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The work of the Agricultural Experimental Station

Find information in the text and answer the following questions.


1) What conditions favor the extensive wheat growth and cause lodging?

2) What can you say about waste products of wheat and their application?

3) Under what conditions can wheat grow in hot climate?

4) What factors define the quality of wheat?

Enumerate in English the main problems mentioned in the text.

What sentences from the text will you use for annotation?

Translate the text from Russian into English without using the dictionary.

Text С

Wheat is the most important grain crop. The origin of wheat is unknown. The best quality wheat is produced in areas, where the winters are cold and the summer comparatively hot.

Wheat is best adapted to fertile medium-to-heavy soils that are well drained. It is an annual or winter annual grass, which is normally self-pollinated. Wheat varieties differ greatly in winter hardiness. The most commonly used fertilizers for wheat are potash, superphosphate, and sometimes nitrogen is applied as a top dressing in spring. It makes wheat higher in protein content. All fertilizers increase the yields of wheat.

Wheat is a leading food crop of the world. Wheat is widely grown all over the world. It is grown in approximately 50 different countries. Wheat is produced mostly for grain. The time of seeding wheat varies with climatic and soil conditions. There are spring and winter varieties of wheat. The usual depth of seeding varies from 1 to 3 inches. There exist many wheat varieties. Some of them have red grain, others have white grain, some have beards and are beardless.


Answer the following questions.


1. What areas are good for wheat?

2. What fertilizers are used for wheat?

3. What is the effect of nitrogen fertilizer?


Write an annotation on the theme «Wheat».

Unit 9

Crop Breeding and Improvement

Pretext Exercises

Translate the following international words.

selection, type, method, basis, genetics, cytogenetics, physiology, pathology, entomology, agronomy, botany, statistics, computer, specialist, vary, protein, area, resistant, introduction, hybridization, character, experimental

Group the words according to parts of speech.

gradually, abundant, aggregated, lower, competition, properly, additional, seeder, to decrease, poorer, directly, desirably, careful, limiting, suitable, requirement, remove, maintenance, wider, mixture, mechanical, physiologist, harrowed, favouring, fixer, to destroy, finest, follower

Vocabulary List.

1. breeding - разведение

2. breeder - селекционер

3. heredity - наследственность

4. to improve - улучшать

5. improvement - улучшение

6. related - связанный

7. to eliminate - уничтожать

8. milling quality –мукомольныекачества

9. lodging - полегание

10.drought resistance –устойчивостькзасухе

11. commonly - обычно

12. inherited characters –наследуемыепризнаки

13. to precede - предшествовать

14. to follow - следовать

15. strain - вид

16. to conduct – проводить

17. early maturing - скороспелый

18. crossing - скрещивание

19. inherited - наследуемый

20. investigator - исследователь

21. field-plottests– испытание на делянках в поле

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