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Translate the sentences into Russian. Name the sentences with the verbs «to be» and «to have» as modals.

1. Farmers will have to cultivate this soil when it is dry.

2. The farm is to increase yield of corn.

3. They had to grow some new grain crops this year.

4. The plants have very many uses.

5. These crops are very important for men.

6. Crop plants are to be classified on the basis of their use.

7. The farmer will have to plant corn later this year.


Translate the sentences with the Infinitive as a subject.

образец: To study plants is very interesting.



1. To study botany is necessary for future agronomists.

2. To plow, sow and cultivate the soil is very important for obtaining good yield.

3. To apply organic matter to the soil means to improve soil productivity.

4. To classify farm crops agronomically according to their use is very important.

5. To develop new variety of this crop was very difficult.

6. To increase the yield of the crop was the main problem of plant breeders.

7. To find new uses of plants is very important for scientists.

8. To study the structure of the plant is the first task of any agriculturist.

Find in the text answers to the following questions.


1. What is our food and clothing produced by?

2. How many plant species are there on the earth?

3. What do plants vary in?

4. What can you say about plant size?

5. What are the lowest forms of plant life?

6. What are plants used for?

7. How are field crops classified agronomically?

8. Why aren't farm crops classified according to similarity of parts?


Find key sentences in each paragraph of the text and use them for retelling the text.

Give the short summary of the text.


Skim text B and say what is the text about.

Answer the following questions.


1. What do plants provide man with?

2. What plants are called farm crops?

3. What can we expect from scientists?

4. Is life possible without plants?

5. When did man begin to change plants?

6. What do plants give off into air?

7. Are we still dependent upon plants as primitive man was thousand of years ago?

Text B

From earliest times plants play an important part in everyday life of man. Plants provide us with food, clothing and many other necessary things. The cultivation of plants is connected with man’s progress. Man’s food and clothing are produced directly or indirectly by plants.

Without plant life neither animals nor men will be able to live. There exist very many species of plants. Some of them are grown and cultivated by farmers and are called farm crops. Some plants are used directly by man, some are consumed by animals.

The scientists continue their work and we can expect new uses of plants to be found and the value of other plants to be discovered. Great progress has been made in breeding suitable plants and animals that grow best in the given environment. Life is impossible without plants.

We breath with oxygen which comes from plants, we eat the food which also comes from plants. Man began to change plants about 10000 years ago, when he began to grow the first food plants. Plants use sunlight and make their food; they give off oxygen into the air during this process. Many elements make up a plant’s environment. Sunlight, temperature, rain and snow affect the growth of plants.

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