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Match the English equivalents with the Russian words.


1. условие a) frost-free period

2. окружающаясреда b) humidity

3. рост c) environment

4. овесd) growth

5. безморозный период e) unfavourable

6. неблагоприятный f) rainfall

7. влажность g) long-day plants

8. осадки h) respiration

9. площадь, ареалi) condition

10. растения длинного дняj) lengthofday

11. дыхание k) area

12. продолжительность дня l) oats

Agree or disagree with the following statements (TrueorFalse).


1. All plants require favourable environmental conditions for their better growth and development.

2. A frost-free growing period more than 150 days is unfavourable for most crops.

3. Light is not necessary for the process of photosynthesis.

4. Relative length of day and night influences life processes of many plants.

5. Most small grains belong to long-day crops.

6. Cotton, sunflower and buckwheat are not affected by the length of day.

7. Air supplies carbon dioxide for plant growth and oxygen for respiration as well as for chemical and biological processes in the soil.

8. Environment is the condition in which an organism lives.


Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the words from thevocabulary list.


1.Растения хорошо развиваются в благоприятных условиях.

2.На рост растений влияют условия окружающей среды.

3.Климат - важнейший фактор окружающей среды.

4.Растения не могут хорошо расти в неблагоприятных условиях.

5.С/х культуры хорошо растут, если они приспособились к окружающей среде.

6.Свекла, картофель, овес, ячмень, рожь и пшеница растут лучше в прохладном климате.

7.Кукуруза, рис, соя и хлопок требуют более теплых условий.

8.Свет влияет на важные процессы в жизни растений.


Lay out the questions in such an order, that they were a plan for text A and answer them.


1. Why is air necessary for plants?

2. What is environment?

3. What environmental conditions are favourable for plants?

4. Which environmental factors are important for plant growth?

5. Do all crops require much light for their growth?

6. What crops develop well under cool climatic conditions?

7. What crops require warmer climate?

8. Name some environmental conditions, influencing plant growth.

Get acquainted with text B and choose the heading to the text.

1. Plants and Nature.

2. Cultivation of Plants.

3. Plant Breeding.

Text B


Nature has always served to man. But with the development of civilization man's interference in nature began to increase. The pollution of air and the world's ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man's careless interaction with nature.

Environmental protection is a problem of global concern. Plant formations and their environment are natural resources which man always used and uses now.

Animals and man will not live without plants because the cycle of nature links them. Plants also play a very important part in conservation and protection of soil, water and animals. Crop plants have not always been productive and useful as they are today. Long ago they were growing wild. As civilization progressed, man began studying plants more carefully. He discovered many of the new functions of plants, their structure and requirements for growth.

Soon plant science appeared and great progress in the improvement and growing of plants followed. Compared to the long history of plants on the Earth the plant breeders have improved plants for only short time, but in this short period they have contributed much to agriculture.

By selecting the best types, man is able to bring about improvements in a few years that would require thousands of years if left to nature.


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