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Exercise 8. Translate the second passage of the above given text. Give suitable headlines to each paragraph.


Exercise 9.Write a report (200 words) about: “Kazakhstan Health Service hospitals challenges ”. First read this:

Many Health Service hospitals are old-fashioned and overcrowded, and, because of the shortage of beds, patients often have to wait a long time for operations. Rich people prefer to go to private doctors, or to see specialists in Harley Street, the famous "doctors" street in London. When these people are ill they go to a private nursing-home, for which they may pay as much as £ 100 a week. Alternatively, they may hire a private room in an ordinary hospital, for which they will pay about £ 10 a day.

Give the right variant:

1.Brain injuries that occur when a person receives a blow to the head, face, or neck it is…

a) concussions

b) flu

c) illness

d) cancer

2.What can help protect players, amateur leagues and the sports media?

a) improvements in helmet technology

b) Improvements in diagnostic technology

c) be careful during the game

d) to establish new safety regulations

3.What does CTE mean?

a) chronic traumatic encephalopathy

b) Common Table Expressions

c) Career and Technical Education

d) Center for Teaching Excellence

4.Young athletes should be educated about the serious dangers of head injuries…

a) at an early age.

b) at an old age

c) it is not necessary

d) all answers


  English Kazakh Russian
Concussions [kən 'k ʌʃ(ə)n] шайқалу, сілкіну сотрясения
Nausea [nɔ: ziə] лоқсу, жүрек айнушылық тошнота
Drowsiness [drauzinis] ұйқышылдық сонливость
Anxiety [æŋ'zaiəti] алаңдау, маза кету, әбігерлік, әурешілік беспокойство
amateur leagues ['æmətə(r) li:g(ə)z] әуесқой, әуесқойлар лигасы   любительских лиг
Revised [ri'vaizd] қайта қаралған пересмотрен
Mental- [ment(ə)l] психикалық психический
Diminish [di'miniʃ] азайту уменьшить
Office hours

Learn by heart the poem “Health” [Part III, pp.193].


Be ready for discussion of texts: “Radiation of electrical energy”,“Geodesy”[Part III, pp.218 ].


Main literature

1.“Objective” cae second edition by Felicity O’Dell and Annie Broadhead. Student’s book. Cambridge University Press. 2010.

2.“New English File” by Clive Oxenden and Christina Koenig for Advanced level. Student’s book. Oxford University Press. 2010.

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