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Text A

Classification of Field Crops

The aim of the classification of field crops is to group them either according to their growth habit or according to their use.

On the first principle the crops are classified as annuals, biennials and perennials.

If you took a text-book of agronomy, you would find there the following classification of crops based on their use.

Cereal or Grain Crops.

If an agronomist were asked to define a cereal, he would say that it is the grass grown for its edible grain. Corn, barley, oats, rice, and rye to be mentioned as the main cereals raised by man.

Large-Seeded Legumes.

The principle legumes grown for seeds are field peas, field beans and soybeans. Sometimes the main object in growing legumes is to improve soil fertility for they are able to fix free nitrogen out of the air through the bacteria living on their roots.

Root Crops.

Unlike cereals, root crops as beets, for instance, are grown because of the food value on their roots. If they had not such an ability, they could not live and produce seeds the second year.

Forage Crops.

If you look for a definition of a forage crops, you will find that it is a crop grown because of its stems and leaves that are to be used in feeding livestock. Forage crops include all grasses cut for hay, legumes cut for forage, sorghum and corn fodder.


A tuber is a thickened underground stem. The most important tuber cultivated throughout the world is potato. We should make a great mistake if we called it a root crop, because its habit of life is quite unlike that of the root crop.

Fiber Crops

Several plants are grown because of their fiber which is used in making textile. Ropes and similar materials. The principle fiber crops are cotton, flax and hemp.

Crops for Special Farm Uses.

A special purpose crop may be any of the other types grown for a specific purpose. For instance, crops, like legumes, are grown to be plowed under for soil improvement and are called green manure crops.

Translate the following words and word combinations from English into Russian.

the aim of classification, according to, growth habit, annual, biennial, perennial, grain crop, barley, oats, rye, legumes, field peas, to improve soil fertility, root crop, beets, forage crops, tuber, fiber crop, flax, hemp



кормовая культура, бобовые, люцерна, мочковатый корень, стержневая корневая система, агрономическая характеристика, сходство частей, питательные вещества, однолетние, двулетние, многолетние, клубень, волокнистая культура, хлопок, лен, картофель


Match the English equivalents with the Russian words.


1. согласно, в соответствии c a) cotton
2. злак b) value
3. бобовые c) forage
4. клубень d) hemp
5. волокно e) biennials
6. специфика роста f) according to
7. однолетний g) cereal
8. ценность h) legumes
9. корм i) tuber
10. хлопок j) fibre
11. конопля k) growth habit
12. двулетний l) crop

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