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Procedure of the lesson

Issues to be studied:

a) Lexical mining of the theme “My Future Profession”

b) Text My Future Profession

c) “Past Perfect Tense”, “Future Perfect Tense”, its formation and using

Methods of teaching:

Associograms, verbal-graphic method, inductive method, role-plays, creative tasks.

Means of teaching:

visual aids, tables, schemes, pictograms, cards, audio technics

Consolidation of lexics – 20min


I.Match the words column A and B







Fill the gaps and finish the sentences:

1. Such a course of studies helps them to gain much knowledge of medicine, which will give them the possibility to ____________________________ diseases and treat people.

2. He must love people and__________________________________.

3. He must give all his __________, all his ________, all his ______, and all his _____________, to the protection of their health.

4. They study numerous theoretical and ______________.

5. But medical students must remember _____________________________?

6. They must become the_______________________.

Consolidation of Grammar - 30 min

II. Fill the gaps using the Past Perfect.

1) She____________ in Sweden before she went to Norway. (to live)

2) After we___________ the cornflakes, Henry came in. (to eat)

3) Before Ken ran to Kerry's house, he __________him. (to phone)

4) After they ___________ their rucksacks, they rode away on their bikes. (to pack)

5) Gerry helped his grandma in the house because his father _____________him so. (to tell)

III. Fill the gaps using the Future Perfect.

8. By next November, I ________ my promotion.( receiv)

9. By the time he gets home, she is __________ the entire house. (clean)

10. I am _______________this test by 3 o'clock. ( not finish)

11. ________she ________ enough Chinese to communicate before she moves to Beijing? (learn)

12. Sam is probably ______________ the proposal by the time he leaves this afternoon. (completed)

13. By the time I finish this course, I __________ ten tests. (Take)


IV. Fill the gaps using the Past Perfect.


1) Anne ______________ her bike next week. (to repair)

2) We ___________________ the washing by 8 o'clock. (to do)

3) She _________________ Paris by the end of next year. (to visit)

4) I _______________this by 6 o'clock. (to finish)

5) Sam ______________ by next week. (to leave)

6) She _________________ this with her mother tonight. (to discuss)


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