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Wheat is cultivated throughout the world. It is known to have been grown extensively in Asia, in Europe and in the Northern part of Africa from time immemorial. The farmers of China are believed to have grown this crop at least 3000 years ago.

Wheat belongs to the grass family Graminea. It is one of the most valuable plants.

We know wheat to have been adapted to a very wide range of both soil and climatic conditions. Only barley, potatoes and a few other crops are known to be grown under colder conditions than wheat.

On the other hand, no part of the earth is too hot for the production of wheat if the climate is not too humid. Wheat cannot be grown successfully in areas where both warm and humid conditions prevail, because such conditions favor the rapid development of destructive diseases.

There are both humid and arid limits for growing wheat. In the USA most of the crop is grown in regions where the annual rainfall is less than 30 inches, that is, in places where moderate rainfall conditions prevail.

Botanical characters.The wheat plant is a true annual. There are spring wheat varieties sown early in spring and harvested in the late summer. There are also winter wheat varieties sown in the fall and maturing early the following summer. Both varieties are widely grown throughout the world.

The root system of wheat is like that of corn and oats, that is a fibrous one. The numerous fibrous roots grow from the lower joints of the stem and are usually found in the surface soil.

Like most of the grasses, the stems of wheat are jointed and hollow. During the early stages of growth they are very short, though they very early develop the entire number of nodes and internodes.

Preparation of the land.Sufficient moisture should be present to ensure prompt germination and a good growth of the young plants. The time and method of seedbed preparation is determined largely by the prevailing climatic conditions as well as by crop that wheat follows in the rotation.

Plowing is usually the first step to make in seedbed preparation especially when wheat follows small grains in the rotation.

As a rule, winter wheat is seeded on land that is plowed in the summer or early fall preceding planting. Numerous experiments have shown the value of early preparation in areas of limited rainfall where water conservation is of prime importance. The sooner the field is plowed under after harvesting the preceding crop the better, since it ensures a better preservation of soil moisture and decomposition of stubble is thus encouraged.

Read and translate the following words and word combinations into Russian.

wheat, throughout the world, from time immemorial, crop, to belong to, wide range, both … and, on the other hand, humid, disease, arid, annual, rainfall, moderate, fibrous, root system, hollow stem, internodes

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