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In what paragraph of the text you can find the information about the environmental factors determining plant growth.

Find in the text the English equivalent to the sentence: «Green plants obtain most of their energy from sunlight via a process called photosynthesis».

Summarize all the problems covered in the text in 5-6 sentences.

Translate text C. Try to do it without using the dictionary.

Text С



Green plants manufacture their food by a process known as photosynthesis. A number of requirements must be met for photosynthesis to occur. They are: sufficient light, carbon dioxide, water and other essential nutrients; a favourable temperature and the presence of living cells which contain a green material known as chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll converts carbon dioxide and water into sugar. Light is necessary for this process. Plant nutrients carry out many functions. At present 15 elements are essential for good plant growth.

Thus in the process of photosynthesis the plant take in such raw materials as carbon dioxide and water and convert then into sugar. K.A. Timiryazev concentrated an aerial nutrition of plants, i.e the processes by which the green leaves of plants assimilate solar energy and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and the formation of complex organic combinations in the cells of the leaf. This phenomenon is known in science as photosynthesis. Timiryasev proved that non-living nature is subjected to the law of conservation and transformation of energy. His research clearly showed as he himself said “the cosmic role of the plant”.

In the process of photosynthesis plant absorbs the energy of solar rays that fall on the earth. This energy is then transmitted together with vegetable food to the bodies of animals and men. He called the plant the intermediary between sun and life on our planet. The green leaf or, to be more precise, the microscopic green grain of chlorophyll, is the focus, the point in the world to which solar energy flows. On one side while all the manifestations of life on earth take their source on the other side. “The plant is a real Prometheus stealing fire from heavens”,-wrote Timiryazev.

Unit 4

The Flower


Pretext Exercises

Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian.


production, reproduce, function, role, reproduction, process, principal, position, floral, vary, to protect, reproductive organ, absolutely, center, transfer, cultivation


Define the part of speech.


formed, sources, consequently, familiar, principle, frequently, missing, incomplete, protecting, brightly, immediately, unlike, fertilization, essential, fertilized, pollination, cross-pollinated, experimenter

Vocabulary list.


1. to produce flowers – образовывать цветки

2. to precede - предшествовать

3. to assure - обеспечить, гарантировать

4. yield of seeds - урожайсемян

5. sepal - чашелистик

6. petal - лепесток

7. stamen - тычинка

8. pistil–пестик

9. floral parts – части цветка

10. complete flower – полный цветок

11. incomplete flower – неполный цветок

12. to lack - отсутствовать, недоставать

13. both….and - и…..и, как….так и

14. toinvolve (in )- вовлекать, участвовать

15. comprise - составлять

16. leaflike–листоподобный, похожий на лист

17. arealikeinthat–похожи в том, что; unlike - в отличие

18. corolla - венчик, корона

19. pollen –пыльца; pollination- опыление

20. essential - важный, существенный

21. fertilization - оплодотворение

22. style - столбик

23. stigma - рыльце

24. ovary - завязь

25. egg-cell– яйцеклетка

26. self-pollinated– само-опыляемый

27. proximity - близость

28. cross-pollinated - перекрестно-опыляемый


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