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Complete the Personal Time Survey to define your studying hours.

Questions for discussion:

1) Do you think your studying hours the survey shows are enough for you as a student?

2) Do you reckon, you spent your studying time efficiently?

3) Would you like to get more hours of studying for yourself?

4) Do you believe such kinds of surveys be useful in time managing?


Prepared by the Self-Development Centre, a Service of the Counselling and Student Development Centre, George Mason University


Lesson 5


If we look up the word "management" in Longman Dic­tionary of Contemporary English, we will read the following definition: the act or skill of dealing with a situation that needs to be controlled in some way. It's very important to be able to control stress, to manage our own time, to find peaceful solutions to problems in conflict situations. This chapter will tell you what actually stress is, how to cope with it and make profit of it.

Part I.

Words to master:

wear and tear – амортизація, втома

to adjust – пристосовуватися

to compel – заставляти, примушувати

aware­ness – поінформованість, компетентність

rejection – відмова, неприйняття

rash – висип

ul­cer – язва

stroke – удар

circumstance – обставина, випадок

to hinder – заважати, ускладнювати

Translate the sentences using the words from the list:

a) You cannot compel good work from unwilling students.

b) This is all the wear and tear of life.

c) He gave him a smart stroke on the cheek.

d) He's a con man with an incurable ulcer called gambling.

e) Every time John is nervous rash breaks out.

f) The weather is a circumstance to be taken into consideration.

g) Your endless talking hinders me from my work; please be quiet!

h) Your rejection to come was a total surprise for the others.

i) Do not make me adjust to her constant rudeness!

j) His awareness in everything that goes around fascinates a lot of his friends.

Read and translate the text:

What is Stress?

Stress is the "wear and tear" our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing environment; it has physical and emotional effects on us and can create posi­tive or negative feelings.

As a positive influence, stress can help compelus to action; it can result in a new aware­ness and an exciting new perspective. As a negative influence, it can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger, and depression, which in turn can lead to health problems such as headaches, upset stomach, rashes, insomnia, ul­cers, high blood pressure, heart dis­ease, and stroke.

We experience stress as we readjust our lives. In so adjusting to different circumstances, stress will help or hinder us depending on how we react to it.


Find English equivalents to the following word combinations:

a) Середовище, яке постійно змінюється

b) Фізичний та емоційний вплив

c) Позитивні чи негативні відчуття

d) Нова вражаюча перспектива

e) Призводити до проблем зі здоров’ям

f) Високий кров’яний тиск

g) Відчувати стрес

h) Пристосовувати наше життя

Choose the correct word:

1) I understand that this is really difficult for you, but still you have to (understand, like, adjust) to your new school.

2) He’s at hospital now. He has got a heart (bomb, stroke, beat) this night.

3) They will not understand your (desire, rejection, believe) to drive them to the air-port.

4) Tom was not allowed to eat any fried food since he had a bad (ulcer, breath, cough).

5) The crimes rejection to cooperate (hindered, prevented, helped) to finish the case.

6) Little Rob has eaten too much candy, surely, tomorrow he’s going to have a(running nose, head ache, rush).


Answer the questions:

1. What is tress?

2. What positive effect can stress have on us?

3. What negative effect does stress have on us?

Questions for discussion:

1. Do you personally feel stress in your life?

2. What physical impact does stress have on your body?

Part II. (As you have cleared to yourself what stress is, there can occur some questions you may ask. Here are a couple of them)

Words to master:

anticipation – очікування, передчуття

to thrive – процвітати, розростатися

deadline – строк закінчення, кінцевий термін

frustration – відчуття розчарування, зрив, крах

enrichment - збагачення

insufficient – недостатній, невідповідний, непідходящий

dejected – сумний, печальний, подавлений

requirement – вимога, необхідна умова

response – відповідь, відгук

arbitrate – вирішувати в арбітражному порядку, бути арбітражним суддею

to tolerate – зносити, терпіти, допускати

unrelieved – не звільнений, безпомічний, безвихідний

to reduce – скорочувати, послаблювати, зменшувати

to improve – покращувати, вдосконалювати, поправляти

to be aware – знати

sufficient – достатній, обґрунтований

to pro­ceed – продовжувати, поновлювати, розвиватися

Translate the sentences using the words from the list:

a) They were aware of the difficulties.

b) They gave a witty response to her word.

c) We have been able to reduce our tax bill by 10%

d) He had not sufficient courage for it.

e) Нe stood in the street looking dejected.

f) I am fed up with the frustrations of everyday life.

g) What are his requirements?

h) He improved his German.

i) The deadline for applications is May 21st.

j) ever mind the interruption, proceed with your story.

k) I throve on a diet of oatmeal, mutton and strong tea.

l) How was it that she could tolerate such noise?

m) We are in such a state of excitement in anticipation of political news.

n) Every book you read make an enrichment to your intelligence.

o) to arbitrate a dispute between neighbors

p) It's insufficient to cite only one example.

q) We all have passed through unrelieved sadness.

Read and translate the text:

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