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Vincent van Gogh Paintings


Between November of 1881 and July of 1890, Vincent van Gogh painted almost 900 paintings. Since his death, he has become one of the most famous painters in the world. Van Gogh’s paintings have captured the minds and hearts of millions of art lovers and have made art lovers of those new to world of art. The following excerpts are from letters that Van Gogh wrote expressing how he evolved as a painter.

In December of 1881, at the age of 28 just as he began his first paintings Vincent wrote to his brother Theo about becoming a painter,

“Theo, I am so very happy with my paintbox, and I think my getting it now, after having drawn almost exclusively for at least a year, better than if I had started with it immediately…

For, Theo, with painting my real career begins. Don't you think I am right to consider it so?”

Van Gogh worked at a feverish pace costing him money, causing him mental and physical stress and leaving him no time for any other source of income. But he was persistent. In a letter from March of 1882, Van Gogh wrote again to his brother Theo,



“Although I find myself in financial difficulties, I nevertheless have the feeling that there is nothing more solid than a `handicraft' in the literal sense of working with one's hands. If you became a painter, one of the things that would surprise you is that painting and everything connected with it is quite hard work in physical terms. Leaving aside the mental exertion, the hard thought, it demands considerable physical effort, and that day after day.”

In the same letter to Theo from 1882, Van Gogh writes, “There are two ways of thinking about painting, how not to do it and how to do it: how to do it - with much drawing and little colour; how not to do it - with much colour and little drawing.

Van Gogh firmly believed that to be a great painter you had to first master drawing before adding color. Over the years Van Gogh clearly mastered drawing and began to use more color. In time, one of the most recognizable aspects of Van Gogh’s paintings became his bold use of color.

Exercise 8.Translate the second passage of the above given text. Give suitable headlines to each paragraph.

Exercise 9.Write an article (100 words) about: Many governments in the world spend large amounts of money on art which helps to develop quality in people’s life. However, governments should spend money on other things rather than art. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion.


Give the right variant:

1.I …………you that you had to be on time. Why are you late?

a) say

b) tell

c) ask

d) speak

2.When youher if she'd work late, what did she…………?

a) say

b) tell

c) ask

d) speak

3.I think that Alan………us a lie abut his qualifications.

a) say

b) tell

c) ask

d) speak

4.When I……..him what he was doing there, he ….me it was none of my business.

a) say

b) tell

c) ask

d) speak



  English Russian Kazakh
Evolve[i'vɔlv] өрбу, даму, үдеу развиваться
Excerpt ['eks з:pt] сұрыптау, іріктеу выборка, выдержка, извлечение
Feverish ['fi:vəriʃ] тынымсыз беспокойный; взволнованный
Persistent [pə'sist(ə)nt] табанды, қайсар, өз дегенінен қайтпайтын настойчивый, упорный
Exertion [ig'z з:ʃ(ə)n] күш салу, тырысу усилие
Coincide[kəuin'said] бір-біріне келу; ұқсау; жарасу совпадать, совмещаться
Legacy['legəsi] мұра, мирас наследство; наследие
Paintbox [peint'boks] сыр, бояу қорабы коробка с набором красок
Pliable ['plai əb(ə)l] гибкий Майысқақ, жұмсақ
Percussion [pə 'kʌʃ(ə)n] ударные инструменты серпіндінің аспаптары


Office hours


- Learn by heart the poem “Art”[Part III, pp.191].

- Read and translate “What is architecture?”, “Radiation of electrical energy” [Part III, pp.217-218].


Main literature

1. “OBJECTIVE” CAE second edition by Felicity O’Dell and Annie Broadhead. Student’s book. Cambridge University Press. 2010.

2. Master ClassCAE.Tricia Aspinall & Annette Capel for Advanced level. Student’s book. Oxford, 2003.

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