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Translate the sentences paying attention to the construction «Complex Subject».

1. Corn is known to belong to the tropical plants.

2. Corn is thought to be a native of America.

3. Corn is said to be introduced into Europe by Columbus.

4. Corn is known to produce a larger total yield than the other cereals.

5. The depth of planting is known to vary with the condition of the soil.

6. The corn is known to have a fibrous root system.

7. The term cereals is considered to include the plants of the grass family which are used as food.

8. Wheat, rye, oats, barley, rice and corn are known to belong to the class of cereals.

9. Amaranth is considered to be the most promising cereal crop to come along in recent years.

10. Corn is known to produce a larger total yield than other cereals.

Answer the following questions.

1. What plants does corn belong to?

2. What are the leading countries in the production of corn?

3. Where is corn a native of?

4. Who introduced corn into Europe?

5. What is corn botanically?

6. What plant family does corn belong to?

7. What are corn roots?

8. Describe corn stems.

9. What are climatic requirements of corn?

10. How many days does the growing season of corn last?

11. What corn varieties are grown in the northern regions?

12. What soils does corn grow best on?


Find key sentences in each paragraph.Make up the plan of retelling.


Give the short summary of the text.

Skim text B and find in it answers to the following questions.

1. What is the origin of corn?

2. What family of plants does corn belong to?

3. Is corn a warm weather plant?

4. Does it require much water?

5. On what soils does corn do best?

6. What does corn planting depth vary with?

7. What is corn grown for?


Text B


Corn is believed to have been a highly developed cultivated crop in the New World long before its discovery. The origin of corn is unknown since the plant has been found only under cultivation. Now corn is more widely distributed over the world than any other cereal crop. Corn is a member of the grass family. It is an extremely variable plant and there exist a large number of varieties that differ widely in size and shape. Corn is a warm-weather plant that requires high temperatures day and night during the growing season. It has been found to be highly susceptible to frost injury at the time of its growth. Actually corn requires a relatively small amount of water for each pound of dry matter produced, its high water requirement being due to the potential high acre production. When growing rapidly in July and August, corn needs much water because of the high rate of evaporation from the soil and transpiration from the leaves.

Corn makes its best growth if planted in a fertile, well-drained, loam soil. Besides, soils high inorganic matter are ideal for this crop, for they have a high water-holding capacity. In addition to fertile soil and adequate moisture an abundance of sunshine is necessary for the plants to manufacture large quantities of food to be stored in the grain. Cool, cloudy weather results in heavy vegetative growth and low yields of grain. The object is to plant corn at the depth that will provide optimum soil temperature and water and result in rapid germination. Corn planting depth varies widely with the soil conditions and climate. As corn should be planted deep enough to place the seed in contact with warm moist soil, the usual depth is 2 to 3 inches in rows from 30 to 40 inches apart. The soil being rather cold, the depth of 1 to 1 ½ inches may be advisable. Corn is cultivated primarily to control weeds and to a less extent to conserve moisture and aerate the soil. Corn is grown principally for grain, fodder, silage, pasturing. Nearly 90% of the corn grain is used directly as livestock feed. When cut for silage or harvested for fodder, corn does not usually leave the farm on which it is produced. Corn has numerous industrial uses. Its stems and leaves seems to have been used for making paper from the ancient times.



the New World– НовыйСвет

from the ancient times–сдавнихвремен

water-holdingcapacity– способность удерживать влагу, влагоемкость

inch – дюйм

fodder – зеленыйкорм


17. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

“to vary, to vary in, to vary from, variety, various, variable, variation”.


1. The method of applying fertilizers … the crop grow and the type of fertilizers to be used.

2. The depth of corn seeding … … 1 … 3 inches, depending on the soil temperature.

3. The stem of corn plant is found to be more … in size and height than that of any other cereal.

4. The external factors influencing plant growth are moisture, suitable temperature, oxygen, plant … and light.

5. Water-holding capacity of different soils … greatly, being the highest in soil rich in organic matter.

6. The first step in the improvement of any crop is the selection of the best … for given conditions.

7. Fertilizing materials for this crop … … nature and rate of application, being determined to a great extent by the character of the soil on which it is grown.

8. Great … in the size of corn plant and in the time of its maturing is mainly due to the environment in which the crop is grown.


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