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Translate the sentences into English using the text.


1. Хорошая пашня также важна для получения высоких урожаев, как и хорошие семена.

2. Семена нужно сажать на соответствующую глубину.

3.Первые операции по обработке почвы производятся либо осенью, либо ранней весной.

4.Хорошо подготовленная пашня имеет очень большое значение для получения хороших всходов.

5.Иногда культивация должна быть достаточно глубокой, чтобы уничтожить сорняки.

6.Если мало кислорода и температура воздуха слишком низкая, семена не будут нормально прорастать даже на хорошей пашне.


Write an annotation on the theme: «Seed germination».

Translate the text using the dictionary.

Text C

Seed and Germination


Ripe seeds are extremely resistant to both heat and cold. Some can survive the temperature of liquid hydrogen and some can bear, for a period that of boiling water. Moreover their respiration rate is so low that many can remain viable for many months in the absence of free oxygen. By contrast the vegetative parts of plants that are used for propagation – tubers, bulbs, etc. – are much more sensitive to heat and cold, and are dependent for survival upon a supply of free oxygen. Potato tubers, for example, are killed by a few degrees of frost, by heating to comparatively low temperatures, and, in perhaps two of three days, by submersion in oxygen-free water or in waterlogged soil.

It isa familiar fact that seeds of different species germinate at different rates.

Beets and carrots germinate slowly, cereals very fast. In many cases germination can be speeded up by wetting the seed before sowing. The length of time that seed will remain viable varies greatly from one species to another. Onion seed deteriorates rapidly, even under good conditions of storage. The seeds of many common weeds survive in the soil for long periods in some cases for several decades.

Unit 6

Classification of Field Crops

Pretext Exercises.


Define the part of speech of the given words and give their Russian equivalents.


environmental, conditions, relatively, development, respiration, environment, uniformly, importance, evolution, special, productive, culture, selection, combination, favorable, growth, vegetative, function


Translate into Russian the following attribute combinations.


soil fertility increase, soil air circulation, mineral fertilizer application, higher protein content, plant parts, weed control, growth habit

Vocabulary list

1. ability – способность

2. growth habit – специфика (особенность) роста

3. annual – однолетний

4. barley – ячмень

5. bean – боб

6. biennial – двухлетний

7. to define – определять

8. edible – съедобный

9. fiber – волокно

10. flax – лен

11. grass – трава, злаковое растение

12. hemp – конопля

13. like – подобный

14. manure – удобрение(органическое)

15. to mention – упоминать

16. nitrogen – азот

17. object – цель

18. perennial – многолетний

19. to raise – выращивать

20. root crop – корнеплод

21. rope – веревка, канат

22. tuber-клубень

23. root crop-корнеплод

24. oats-овес

25. forage crop-кормовая культура

26. cotton-хлопок

27. rye-рожь


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