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Say in English what is the role of water in growing crops.

Write out key sentences from the text and use them for retelling the text.

Translate text C using a dictionary.

Text C

During his existence on the Earth man has depended upon the soil, either directly or indirectly. The soil is the only source for the production of raw materials used by us for food and clothing. The growth and development of all cultivated plants is greatly dependent on the fertility of the soil. Grains, fruits and vegetables are food products obtained by man directly from the soil. Domestic animals consume grain and forage produced by the soil and in their turn supply us with meat, milk, eggs, and other products used for human food. They supply us with wool and leather for the manufacture of clothing as well. Soils vary in a number of characteristics. Some soils are rich in all kinds of food required by plants; some are rich in certain elements but deficient in other. All agricultural soils contain some organic matter mixed in different proportions with the mineral one. Fragments of all kinds of minerals and rocks as well as life remains of all the plants and animals may be found in the soil and make a home for plant development. Plants require favourable soil and climate condition. These are a continuous supply of water, plant food, heat, light and air. Soils can be subdivided into fine sandy soil, sandy soil, loam soil, sandy-loam soil, silt-loam soil, podzol soil, limy soil, chernozem (black earth soil), brown soil, red soil. In his management of the soil the farmer may do much to regulate the supply of water and organic matter. One of the most important tasks is the proper management and preservation of the soil. Plant growth and yields can be increased by applying certain recommended soil management practices liming, as a rule, immediate yield increases. Good soil management results in better yields and lower cost per unit of production.

Unit 11

Crop Rotation

Pretext Exercises

Give the Russian equivalents of the following international words.


selective, periodic, periodical, limit, unlimited, fixation, resource, economic, situation, effective, balance, organic, inorganic, productivity, natural, practice, rotation, correction, fixer, reason, condition, management


Find in the text nouns derived from the following verbs.


to till, to maintain, to alter, to penetrate, to add, to contribute, to know, to depend, to correct, to apply, to differ, to rotate, to improve, to cultivate, to distribute, to erose

Vocabulary list

1. crop rotation – севооборот

2. loss – потеря

3. tilth– состояние почвы

4. maintenance – сохранение, поддержание

5. alteration – чередование

6. barnyardmanure – навоз, органическое удобрение

7. to follow – следовать

8. penetration – проникновение

9. residents – остатки

10. drylandcondition – почва без орошения, богарные условия

11. residual – остаточный

12. sequence – последовательность

13. addition – добавление

14. to contribute – способствовать

15. shallow rooted – поверхностно-укореняемый

16. deep rooted – глубоко-укореняемый

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