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Procedure of the lesson

Issues to be studied:

4. lexicsdescribing flat

5. Formation of grammar construction “There is/There are” and its usage.

6. The text “My flat”.

Methods of teaching:

presentation of new theme usingverbal-graphic methods , work in pairs.


Means of teaching:

visual aids, tables, schemes, pictograms, cards, audio technics


Presentation of lexics – 50 min

1. Introduction of new words on the theme:


Listen to the tape-recorder paying attention to the pronunciation of new words.



2. Translate these new words using the dictionary.

Pre-reading exercises

1. Write down the rooms which you know.




Living room Kitchen




2. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your native language.

Cosy room, flat with all conditions, hot and cold running water, dining-table, beautiful carpet, on the second floor, to create a pleasant home, light room, bedroom, kitchen, two-room apartment, living room, dining room, porch, bathroom, furniture.


3. Match the word-combinations from the right side.

Living table

Writing water

Hot stove

Two armchairs

Book room

Gas shelves


4. Write the words in plural form.

Chair, flat, apartment, water, family, armchair, picture, landscape, book, car, dish etc.


5. Make sentences with the word-combinations below using the grammar construction There are/There is.

Pictures, a sofa with two armchairs, a TV-set, five rooms, a refrigerator, a bed etc.

f.ex:There are magnificent pictures on the wall.

There is a TV-set in the corner of living room.

6. Put questions to you own sentences.

f.ex: Are there magnificent pictures on the wall?

Is there a TV-set in the corner of living room

Presentation of the text – 50 min.

Pre-Listening task

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