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Agree or disagree with the following statements(True or False).


1. Only nitrogenous, phosphoric, and potassium fertilizers should be applied for soil fertility improvement.

2. Too much nitrogen in the soil may increase plant susceptibility to certain disease.

3. Too little phosphorous in the soil may cause lodging of the crop.

4. Mixed fertilizers should contain not more than two fertilizer elements.

5. Perennial crops often receive fertilizers several times during the season.

6. Corn is usually given top dressing in early spring.

7. Soil acidity can be corrected by lime used at any time of the year.

Find “Complex Subject” in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. Too much nitrogen in the soil is known to cause lodging of the crop.

2. Top dressing is considered to be the best way of applying fertilizers to this crop.

3. Such fertilizer mixture is believed to be of great use on this soil.

4. This variety was supposed to be more frost-resistant that the one we were growing before.

5. Phosphatic fertilizers are expected to produce rather high increase in yield on this soil.

6. Lime is known to be applied to correct soil acidity.

7. Soils of this area are said to be highly deficient in organic matter.

8. Legumes are known to be grown both for human food and for soil improvement.

9. Broadcast application of fertilizers is supposed to spread the material more evenly over the soil surface.

10. The method of harvesting used depends on many factors, proper maturity being one of the most important.


11. Define the function of “ing” forms and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Applying fertilizers, we may essentially increase the yield.

2. Farmers applying fertilizers to this crop usually obtain good results.

3. Farmers applying proper fertilizers, the yields are usually much higher.

4. Having applied the soil with organic matter, the collective farm obtained a good yield of small grains.

5. Being adapted to potato growing, these sandy loams will produce tubers of the highest quality.

6. Among the factors influencing crop production climate is the most important one.

7. Preparing the seedbed is one of the important operations in crop growing.

8. Planting the seed, we use farm machines in order to make the work easier.


Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary.


1. Внесение удобрений, как известно, улучшает плодородие почвы.

2. Удобрение нужно вносить тогда, когда растения в них нуждаются.

3. Иногда удобрения приходится вносить несколько раз в течение вегетационного периода.

4. Существуют различные методы внесения удобрений, главные из них внесение вразброс, поверхностная подкормка и междурядная подкормка.

5. Часто нужно вносить смесь удобрений, содержащую несколько питательных элементов.

6. Слишком большое количество удобрений может оказать вредное действие на почву.

7. Известь, используемая для исправления кислотности почвы, можно вносить в любое время года.

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