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II. A. Presentation of grammar material / 25 min.

Study the following grammar material. Try to understand it.

1. Present Participle is formed from Verbal Infinitive with the help of ending –ing. It corresponds to Russian Active Participle with suffixes:

-ущ (ющ), - ащ (ящ): to carry - carrying несущий, ( -ая, -ее, -ие)

2.For the preservation of short vocal reading in closed syllable end, consonant is doubled by Present Participle formation: to sit – sittingсидящий

3. In case, when the verb ends on –ie, this lettercombination is changed on – y by Present Participle formation, and the ending – ing is added: to lie – lyingлежащий

4. In case, when the verb ends on –e, this letter is lost by adding of –ing:

to taketakingберущий


Functions of Present Participle and its forms are shown in Tables 1,2

Table 1

Functions of Present Participle

Examples Functions
1. The examining teacher is in room 15.   1. Attribute
2. The man examininga patient is our doctor   2. Part of Attributive Participial Construction
3.Examining the patient the doctor listened to his heart.   3. Adverbial Modifier of time and reason.
4. The doctor was standing near the patient examining him attentively 4. Adverbial Modifier of action and others

Table 2

Forms of Present Participle

Participles Indefinite Perfect
Active   Passive Askingспршивающий, спрашивая Being askedбудучи спрошен, спрашиваемый Having askedспросив, Having been askedбудучи спрошен


Past Participle or the III-rd verbal form is formed in regular verbs from verbal infinitive with the help of ending –d, -ed. In irregular Verbs the Past Participle has special forms. They are shown in Table of irregular verbs in a dictionary


Past Participle is translated into Russian language as Passive Participle with ending – мый,

-ный, -тый.

Example: divided - разделенный

studied – изучаемый, изученный

taken – взятый

Functions of Past Participle are shown in Table 3.

Table 3

Functions of Past Participle

Examples Functions
a)The delivered lecture was very interesting   b) The lecture delivered interested everybody 1. Attribute
The lecture delivered yesterday by Prof. Smirnov was very interesting. 2. Part of Attributive Participial Construction


Reading, speaking

B. Training of grammar material.

Read and translate the following sentences, answer the questions.


1. The operating surgeon must always have the necessary set of surgical instruments.

2. The main sitting at the window is our doctor

3. Lying in bed the patient was answering the doctor’s questions

4. Carrying on the medical examination of the patient the doctor measured his blood pressure

a) How is Present Participle formed?

b) What changes are made when forming Present Participle from the verbs with the endings ie, e?

c) Why is the lettert doubled in Present Participle “sitting”?

d) What syntactic functions does Present Participle have?


Write Present Participle of the following verbs and translate them.

To place, to include, to consist, to divide, to connect, to separate, to locate


Reading, speaking


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