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Consolidation of grammar material


Make up sentences

Presentation of a new vocabulary with the help of a list of words:

Pre-vocabulary work



Make up associgrams




Vocabulary and pronunciation

1. A list of new words and word-combinations: Look through the words given below, remember their pronunciation and learn them:


Complete in the gaps with an appropriate article and explain its usage.

  1. The official language of Kazakhstan is Kazakh, ___ Turkic language.
  2. ____ Republic of Kazakhstan lies right in between Europe and Asia.
  3. When it is spring in ____ south, ____ north area is covered with snow and severe storm.
  4. Kazakhstan is ____ market-economy state.
  5. ____ Kazakhs are ____ extremely hospitable people.
  6. ____ largest ethnic groups are Kazakhs and Russians.
  7. Everybody has ____ right to use their native language and ____ right to choose their language for communication, study and work.


Work – out 3

Theme:Lexics: My motherland – Kazakhstan,

Grammar: Present Simple Tense

Aim:didactive aims:

To form following components of competence in students:

Cognitive component:

13. To form students’ knowledge on speaking about yourself, using background knowledge

14. To form students’ knowledge on using Present Simple Tense

15. To form students’ knowledge on teaching the students to tell about motherland – Kazakhstan and use it in their speech

16. To form knowledge on teaching the students to enlarge students’ awareness about their own country – Kazakhstan;

Practical component:

1. To form students’ skills on speaking the text.

2. To form skills on doing and writing exercises on grammar and lexics

3. To form skills of finding necessary information from text, generalizing and

interpretation with aims of using in the process of learning and professional


4. To form skills to build students’ knowledge on new lexical and grammar materials to

use it in their speech.

Self-educational component:

10. To form skills in working with additional medical literature in mass media.

11. To form skills of enriching vocabulary

12. To form skills the students have to know the lexics and grammar of the theme in order to draw and to speak on the base of a text my motherland – Kazakhstan

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