’m a junior in high school, and I have a part-time job in a restaurant. I bus dishes on Saturdays and Sundays from 8:30 until 4:00. I earn $5.50 an hour. It isn’t much money, but I save almost every penny! I want to go to a good university, and the cost goes up every year. Of course, I spend some money when I go out on Saturday night.

Lauren Russel

I’m a senior in high school. I have a job as a cashier in a grocery store. The job pays well - about $6.75 an hour. I work every weeknight after school from 4:00 until 8:00. I don’t have time for homework, and my grades aren’t very good this year. But I have to work, or I can’t buy nice clothes and I can’t go out on Saturday night. Also, a car costs a lot of money.

Erica Davis

I’m a freshman in college. College is very expensive, so I work in a law office for three hours every weekday afternoon. I make photocopies, file papers, and sort mail for $8.25 an hour. The job gives me good experiences because I want to be a lawyer someday. But I don’t want to work every semester. I need some time to study.


  Brandon Lauren Erica
1 To earn money for college      
2 To buy nice clothes      
3 To go out on the weekend      
4 To pay for a car      
5 To get job experience      


Work in groups of three. In turn ask and answer the following questions.


  • Look at the reasons why each student works. Who has good reasons to work? Who doesn’t in your opinion?
  • How many hours a week does each student work?
  • How much money does each student earn per week?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of part-time work for students?


Listen to a conversation. Decide where the situation is taken place. Tick the correct situation in the table below.


at the doctor’s  
at the police station  
at a job interview  
at a business meeting  

Listen again. Write down four questions the interviewer asks.

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