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Find key sentences in each paragraph of the text.

Make up the plan of the text and retell it.


Translate text C using a dictionary.

Text C

The Flower

The flower is the most spectacular part of the plant.

Flowers come in almost every size, shape and color. All plants that produce seeds have a flower of some sort. Flowers are needed to produce seeds. There are many parts of the flower. Each part has its job and name. The main parts of a flower are sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil. The term calyx is used to include all the sepals of a flower. The petals are the flowers most conspicuous parts. They are often brightly colored to attract insects. Petals cover the inner parts of the young flower. The base to which the entire flower is attached is called receptacle. Flowers reproduce sexually, they have male and female parts. These parts are called the essential parts because seeds cannot be produced without them.

Stamens are the male parts of the flower. The pistil is the female organ of the flower. Some flowers have several pistils, but usually a single pistil is located in the center of the flower. The sticky end of the pistil is called the stigma. Pollination is the transfer of pollen from stamen to stigma. It can be done by the wind, by insects, by animals, by man, or by the flower itself. Some plants are cross-pollinated, because they are self-sterile. Other plants are self-pollinated. Their flowers are arranged in such a way that the stigma can be pollinated by its own pollen.

Fruit is the matured ovary with its seed enclosed. The aim of the fruit is to protect the seed and to supply the new plant with early nourishment. Seeds take various forms; some are stickers, or burrs, other have “wings” to carry them on the wind. Flowers are grouped on a more or less compact special shoot or axis called the inflorescence.



calyx – чашечка

receptacle – цветоложе


Write an annotation on the theme “Flower”.

Unit 5

The Seed

Pretext Exercises

Translate the following international words.

system, reproductive, fruit, generation, protection, embryo, endosperm, activity, hypocotyls, epicotyls, portion, vegetative, photosynthesis, function, to absorb,

material, process, typical, distribution, substance, position, vary, proportionally, principal


2. Name the nouns having common roots with the following verbs.

to function, to produce, to develop, to cultivate, to absorb, to distribute, to connect, to examine, to combine, to reproduce, to require, to prepare, to protect, to depend


Vocabulary list.


1. reproductive part – репродуктивная часть

2. embryonic plant – зародышевое растение

3. generation – поколение

4. seed coat – семенная кожура

5. germ – зародыш

6. dormant state – состояние покоя

7. foodsupply – запас питательных веществ

8. endosperm – эндосперм

9. seed leaves – семенные листочки

10. cotyledon – семядоля

11. to germinate – прорастать ( germination-прорастание)

12. viability– жизнеспособность

13. viable – жизнеспособный

14. storage conditions –условия хранения

15. to mature – созревать

16. to swell – набухать

17. clover – клевер

18. pressure– давление

19. to cause – заставлять, вызывать

20. stands – всходы

21. germination – прорастание

22. hypocotyls – гипокотиль

23. cereal – злак

24. germ – зародыш


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