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Exercise 8. Give suitable headlines to the text paragraphs.

Exercise 9.The down given nouns are phrasal words, complete the sentences with them:

telling-off, falling-out, rip-off, flash-back, stop over.

1.Three years after the accident, I’m still getting........

2.The town makes a good....... before heading further north.

3.She gave both boys a....... and sent them to bed.

4.Many of the guided tours are a complete......

5.He had a........with his business partner.

Give the right variant:


1. Englishmen don’t want to have central heating because they don’t want to have …?

a) changes.

b) villages

c) fire-places

d) constructions

2. Englishmen never throw away…?

a) old things

b) fire-places

c) rooms

d) villages

3. What does the Lord Chancellor sit on?

a) a sack of wool

b) fire-place

c) central heating

d) greengrocers

4.How English buses are called?

a) doddle-pebs

b) village-boxes

c) fire-places

d) double-decks



  English Russian Kazakh
Celebration [‚selə'breɪʃən] отмечать белгілеу
Bizarre [bɪ'zɑ:r] странный , причудливый оғаш, ерсі
Fireworks ['faɪər‚wɜ:rks] фейерверки фейерверктер
trick-or-treating [‘trɪkɔ'triti ŋ] сноровка, ловкость ептілік, ынғайлылық
Inspired [ɪn'spaɪərd] воодушевленный шабыт алған, жігер алған
Search [sɜ:rtʃ] искать іздеу
Pint [pint] пинта пинта
Explosion [ɪk'spləʋʒən] взрыв жарылыс
warning letter[‘wɔ:niŋ ‘letə] Письмо предупреждение Ескерту хат
to blow up[ t ə ‘ blou ʌp] взорваться жарылу
Office hours

Write out all the compounds in the Text for content reading “British Traditions and Customs.[see the hand-out].

Read the poem “Fire and Ice” with proper intonation and stress, [Part III, 189], learn it by heart.


Make areport on your favorite holiday in Kazakhstan.

Be ready for discussion of the texts for specific purpose “Accounting ”[Part III, pp.215-216].




1.R. Side and G. Wellman. Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced. Longman, 2006.

2. Зубанова И.В., Никольская А.И. Такая Разная Америка. Москва,2010.


3.Туробов А. Америка каждый день. Заметки натуралиста. Новый мир, №4/2008.

4. T. Aspinall, A. Capel. Advanced Master Class. New Edition. Oxford, 2009.

5.Nick robinson and others. Face to face. CAE. Advanced. Student’s Book.2009.

6. Objective. CAE. Advanced. Student’s Book.2011.



HAND –OUT№ 137 Discipline: English as a foreign language Credits:2 Advanced level Practical lesson Lexical theme: Kazakh customs and traditions Grammatical theme: Verbs of the senses Assistant professor Tassyrova A.K

Warm-up: Can you give Kazakh or Russian equivalent of the given proverb?

“My boyfriend just never gets the message’’.

GRAMMAR COMMENT: Verbs of the senses: hear, see, smell, feel, taste[1.p149]

1. I can hear a noise downstairs. 2 Can you see the blue circle at the top of the painting? 3 I can smell burning. Are you sure you turned the gas off?. 1 The five basic verbs of the senses, hear, see, smell, feel, taste, are stative (non-action) verbs. We normally use can with these verbs to refer to something happening at the moment. 2 We don’t usually use verbs of the senses in the continuous form. 3 here and see can also be dynamic verbs and used in the continuous form, but with a different meaning: I’ve been hearing good things about you recently = I have been receiving information. I’m seeing James tonight.= I have arranged to meet him

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