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1. Наследственность растений можно изменить и улучшить селекцией.

2. Раньше улучшение растений и выведение новых сортов производилось путем отбора лучших типов.

3. Сейчас многие признаки растений, такие как урожайность, зимостойкость, засухоустойчивость и другие, успешно улучшаются нашими селекционерами.

4. Для выведения новых сортов нужно использовать достижения многих наук.

5. Новый улучшенный сорт можно вывести скрещиванием двух или более сортов, соединяя желательные признаки в одном сорте.

6. Знание генетики необходимо для выведения новых сортов.

7. Цель селекционера-выведение лучшего сорта, путем соединения желательных качеств в одном сорте.

10.Define the sentences with "Absolute Nominative Participle Construction" and translate them.


1. Plant breeding being the science of changing the heredity of plants, the scientists widely use it in improving crop plants.

2. Many plant sciences are used by plant breeders in selecting new varieties of crops, genetics and cytogenetics being the most important.

3. Many varieties of corn producing good yields of high quality forage and grain are cultivated throughout our country.

4. Such plant has two parts, the roots and the above ground portion, the latter consisting of leaves and stems.

5. The stem of corn varies greatly in length in different varieties, the usual length being 5 to 10 feet.

6. Planting machines being used, a smaller amount of seed is required.

7. Winter wheat having been sown in August, its roots can develop well before winter.

8. The soil containing much plant food, the crops will produce high yields.

9. There are many root crops grown by man the most important being sugar beets, carrots and radishes.


Find in the text answers to the following questions.


1. What is plant breeding?

2. What was the most important method of improving crop plantsin the past?

3. What was the basis of developing new improved varieties?

4. What sciences does plant breeding depend on?

5. What is the aim of a plant breeder?

6. What are desired characteristics with wheat?

7. What three general methods of crop improvement are most commonly used?

8. What is hybridization?

9. How can progress in crop breeding be measured?


Enumerate the plant characteristics which can be varied by selection.

Find key sentences in the text and use them for retelling.

Skim text B and find in the text answers to the following questions. Use dictionary if necessary.


1. What is plant improvement based on?

2. What are three main ways of the improvement of plants?

3. How many introductions of wheat have been made in the United States?

4. What is selection?

5. What does the method of selection consist of?

Text B

Methods of Plant Improvement.Plant improvement is based on the principles or laws of heredity which are included in the science known as genetics. Many of the principles and techniques used in plant breeding are complex and to understand them fully intensive study and training are required. Thus only the general methods of crop improvement will be presented and discussed here. In general the improvement of plants is brought about in three broadly different ways. They are introduction, selection, and hybridization. Each has been used successfully to provide us with improved varieties.

Introduction. Many of the important crop plants grown in the USAhave been not native to the United States. Actually many thousands of plants have been introduced from other parts of the world, but only a few of the best are grown commercially. Over 8,000 introductions of wheat alone have been made into the United States. These and many others have been valuable not only from the standpoint of providing the farmers with new varieties that could be grown commercially, but, in addition, they have been a source of breeding material for use in the development of new, improved varieties.

Selection. Selection is a simple, but important method of improving plants. As the name suggeststhis method consists of selecting the outstanding types and discarding those that are undesirable, because of certain characteristics being possessed by them.

For example, in small grains, plants resistant to lodging may be selected; and with alfalfa those capable of surviving in severe winters are to be retained. After a period of testing, during which plants are selected for certain desired traits or characteristics, a superior strain may be developed. Improvement by selection cannot be accomplished, however, unless the variety from which the selections are being made possesses some plants containing the characteristics desired.

Moreover, improvement by this method is not possible unless the qualities of the superior types of plants can be readily detected.

As a result it is necessary that keen observation based on experience and scientific knowledge should be made in selecting the most desirable plants.


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